Template:Cal Kestis Abilities

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Tex.ability calkestis basic.png Overhead Slash
Basic Ability Material Omega Level 8

Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Defense Down and Speed Down for 1 turn. While Cal is at certain Health thresholds, this ability gains different benefits:

- While at or below 75% Health: Gain Health Steal Up for 1 turn
- While at or below 60% Health: Attack again and inflict Critical Chance Down for 1 turn
- While at or below 40% Health: Attack a third time and inflict Daze for 1 turn
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Tex.ability calkestis special01.png Help Me, BD-1
Special Ability Material Omega Level 8
3 Turn Cooldown

Dispel all debuffs on target ally and they recover 45% Health. If the target ally is full Health, they recover 30% Protection instead. If the target ally is full Health and full Protection, grant them Critical Hit Immunity for 2 turns instead. If the target ally is Light Side, they gain Accuracy Up for 2 turns.
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Tex.ability calkestis special02.png Not So Fast
Special Ability Material Zeta Level 8
3 Turn Cooldown

Inflict Evasion Down, Speed Down, and Tenacity Down on all enemies for 2 turns and all allies gain Critical Damage Up and Speed Up for 2 turns. All Unaligned Force User allies gain 3% Turn Meter for each debuff resisted by enemies. If an enemy already had Speed Down, they are Stunned for 1 turn.
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Not So Fast

Tex.abilityui passive impersistent.png I'm Persistent
Unique Ability Material Omicron Level 8

At the start of battle, all Unaligned Force User allies gain 30% Max Health and 30% Tenacity. Whenever an ally is critically hit they and Cal recover 5% Health and Protection. If the ally is also a Light or Dark Side Unaligned Force User they and Cal gain Protection Up (10%, stacking, max 50%) for 2 turns.

For each Special ability used by each other character, Cal gains a stack of Persistence, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. If an opponent takes the first turn in an encounter, Cal gains 15 stacks of Persistence.

Persistence: At the start of his turn, Cal does the following based on the number of stacks of Persistence that he has:

- 10+ stacks: He and all Unaligned Force User allies gain Foresight for 2 turns
- 20+ stacks: He and all Unaligned Force User allies gain Defense Up and Protection Up (30%) for 2 turns
- 30 stacks: He inflicts Ability Block and Buff Immunity on all enemies for 2 turns, which can't be evaded or resisted, and all allies gain 50% Turn Meter, this effect is doubled for Light Side Unaligned Force Users; stacks of Persistence are reset

While in Territory Wars and if there is an ally Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) with an upgraded Omicron: Ahsoka's solo Omicron effects are no longer disabled when she has allies; this effect persists through defeat.
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I'm Persistent