Endor Escalation Quick Guide

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Some of these points echo points made in the Quickish Guide To Murder Bears, if you follow that guide for developing your murder bears you will have no problem eventually completing this event. If you are looking to hit the minimum for this event and move on, then keep reading.

This event is one of two revolving around a particular faction and focus character. In this case the faction is Ewoks and the character is Wicket. The other is Defense of Dathomir with Nightsisters and Talzin.

In both cases the first tier of the event requires that you use only the specified faction, but the second tier of the event has a different requirement in that you need a 7* of the focus character (Wicket or Talzin) in your possession, but you can use any team you want to complete Tier 2. Even if you have no desire to use the faction to the maximum it's still worth getting a powerful enough team to complete Tier 1 and then getting the focus character to 7* as Tier 2 gives out two zeta materials each time it is completed (first time bonus includes more stuff).

For the Ewok event the ideal team in T1 is Chirpa (L), Paploo, Elder, Scout or Wicket and Logray. This is not coincidentally the ideal team composition for Ewoks in general. Teebo is generally pretty bad when used with the other Ewoks in comparison to any of the other options. That said, I'll explore the Teebo option for this event since he is easy to farm and many people have him leveled for Pit.

Scout vs Wicket - If you have Wicket at or above G8 then you can certainly use him, but Scout is perfectly adequate for this event and most people have him available at a level where he can be thrown in right away. Scout is actually one of the Ewoks you really cannot do without in this scenario as he deals out very high damage. You either need him or Wicket.

That said, I'll try to give you a sense of what will make it easier to complete at a minimum. Having done it with what I would consider a very low end team that could win inconsistently and then gradually built into an easily repeatable winner I think I have a pretty good sense of what you need.

Minimum Character Requirements

Unless otherwise noted you don't need any omegas or zetas and I'm assuming you have bumped them to level 85. If they aren't at 85 you're at a significant disadvantage. For individual abilities you don't have to bump them all the way to 7, but it can't hurt. Ideally you get their basic attacks up there since there are a lot of assist calls in their repertoire.

Chirpa (L) 4* G8: You need Chirpa as the leader. You can't use Teebo as the leader and get through this with a lower end Ewok squad. No way. Make sure to get his leader ability to level 7 and max out Tribal Unity.

Omegas: Tribal Unity -- Everyone attacks with 50% less damage or everyone attacks. The choice is obvious. This makes a big difference.

Ewok Scout 6-7* G8-G9: If you've played for a while you probably have this guy at a high star level anyway just off bronzium draws. At 6* add more gear, but at 7* G8 is enough.

Omegas: As many as possible. Overall the more the better if you use him as they are all worth having. Rushing Attack though is a must since it calls an assist.

Paploo 5* G8: Even at G8 Paploo can suck up damage pretty well. Load him up on health mods with speed as his basic dispels buffs and he has +25% speed when he isn't taunting. You like all of that.

Logray 5* G8-G9: He isn't farmable except from Guild Store and shipments, but you can get away with 5* pretty easily since Paploo takes the heat off him, Chirpa hands out healing and Elder can bring him back.

Ewok Elder 6-7* G8-G9: You can probably get away with 5* using certain combinations, but of all of them he needs to survive since he is dispelling debuffs and reviving so the runs will be more consistent with him at 6 or 7. You need only G8 7*


Teebo 7* G8: I'm assuming you have him at 7*, because it's really easy to get him there. If you intend to use him then just push him to 7*. He works out pretty well in combination with Wicket. The TM gain at level 7 for his Ewok Scramble Tactics is very helpful.

Wicket 4* G6- Even at 4* this little guy is a monster. Don't have Paploo or Logray? Throw him in. He can make Teebo better since he gives out stealth with his special as well as calling the target Ewok to assist, but overall you would still rather have Paploo than Teebo.

Team Combinations

There are a variety of combinations that can win this. Ideally have Chirpa in the lead. The only two that you always want are Chirpa and Elder.

Ideal Team

Chirpa, Logray, Wicket, Paploo, Elder: This team is the standard one most people would use, but at lower star and gear levels it might not be as effective.

Usable Team

Chirpa, Scout, Wicket, Teebo, Elder: This team deals out a lot of damage with both Scout and Wicket in there. Attacking the AT-ST directly as noted in Event Strategy works well with this combination.

Character Mods:

Overall, speed. The faster the better. They don't hit hard so you want to hit often. At the bare minimum range of gear and stars you want to augment health and protection as much as you can as well.

Event Strategy

Phase 1: AT-ST

Attack the AT-ST directly until it goes down. That's basically it. Ignore the scout troopers on the side. When the AT-ST goes down they go down as well. Use everything against the AT-ST. Don't let Elder go down. Use Paploo's taunt. Call Elder to assist whenever possible to get that TM gain from his basic. It's fine if anyone other than Elder goes down as you should be saving Elder's revive special for just such an occasion. In P1 and P3 you can use Logray's Hypnotize or Teebo's basic (with stealth) to kill off the AT-ST's turn meter.

Phase 2: Stormtroopers with AT-ST being a jerk in the background

Ideally you take out the Recon Stormtrooper first as his AOE can really take a toll on the furry monsters. After that start whittling away at the Commander since he heals everyone. If the Stormtrooper throws up taunt this is where Paploo or Teebo come in handy with the dispel.

Phase 3: AT-ST Strikes Back

See phase 1. No, really, just hit the one in the middle.

Phase 4: Attack Of The Clones

It's like P2 only there are more of them! Once again you have to make a decision as to whether you can knock off the Recon Troopers before the Commander heals them or if you want to go for the Commander first. The Recon Trooper bombs in combination with the AT-ST fire can really take a toll on the bears. Fur is flammable! In my experience the Commander will not throw up the heal unless one of the other guys is in the yellow range. I've been able to knock out the Recon Troopers with Scout's special after whittling off some health even though they were not in the yellow. This stage is where Paploo really shines with his basic since you have two STs that can taunt and block you from hitting the weaker Recon Troopers and Commander.

Phase 5: Revenge of the AT-ST

P5 looks a lot like P1 and P3 only the AT-ST driver has gotten a hold of some performance enhancing drugs and you can no longer remove TM from him. I play this one the same as the first two though and attack the AT-ST until he goes down.

Note: Attacking the guys on the side in the AT-ST stages

I have a much easier time ignoring them. Once I started ignoring them the AT-ST stages became a lot easier overall. YMMV. Generally all they do is put a target lock on someone and it's usually Paploo since he is taunting. Then the AT-ST will one shot him if he gets a chance. There are numerous ways to avoid this, but even if he goes down I revive him with Elder. By the time they get around to doing it again I've usually got the AT-ST down. Trying to beat the side guys up just gives the AT-ST more time to attack you.