Template:Barriss Offee Abilities

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Tex.ability bariss basic.png Invigorating Strike
Basic Ability Material Omega Level 8

Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 45% chance for all allies to recover 6% of Barriss Offee's Max Health.
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Tex.ability bariss special01.png Force Healer
Special Ability Material Omega Level 8
4 Turn Cooldown

All allies have their current Health percentages equalized. (Health equalizing effects ignore Healing Immunity.) Then, each ally recovers 15% of their Max Health and gains Defense Up for 2 turns.
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Tex.abilityui passive hp.png No One Left Behind
Leader Ability Material Omega Level 8

Jedi allies gain 20% Max Health, and other allies gain half that amount. In addition, at the start of each of their turns, Jedi allies heal for 8% of Barriss Offee's Max Health, and other allies heal half that amount.
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Tex.abilityui passive removeharmful.png Swift Recovery
Unique Ability Material Zeta Level 8

At the end of each of her turns, Barriss dispels all debuffs from the weakest debuffed ally and gains 10% Turn Meter for each debuff removed.

Whenever an ally is critically hit, that ally recovers 20% Health and Barriss gains 10% Turn Meter.
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Swift Recovery