Assault Battles

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Assault Battles are a special type of event that require you to play through 8 waves of enemies. Each Assault Battle features a different faction of enemies and requires you to use a different faction of characters to defeat it. Assault Battles have multiple tiers: Tier I (Hard), Tier II (Very Hard), Bonus Tier, Mythic Tier, Challenge Tier I, Challenge Tier II, and Challenge Tier III. Each tier is a harder version of the previous one with identical enemies that have higher levels, gear levels, health and damage. Mythic Tier will be significantly harder than previous tiers and may have different enemy compositions for waves.

  • Victory counts are not shared between the tiers and Tier I and Tier II are able to be refreshed.
  • Assault Battles events run for 24 hours, but are sometimes scheduled to last for 48 hours.
  • Each Assault Battle has a special ability that characters can use, this ability sometimes changes dependent on the character's faction.

Event-Duel of the Fates.png
Event-Fanatical Devotion.png
Event-Forest Moon.png
Event-Ground War.png
Event-Military Might.png
Event-Places of Power.png
Event-Rebel Roundup.png
Event-Secrets and Shadows.png