Community Content/Websites and Tools
Many websites, web apps, tools, and other resources have been made by players in the community. This page will serve as a directory for the websites, web apps, and spreadsheets that have been made for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes.
Creating a new page for community content
If you know of a resource that is missing from the wiki please consider adding it. Always check to make sure a page doesn't already exist or contain the community content you are looking to add. If it does not exist anywhere decide if it should have it's own page or just be added to an already existing one. If a new page needs to be created use the steps below.
The page should be created in the following format: Community Content/Websites and Tools/nameOfContent (Optional: by creator)
- Community Content/Websites/SWGOHEVENTS.COM
Make sure the page is created with the Community Content/Websites and Tools/ at the beginning of it. You can use the inputbox above to help with creating it or type it into the search bar. After creating the page make sure you add a link to this page.
- /r/swgalaxyofheroes - Main Reddit sub for the game.
- EA official forums - Official forum for the game
- - Website about events in SWGOH. It keeps track of events and has a few very useful tools such as the panic farm tool. SWGoH Events
- - Provides guides for various events as well as modding advice.
- Boba's Alliance - Website for the Boba's community with multiple guides and tutorials including counters.
- SWGOH.TV - Aggregated YouTube and Twitch videos specifically for SWGOH.
- FFM-Heroes - German website of the FFM-Heroes Guild where you can inquire about joining or find useful guides and information.
- WookieeNews - Español website for the WookieNews Twitch and Youtube channels that includes information on the game.
Web Apps
- Provides a wide range of general game statistics as well as detailed information on each player's roster.
- Links: SWGoH.GG, SWGOH.GG Discord
- SWGOH Progress Indicator that provides information on whether your toons are ready for various events in the game. Has not been updated in a long time.
- Links: SWGOH.HELP, SWGOH.Help Discord
- Grandivory's Mods Optimizer
- Tool that you can use to optimize your mod loadouts.
- Links: Grandivory's Mods Optimizer, Grandivory's Mods Optimizer Discord
- SWGOH Team Manager
- Links: SWGOH Team Manager
- EchoBase
- Allows planning out Territory Battle Platoons and sending assignments to the EchoStation Bot.
- Links: EchoBase, EchoBase Discord
- Interactive Geonosis TB Map
- Interactive map for Geonosis Territory Battles that includes points and team recommendations.
- Links: Interactive Geonosis TB Map
- HotUtils
- Web App version of HotBot that is included with the HotBot subscription. Offers additional tools beyond what HotBot can do.
- Links: HotUtils, HotUtils Discord
Spreadsheets are a valuable application that players can use to keep track of things within the game. Some spreadsheets are made to just be informative while others have interactive functionality making them similar to web apps. Below is a list of spreadsheets found around the community. If you have one you would like to add please follow the steps below.
Creating a new page for community content
If you know of a resource that is missing from the wiki please consider adding it. Always check to make sure a page doesn't already exist or contain the community content you are looking to add. If it does not exist anywhere decide if it should have it's own page or just be added to an already existing one. If a new page needs to be created use the steps below.
The page should be created in the following format: Community Content/Spreadsheets/nameOfContent (Optional: by creator)
- Community Content/Spreadsheets/SWGoH Companion by Kidori
Make sure the page is created with the Community Content/Spreadsheets/ at the beginning of it. You can use the inputbox above to help with creating it or type it into the search bar. After creating the page make sure you add a link to this page.
- CPit Rancor Teams by Planet Coruscant Discord - Google spreadsheet tracking useful teams for Challenge Pit raid.
- Best Datacrons for Teams by AhnaldT101 - Google spreadsheet ranking best datacron options for teams in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes.
Interactive Tools
These sheets use apis that pull data straight from the game to be used in the sheets. They will require making a copy of them in order to perform any of the built in functionality.
Build Your Own
- SWGoH Essential Sheet by Kidori - Google spreadsheet that uses the api or comlink api to grab data from the game and load it into tabs. You can then use that data to build your own tabs and tools with. Available in any language the game can be in. File is accessible in Kidori's SWGOH Tools Discord.
- SWGoH Core Sheet by SWGOH SHEETS Team - Google spreadsheet that uses the api to grab data from the game and load it into tabs. You can then use that data to build your own tabs and tools with.
Ready to Use Tools
- SWGoH Companion by Kidori - Google spreadsheet that helps you track and plan everything for your account. Currently in Beta with tools only available for Mods and GAC with more coming. File is accessible in Kidori's SWGOH Tools Discord
- Journey Tracker by Goldane & Jimothie - Google spreadsheet for checking guild rosters to see how close everyone is to meeting the requirements for Galactic Legends.
- GAC Manager by Delmon Ciiid'r - Google spreadsheet for comparing rosters with GAC opponents in your bracket.
- Territory Battles Template by team on SWGOH Sheets Discord - Google spreadsheet to help set up coordination for platoons and stars for Territory Battles. Includes integration with Discord.