Template:Leia Organa Abilities

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70px These Are My Friends
Ultimate Ability Material Ultimate

Requires 100% Ultimate Charge to activate.

Ultimate Charge: Gain 4% Ultimate Charge whenever an enemy's turn or Leia's turn ends while Leia has a stack of Fearless, and 1% whenever a Rebel ally deals damage while they have Call to Action.

Deal True damage to all enemies equal to 30% of Leia's Max Health (90% against enemies who are Ambushed), remove 100% Turn Meter, inflict Ambush on all enemies for 1 turn who don't already have it and, if all allies are Rebels, Fracture all enemies until the end of Leia's next turn or she is defeated which can't be copied, dispelled, or resisted.

All Rebel allies recover 100% Health and Protection and gain Tenacity Up for 3 turns which can't be dispelled or prevented, and other Rebel allies gain 50 Speed for 2 turns. If this ability defeats an enemy, revive all defeated Rebel allies and they recover full Health and Protection, all non-Scoundrel Rebel allies gain 30% Mastery until the end of the encounter, and other Rebel allies gain an additional 50 Speed for 2 turns.

This ability can't be countered or evaded.
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70px Righteous Retribution
Basic Ability Material Zeta Level 3

Deal Physical damage to target enemy. Rebel allies gain Retribution for 2 turns.

On Leia's turn, deal bonus True damage to target enemy equal to 10% of the damage other Rebel allies received since her last turn and deal additional effects based on the target enemy's role:

- Attackers: Dispel all buffs on target enemy and reduce their Speed by 5 (max 200) per buff dispelled until the end of the encounter
- Healers and Supports: Dispel all debuffs on all Rebel allies, equalize Leia's Health and Protection with the weakest other Rebel ally, then recover 20% Health and Protection
- Tanks: Call all other Rebel allies to assist (limit once per turn) and reduce the target enemy's Max Health by 5% per Rebel ally until the end of the encounter
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Righteous Retribution

70px Rebel Ambush
Special Ability Material Zeta Level 3
4 Turn Cooldown

Deal Physical damage plus bonus True damage equal to 10% of Leia's Max Health, remove 20% Turn Meter, and inflict a stack of Ambush on target enemy until the end of their next turn if they don't already have Ambushed, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. Rebel allies gain 10% Mastery and 25% Potency (stacking) until the end of the encounter. This ability can't be evaded or resisted.

Inflict debuffs on all enemies based on their role which can't be dispelled:

- Attackers: Daze for 1 turn
- Healers and Supports: Stagger for 1 turn
- Tanks: Buff Immunity for 1 turn

Ambush: -50 Speed (max -50); gain an additional stack upon receiving damage; at 6 stacks, lose all stacks of Ambush and gain Ambushed until the end of the encounter

Ambushed: -50 Speed (max -50); Protection is disabled, immune to Protection Up and bonus Protection
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Rebel Ambush

70px Tactical Offensive
Special Ability Material Zeta Level 3
4 Turn Cooldown

Dispel all debuffs and remove 100% Turn Meter from target other ally. Deal Physical damage plus bonus True damage increased by 1% per Turn Meter removed from target other ally to all enemies.

Remove Call to Action from all allies then all Rebel allies gain Call to Action for 4 turns, which can't be copied or dispelled, and 10% Max Health (stacking) until the end of the encounter.

On their next turn, target other ally gains 50% Offense for their next ability and if it is their Basic ability they gain an additional 2% Offense for each percent of Turn Meter removed and ignore Protection for that ability. If target ally defeats an enemy during their next turn, they gain 50% Turn Meter. Target other ally gains 150 Speed and Stealth for 1 turn.

Inflict debuffs based on each enemy's role which can't be resisted:

- Attackers: Critical Chance Down and Critical Damage Down for 2 turns
- Healers and Supports: Potency Down and Tenacity Down for 2 turns
- Tanks: Defense Down and Vulnerable for 2 turns
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Tactical Offensive

70px I Know
Leader Ability Material Zeta Level 3

All Rebel allies have +40 Speed. Non-Scoundrel Rebel Attackers gain 25% Mastery and 50% Max Health and Max Protection. Jedi Rebel Tanks gain 100% Defense for 2 turns at the start of each encounter, Protection Up (50%) for 1 turn whenever they gain Taunt, and deal bonus True damage equal to 20% of their Max Health whenever using a Basic ability against an enemy with Protection Up.

Rebel allies take 25% reduced damage from out of turn attacks and are immune to Max Health reduction and Plague. Whenever enemies attack out of turn, non-Scoundrel Rebel allies gain 1% Mastery (stacking) until the end of the encounter. At the start of each Rebel ally's turn, dispel Foresight and Stealth from all enemies.

Whenever enemies with less than 100% Turn Meter gain bonus Turn Meter, Rebel allies gain 100% Critical Avoidance (stacking) and Empire enemies can't gain bonus Turn Meter for 1 turn. Whenever a Rebel ally has their Turn Meter reduced, they can’t have their Turn Meter reduced again for 1 turn. Whenever an enemy is revived, all Rebel allies gain 10% Turn Meter.

Enemies inflicted with Burning from a Rebel ally can't recover Health and if Burning is dispelled on an enemy they take 20% of their Max Health as damage. Whenever a Rebel ally inflicts an enemy with Burning they gain Damage Immunity for 1 turn. The first time a non-Scoundrel Rebel ally loses all of their Protection, they gain Second Wind for 3 turns, which can't be copied.

Allies and enemies are immune to cooldown manipulation.

