Template:Canderous Ordo Abilities

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Tex.ability canderous basic.png Interminable Assault
Basic Ability Material Omega Level 8

Deal Physical damage and attack again. If the enemy had Protection before this attack, Canderous attacks for a third time and inflicts Tenacity Down for 2 turns.
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Tex.ability canderous special01.png Overwhelming Firepower
Special Ability Material Omega Level 8
3 Turn Cooldown

Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Offense Down for 2 turns. This attack ignores Defense.
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Tex.abilityui passive penetration.png I Like a Challenge
Unique Ability Material Zeta Level 8

Canderous deals 50% more damage with Interminable Assault and Overwhelming Firepower to enemies who are Taunting, Deathmarked or Marked. Whenever an enemy is damaged by an attack, Canderous gains 8% Turn Meter. When an enemy gains Taunt, or becomes Deathmarked or Marked, Canderous gains Critical Chance Up and Critical Damage Up for 2 turns.
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I Like a Challenge

Tex.abilityui passive mandalorian.png Mandalorian Veteran
Unique Ability Material Omega Level 8

At the start of battle, Canderous gains 10% Health Steal and Potency for each Mandalorian, Old Republic, and Scoundrel ally. Whenever Canderous deals damage to an enemy, he inflicts a Damage Over Time effect for 2 turns.
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