Category:Team Fleet
The templates mentioned in this documentation apply Semantic MediaWiki Properties to pages. As mentioned in the documentation for those templates, any use on pages other than Team pages will result in the entire page being deleted.
Team pages must all follow and use the same specific layout and templates. These pages serve as a central page for the team that displays teams they can counter and teams that can counter them , as well as be able to automatically generate this information about them on the Team Counter Lists page or any other page the information may be needed on. This technique of only adding the information to the team page and being able to automatically load it in other places makes it easier to modify and add information without having to do it on numerous pages.
Team page concepts
Fleet teams are a little more complicated than squad teams to define and can have a lot of variations and substitutions which means the direction and concept for how to group and separate them is subject to change. The following is just a general guideline and starting point for ships.
Fleet Team pages are meant to hold various team compositions that exist under a specific capital ship. Determining the main fleet to appear at the top of the page is harder for Ships as there can be a lot of variations for the capital ship. It is recommended that the page is created with the most common variation of the team as the main focus and includes the most commonly used end game teams in the Team Composition section. It is important to focus on the most important team compositions as there are limited number of substitute places available in the template calls. While this can be increased, having a lot of unit images may be distracting or confusing to some people. A good example of how to start is by thinking of the toughest teams to defeat and then adding variations that maybe used for different things. For example an Executor led Bounty Hunter team. As of the writing of this, the team variation flow would look like this with subs for the reinforcement slots being indicated:
- Lineup 1 - Frontline: Hound's Tooth, Razor Crest, Xanadu Blood. Reinforcement: IG-2000, Slave I, Imperial TIE Bomber, Han's Millennium Falcon
If the majority of the team still stays Bounty Hunter but the frontline changes then they would go as additional lineups.
When to split into new team pages
Sometimes it may be best to create a new team page when the main focus of the team starts to substitute too many units, include too many units as substitutes, or the majority of the team is no longer the faction mentioned in the team name for the page. Here is an example for Executor.
- Lineup 2 = Frontline: Hound's Tooth, Razor Crest, Imperial TIE Bomber. Reinforcement: TIE Advanced x1, Emperor's Shuttle, Imperial TIE Fighter, Slave I
- Lineup 3 = Frontline: Imperial TIE Bomber, TIE Advanced x1, Hound's Tooth. Reinforcement: Emperor's Shuttle, Scimitar, Gauntlet Starfighter, Razor Crest
For Lineup 2, it still has Bounty Hunters but there are less. This team could potentially stay on the Executor (Bounty Hunter) page if it performs at similar levels and/or requires similar counters to it. If the team doesn't then it may be best to put it on an Executor (Empire) page with Lineup 3. Even if Lineup 3 was able to be at the same power level of Executor (Bounty Hunters) it is still recommended to put the team on the Executor (Empire) page.
If a stronger version of a team led by the same person becomes available the page can be modified to reflect the new changes or a Team Fleet - Executor (Bounty Hunters v2) could be created if there is a large number of new ships that make up that team that are not part of the original pages team.
Other things to consider besides greatly differing line ups and/or greatly differing power are if the team page already has a counter from a capital ship, but requires a completed different counter for the new team Lineup. To get the counters each team page can only have one counter to a specific team name so if you try to add two counters on Malevolence (Separatists) team page for Executor (Bounty Hunters) it will not load it right on any page that may #ask to display the ships Malevolence can counter or for ships that can counter Executor. The two entries would combine with each other. In these situations either a new team page can be created for this Lineup or the counter information could be updated to include a strategy for the
Plug-n-Play ships
For teams with plug-n-play units you could put that team composition at the bottom of the list. These minor roster changes are usually added to stop certain counters, so it may be important to note in counter details for the team that if includes one of these plug-n-play characters in the lineup it will not work. Likewise if a team is a specific counter for one of the variations of a team make sure to mention that in the counter details also.
Creating the page
If a page does not already exist for the team you are looking to add and it doesn't make sense to add it to an existing page with that lead due to things discussed above you will need to create the new page for the team in the following format; Team Fleet - CAPITAL_SHIP (FACTION).
- Example: Team Fleet - Malevolence (Separatist)
Properly formatting the new page
As mentioned at the beginning, it is very important for these pages to follow a specific format in order for them to work properly. The page must follow the layout below. You can copy and paste this layout for a starting point and adjust as needed. All information in all capital letters will need to be replaced and template calls will need the information added. It is highly recommended to use Edit Source to do this.
