Template:Boushh (Leia Organa) Abilities

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Tex.ability boushh basic.png Ambidextrous Assault
Basic Ability Material Omega Level 8

Deal Special damage to target enemy and inflict a Thermal Detonator for 2 turns. If the ally in the Leader slot is Hutt Cartel, this attack can't be evaded. If the ally in the Leader slot is Bounty Hunter, inflict Defense Down for 2 turns. If it's Boushh's turn and the ally in the Leader slot is Smuggler, attack again.
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Tex.ability boushh special01.png Inventive
Special Ability Material Omega Level 8
3 Turn Cooldown

Deal Special damage to all enemies and detonate all Thermal Detonators. Then, inflict a Thermal Detonator for 2 turns on all enemies.
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Tex.abilityui passive brutalbargainer.png Brutal Bargainer
Leader Ability Material Omega Level 8

Bounty Hunter allies gain 25% Max Health and Max Protection, and enemies with Deadly Bluff lose 25% Tenacity. At the end of each turn, dispel all buffs on enemies with both Deadly Bluff and Thermal Detonator.

Contract: Defeat an enemy with damage from Thermal Detonators.

Reward: All Bounty Hunter allies have their Payouts activated and are immune to Stun. Additionally, enemies can't be revived.
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Tex.abilityui passive fearless.png Fearless
Unique Ability Material Zeta Level 8

Boushh is immune to Fear. At the start of battle, Boushh gains 1 stack of My Kind of Scum until the end of battle, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. At the start of the encounter, all enemies gain Deadly Bluff for 3 turns. At the end of each turn, if an enemy with Deadly Bluff was inflicted with any Thermal Detonators, inflict an additional Thermal Detonator for 2 turns.

If all allies were Hutt Cartel at the start of battle, enemies with Deadly Bluff can't attack out of turn and if they have both Deadly Bluff and Thermal Detonator, they lose 25 Speed. If the ally in the Leader slot is Hutt Cartel and not a Galactic Legend, Boushh is immune to Turn Meter manipulation. Boushh will assist (limit once per turn) whenever another Hutt Cartel ally uses an ability during their turn and target enemy has Deadly Bluff.

My Kind of Scum: +10% Max Health and Defense

Deadly Bluff: Boushh's Abilities gain additional effects against this character
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Tex.abilityui passive ubeseogygiancloak.png Ubese Ogygian Cloak
Unique Ability Material Omicron Level 8

Boushh and Light Side Smuggler allies gain 5% Armor Penetration, 15% Offense, 10% Potency, and 10 Speed. If the ally in the Leader slot is Hutt Cartel, Boushh and Light Side Smuggler allies are immune to Ability Block and Stun, and these bonuses are doubled. Light Side Smuggler allies gain 20% Critical Chance.

While in Raids: The max cooldown of Inventive is reduced by 1. If the ally in the Leader slot is Hutt Cartel, when Fearless inflicts a Thermal Detonator, all Hutt Cartel allies gain 10% Armor Penetration (max 200%), 20% Offense (max 400%), 20% Potency (max 400%), and 10 Speed (max 100).
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Ubese Ogygian Cloak

Tex.abilityui passive contract.png Boushh's Payout
Contract Ability Material Omega Level 3

Whenever Boushh receives Rewards from a Contract, they also gain the following Payout. (Contracts are granted by certain Bounty Hunter Leader abilities.)

Payout: Inflict 3 Thermal Detonators for 2 turns on all enemies. Ambidextrous Assault and Inventive inflict 1 additional Thermal Detonator until the end of battle. If all allies were Hutt Cartel at the start of battle, the cooldown of Inventive is reset and the max cooldown is reduced by 1.
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