Template:Cad Bane Abilities

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Tex.ability cadbane basic.png Gun Slinger
Basic Ability Material Omega Level 8

Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 65% chance to attack again. Inflict Accuracy Down on target enemy for 2 turns. Cad Bane gains 15% Turn Meter for each Critical Hit.
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Tex.ability cadbane special01.png Stun Glove
Special Ability Material Omega Level 8
3 Turn Cooldown

Deal Physical damage to target enemy, dispel all buffs on them and Stun them for 1 turn. In addition, remove 50% Turn Meter, doubled against Jedi enemies. If the target is debuffed, remove 25% of their Max Protection (stacking). This attack can't be Evaded.
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Tex.abilityui passive dodge.png At Your Service
Leader Ability Material Omega Level 8

Bounty Hunter allies have +100% Potency and gain Advantage for 2 turns when they inflict a debuff. When Cad Bane is in the Leader slot, and not the Ally slot, the following Contract is active:

Contract: Inflict 20 debuffs on enemies. (Only Bounty Hunter allies can contribute to the Contract.)

Reward: All enemies have -50% Tenacity for the rest of the battle. All Bounty Hunter allies have their Payouts activated.
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Tex.abilityui passive attack buff.png For The Right Price
Unique Ability Material Omega Level 8

Cad Bane has +30% Critical Chance and +30% Critical Damage. When Cad Bane inflicts a debuff, he recovers 5% Max Health and 5% Max Protection. When Cad Bane scores a Critical Hit, he has a 50% chance to reduce his cooldowns by 1.
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Tex.abilityui passive contract.png Cad Bane's Payout
Contract Ability Material Omega Level 3

Whenever Cad Bane receives Rewards from a Contract, he also gains the following Payout. (Contracts are granted by certain Bounty Hunter Leader Abilities.)

Payout: Cad Bane has +25% Evasion. Inflict Thermal Detonator for 2 turns on attacking enemy when Cad Bane Evades. This Thermal Detonator can't be Evaded.
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