<div style="float:right;margin-left:10px;">__TOC__</div> '''[[Team name::CAPITAL_SHIP (FACTION)]]''' is a fleet led by CAPITAL_SHIP_CREW in the CAPITAL_SHIP that centers around ::ADD INFO::. This team usually consists of 7 of the following ships with the CAPITAL_SHIP: {{Team Comp Ships |notice=y |capital= |capital_lock=y |frontline1= |frontline1_lock= |frontline2= |frontline2_lock= |frontline3= |frontline3_lock= |reinforce1= |reinforce1_lock= |reinforce2= |reinforce2_lock= |reinforce3= |reinforce4= |sub1= |sub2= |sub3= |sub4= }} == Team Compositions == {{Team Variation Ships |lineup1_notes= |v1_capital= |v1_frontline1= |v1_frontline2= |v1_frontline3= |v1_reinforce1= |v1_reinforce2= |v1_reinforce3= |v1_reinforce4= |v1_reinforce4_sub1= |v1_reinforce4_sub2= |v1_reinforce4_sub3= |lineup2_notes= |v2_capital= |v2_frontline1= |v2_frontline2= |v2_frontline3= |v2_reinforce1= |v2_reinforce2= |v2_reinforce3= |v2_reinforce4= |v2_reinforce4_sub1= }} == Recommended Abilities and Mods == {{Team Card |noGear=y |noStats=y |noReq=y |noMods=Notes |squad_type=Ship |leader= |leader_abilities= |leader_mods= |ally1= |ally1_abilities= |ally1_mods= |ally2= |ally2_abilities= |ally2_mods= |ally3= |ally3_abilities= |ally3_mods= |ally4= |ally4_abilities= |ally4_mods= |ally5= |ally5_abilities= |ally5_mods= |ally6= |ally6_abilities= |ally6_mods= |ally7= |ally7_abilities= |ally7_mods= |ally8= |ally8_abilities= |ally8_mods= |ally9= |ally9_abilities= |ally9_mods= }} == Is a counter to == {{Counter Team |5=to |team_name= |enemy_lineup= |your_lineup= |type= |banners= |details=<b>Enemy Lineup: </b> ... <br /> <b>Reinforce Order: </b> ... <br /> <b>Strategy: </b> ... <br /> <b>Videos: </b> LINK (CREATOR) • == Can be countered by == Fleet lineups can greatly vary making it hard to include all possibilities so the following '''kill order''' will only include some of the more commonly seen lineups. Sometimes it is best to just finish off the ships closest to being defeated, but the following kill orders will help give general guidance to help the fights be a little easier:<br /> '''[[Team kill order::TEAM_KILL_ORDER]]''' {{#ask: [[Category:Team Fleet]] [[Counter team::THIS_TEAM_NAME]] |mainlabel=- |?Team name |?THIS_TEAM_NAME counter type |?THIS_TEAM_NAME counter max banners |?THIS_TEAM_NAME counter details |?Category:Layout # ERROR, for |?Team capital ship # |?Team frontline 1 # |?Team frontline 2 # |?Team frontline 3 # |?Team reinforcement 1 # |?Team reinforcement 2 # |?Team reinforcement 3 # |?THIS_TEAM_NAME kill order |?Team reinforcement 4 # |?Category:Team Fleet # ship,na |?Team substitutes # |?Team lock # |?Category:HideName # Error, for |sort=THIS_TEAM_NAME counter type |order=asc |format=template |template=Counter Team }} [[Category:Team Fleet|THIS_TEAM_NAME]]
Format breakdown
The first part of the page defines the semantic property for the teams name and gives brief important information about the team. This section does not need a lot of details about how they counter teams because that should be entered as the details for the specific team counters in the lineup notes mentioned below. As a reminder, it is important to specify the team leader in the assignment of the Category so it will be alphabetized under the letter for the leader instead of Team.
The next part in teh beginning adds the semantic properties for the units that will be on the team and clarifies which ones can be substituted along with the other options for substitutes. It also loads the images of them and it will transclude the Template:Team Comp Ships page with the submitted information. Click the link for the template to view its documentation.
Team Compositions
In the Team Compositions section of the page it defines the different team variations people may encounter or use. There is an option to create a semantic property for the specific team lineup to adjust displayed images. You can also add notes for the lineup to give information about the team such as what it is good at or how it comparres to other teams. It gets the images by transcluding the Template:Team Variation Ships page with the submitted information. Click the link for the template to view its documentation.
Recommended abilities and notes
In this section of the page it defines the required abilities and any notes that may be important such as minimum crew gear level. For abilities it should have the name of the ability and the type in ( ) followed by the image of the ability material needed. You would use the Template:Icon for displaying the image and resizing the image. Here is an example{{Icon|Zeta|20px}}Serve Again (Unique)

Is A Counter To
In this section you only need to set the teams that can be defeated by the pages team. You do this by transcluding the Template:Counter Team page with the submitted information. Click the link for the template to view its documentation.
