Template:Captain Drogan Abilities

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70px Coordinated Shot
Basic Ability Material Zeta Level 8

Deal Special damage to target enemy. If the ally in the Leader slot is a Tank, this attack can't be evaded.

If it's Drogan's turn, Stun target enemy for 1 turn. If it's not Drogan's turn and the enemy is Empire, inflict Offense Down for 1 turn.
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Coordinated Shot

70px Fire Support
Special Ability Material Omega Level 8
3 Turn Cooldown

Dispel all buffs and deal Special damage twice to target enemy. If they were already debuffed, deal Special damage an additional time. Inflict Burning on target enemy for 2 turns.

If target enemy was already Burning, inflict it on a random enemy that doesn't already have it.
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70px Battle Plan
Special Ability Material Omega Level 8
3 Turn Cooldown

Dispel all debuffs on target other ally and allies with Keen Stratagem. If target other ally didn't already have Keen Stratagem, they gain it until the end of the battle, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented.

Call all allies with Keen Stratagem to assist. Drogan, target other ally, and allies with Keen Stratagem recover 20% Protection. If target other ally is a Rebel, they recover an additional 30% Protection.

Keen Stratagem: +25% Offense and Potency
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70px Second in Command
Unique Ability Material Omicron Level 8

Drogan has +50% Potency. Whenever his Turn Meter is removed, he recovers 20% Protection and gains 60% Offense for 1 turn (limit once per turn). The first time each encounter Drogan uses Coordinated Shot on his turn, it deals 75% more damage.

At the start of battle, Drogan gains Keen Stratagem until the end of the battle. Whenever an ally with Keen Stratagem uses an ability during their turn, Drogan assists dealing 30% less damage (limit once per turn). Whenever Drogan deals damage to an enemy, he and all allies with Keen Stratagem recover 5% Protection. Stat gains from Keen Stratagem are doubled for Rebel allies.

At the start of each encounter, if the ally in the Leader slot is a Rebel Tank: Drogan gains Protection Up (100%) for 1 turn.

While in Grand Arenas: Drogan has +50% Max Health.

At the start of battle, if the ally in the Leader slot is a Rebel Tank: Drogan is immune to Ability Block. At the start of each of his turns, he dispels all debuffs from another random ally and recovers 25% Health and Protection.

At the start of battle, if the ally in the Leader slot is a Rebel Fighter Support: Whenever Drogan scores a critical hit, all Rebel allies gain 10% Turn Meter.
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Second in Command