Template:Cara Dune Abilities

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Tex.ability caradune basic.png Bar Room Brawler
Basic Ability Material Omega Level 8

Deal Physical damage to target enemy. If there is a Scoundrel ally in the leader slot, Cara Dune gains Stealth until the end of her next turn. If there is a Rebel ally in the leader slot, Cara Dune loses Stealth and gains Taunt for 2 turns.
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Tex.ability caradune special01.png Improvised Strategy
Special Ability Material Omega Level 8
2 Turn Cooldown

Cara Dune gains Potency Up for 1 turn then deals Physical damage to all enemies and removes 50% of their Turn Meter. Empire enemies are Stunned for 1 turn.
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Tex.abilityui passive crit buff.png Infiltrator
Unique Ability Material Omega Level 8

While Stealthed, Cara Dune has +100% Critical Chance and +50% Critical Damage. When Cara Dune loses Taunt, she gains Stealth for 1 turn at the start of her next turn.
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Tex.abilityui passive shocktrooper.png Ex-Rebel Shock Trooper
Unique Ability Material Zeta Level 8

Cara Dune gains Critical Hit Immunity for 2 turns and +100% Turn Meter whenever an Empire enemy is defeated, and half that amount for non-Empire enemies. If Cara Dune has Potency Up when she is defeated, she is revived with 50% of her Max Health and gains Potency Up for 1 turn.
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Ex-Rebel Shock Trooper