Second Wind: The first time this character would be reduced to 1% Health, dispel this buff and recover 50% Health and Protection instead
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Unlocks at Gear Level 8.
Level Unit
Ability Material Credits Adds
3 85
Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
105000 Rebel allies take 25% reduced damage from out of turn attacks and are immune to Max Health reduction and Plague; whenever enemies attack out of turn, non-Scoundrel Rebel allies gain 1% Mastery (stacking) until the end of the encounter; at the start of each Rebel ally's turn, dispel Foresight and Stealth from all enemies; allies and enemies are immune to cooldown manipulation
2 80
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48000 The first time a non-Scoundrel Rebel ally loses all of their Protection they gain [c][ffff33]Second Wind[-][/c] for 3 turns, which can't be copied
1 Description: All Rebel allies have +40 Speed. Non-Scoundrel Rebel Attackers gain 25% Mastery and 50% Max Health and Max Protection. Jedi Rebel Tanks gain 100% Defense for 2 turns at the start of each encounter, Protection Up (50%) for 1 turn whenever they gain Taunt, and deal bonus True damage equal to 20% of their Max Health whenever using a Basic ability against an enemy with Protection Up.

Whenever enemies with less than 100% Turn Meter gain bonus Turn Meter, Rebel allies gain 100% Critical Avoidance (stacking) and Empire enemies can't gain bonus Turn Meter for 1 turn. Whenever a Rebel ally has their Turn Meter reduced, they can’t have their Turn Meter reduced again for 1 turn. Whenever an enemy is revived, all Rebel allies gain 10% Turn Meter.

Enemies inflicted with Burning from a Rebel ally can't recover Health and if Burning is dispelled on an enemy they take 20% of their Max Health as damage. Whenever a Rebel ally inflicts an enemy with Burning they gain Damage Immunity for 1 turn.
I Know

70px Forever Our Princess
Unique Ability Material Zeta Level 3

At the start of the battle, R2-D2 gains 75% Max Health, Max Protection, Offense, and Potency until the end of the battle, Stealth for 1 turn, and assists whenever Leia uses a Special ability dealing 50% more damage. Damage R2-D2 receives is decreased by 20% and Rebel allies recover 10% Health whenever R2-D2 attacks out of turn.

If all allies are Rebels, at the start of her turn and each enemy's turn Leia gains Fearless if she didn't already have it until she receives damage, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. Whenever an enemy's turn ends while Leia has Fearless, she gains 2% Max Health, all enemies lose 5% Mastery and 15% Defense and Tenacity until the end of the encounter and Leia gains 4% Ultimate Charge. While she has Fearless, at the end of each of her turns, non-Scoundrel Rebel allies gain 5% Mastery (stacking) until the end of the encounter and Leia gains 4% Ultimate Charge. Leia can't gain Fearless if she has a Taunt effect.

At the start of her turn, all other Rebel allies recover Health equal to 100% of the damage Leia received since her last turn. If their Health was already at 100%, they recover this amount in Protection instead.

Whenever a Rebel Attacker or Rebel Support ally is Dazed they gain bonus Protection (100%) for 1 turn. Whenever an enemy is Ambushed, all Rebel allies gain Foresight for 1 turn. Whenever a Jedi Rebel Tank uses an ability on their turn, Leia assists.

Fearless: All allies are immune to Expose and Fear; all allies have +50% Offense and Tenacity
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Unlocks at Gear Level 6.
Level Unit
Ability Material Credits Adds
3 85
Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
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125000 At the start of her turn, all other Rebel allies recover Health equal to 100% of the damage Leia received since her last turn; if their Health was already at 100%, they recover this amount in Protection instead; whenever a Rebel Attacker or Rebel Support ally is Dazed they gain bonus Protection (100%) for 1 turn; whenever a Jedi Rebel Tank uses an ability on their turn, Leia assists
2 80
Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk I.png
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54800 Whenever an enemy is Ambushed, all Rebel allies gain Foresight for 1 turn
1 Description: At the start of the battle, R2-D2 gains 75% Max Health, Max Protection, Offense, and Potency until the end of the battle, Stealth for 1 turn, and assists whenever Leia uses a Special ability dealing 50% more damage. Damage R2-D2 receives is decreased by 20% and Rebel allies recover 10% Health whenever R2-D2 attacks out of turn.

If all allies are Rebels, at the start of her turn and each enemy's turn Leia gains Fearless if she didn't already have it until she receives damage, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. Whenever an enemy's turn ends while Leia has Fearless, she gains 2% Max Health, all enemies lose 5% Mastery and 15% Defense and Tenacity until the end of the encounter and Leia gains 4% Ultimate Charge. While she has Fearless, at the end of each of her turns, non-Scoundrel Rebel allies gain 5% Mastery (stacking) until the end of the encounter and Leia gains 4% Ultimate Charge. Leia can't gain Fearless if she has a Taunt effect.

Fearless: All allies are immune to Expose and Fear; all allies have +50% Offense and Tenacity
Forever Our Princess

Tex.abilityui passive galacticlegend.png Galactic Legend
Unique Ability Material Zeta Level 3

This unit takes reduced damage from percent Health damage effects and massive damage effects. They take massive damage from destroy effects (excludes raid bosses) and are immune to stun effects.

This unit has +10% Max Health and Max Protection per Relic Amplifier level, and damage they receive is decreased by 30%.
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Level Unit
Ability Material Credits Adds
3 80
Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
145000 This unit has +10% Max Health and Max Protection per Relic Amplifier level, and damage they receive is decreased by 30%
2 20
Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk I.png
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Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
54800 This unit is immune to stun effects
1 Description: This unit takes reduced damage from percent Health damage effects and massive damage effects. They take massive damage from destroy effects (excludes raid bosses).
Galactic Legend