Can Be Countered By
In this section you will add the information about the kill order and do an Ask on the semantic data for the team and it will automatically scan the wiki looking for pages that say they are a counter to the team. For the kill order style it in the following format with left being most important to die first and farthest right being the least important:
- Lowest Health > Razor Crest = Xanadu Blood = Hound's Tooth > Any
- Lowest Health > Razor Crest > Xanadu Blood > Any
For the #ask, all of the information in caps must be replaced with the proper information for it to load the data correctly. You can read more about how this works by checking the documentation for Template:Counter Team.
Creating Property pages
After fully completing the page you will need to create the property pages so it will not give errors when trying to retrieve the information. Each page must contain the following:
This property has a datatype of [[Has type::Text]]. <noinclude>[[Category:Property-Counter]]</noinclude>
You can use the following to help you with creating the property pages. You will need to replace team_name with the name given to the team.
Adding countered teams to an existing page
If a page already exists all you have to do it is add more teams it can counter by using the Template:Counter Team. As mentioned above it is added by using the following on the page and adjusting as needed:
{{Counter Team |5=to |ships=y |team_name= |type= |banners= |details=<b>Substitutes:</b> RECOMMENDED SUBS.<br /> <b>Zetas:</b> REQUIRED ZETAS<br /> <b>Strategy:</b> DETAILS ABOUT TURN ORDER,KILL ORDER, AND ANYTHING ELSE IMPORTANT TO KNOW.<br /> <b>Video:</b> LINK (CREATOR) • }}
Technical Details
This section is just for informational purposes and is not part of the directions for creating a Team page.
Template flow
- Team Comp Ships
- The team page contacts Template:Team Comp Ships and gives it the information for the parameters. Team Comp then sends the supplied information to Template:Team Unit to create the images. Team Unit then transcludes onto the Team Comp page and the Team Comp page is transcluded onto the team page.
- Team Variation Ships
- The team page contacts Template:Team Variation Ships and gives it the information for the parameters. Team Variation then creates a table and sends the supplied information to Template:Team Unit to create the images. Team Unit then transcludes onto the Team Variation page and the Team Variation page is transcluded onto the team page.
- Team Card
- The team page contacts Template:Team Card and gives it the information for the parameters. Team Card then creates the specified table, fields, and content with the provided information. If Template:Icon was sent it will be transcluded to the Team Card page and then the Team Card page will be transcluded onto the team page.
- Counter Team TO
- The team page contacts Template:Counter Team and gives it the information for the parameters. Counter team then builds a box element and adds the provided information to the proper places. To generate the images for the units on the team the template does an #ask for semantic data about the team and passes the results to the parameters of the Template:SmwCounterShips page. The SmwCounterShips page then sends the provided information to Module:Counters which will build the html code needed to display the images. The images will be added to the SmwCounterShips page which will then get transcluded onto the Counter Team page and then the Counter Team page will be transcluded onto the team page.
- Counter Team FOR
- The team page will do an #ask for semantic data about the teams that can counter it and then pass the results to the parameters of the Template:Counter Team page. Counter Team then builds a box element and adds the provided information to the proper places. To generate the images for the units it passes some of the provided information to Module:Counters which will then build the html code needed to display the images. The images will be added to Counter Team and then the Counter Team page will get transcluded onto the team page.
The following information will be added as semantic properties of the page when created properly. This information is used when you #ask for semantic data so that you can easily create tables and templates using the information it finds.
- Team name = defines the team name of the page
- Team capital ship = defines the leader of the team
- Team frontline 1 = defines the preferred ally of the team
- Team frontline 2 = defines the preferred ally of the team
- Team frontline 3 = defines the preferred ally of the team
- Team reinforcement 1 = defines the preferred reinforcement of the team
- Team reinforcement 2 = defines the preferred reinforcement of the team
- Team reinforcement 3 = defines the preferred reinforcement of the team
- Team reinforcement 4 = defines the preferred reinforcement of the team
- Team substitutes = defines the substitutes that can be used
- Team lock = defines which units typically should not be substituted
- Team kill order = defines the default/general kill order for the team
- Counter team = defines the name of the teams that the page team is a counter to
- COUNTERED_TEAM_NAME counter details = the details of how the page team counters that team
- COUNTERED_TEAM_NAME counter type = the type of counter the page team is for the team
- COUNTERED_TEAM_NAME counter max banners = the avg max banners the page team may be able to get against the team in Grand Arena
- COUNTERED_TEAM_NAME counter kill order = the kill order for the page team to follow when going against the other team
- Team Lineup # frontline = defines the name of the ships on the frontline for this lineup including capital ship
- Team Lineup # reinforcement slot 1 = defines the name of the ship in the reinforcement slot for this lineup along with substitutes
- Team Lineup # reinforcement slot 2 = defines the name of the ship in the reinforcement slot for this lineup along with substitutes
- Team Lineup # reinforcement slot 3 = defines the name of the ship in the reinforcement slot for this lineup along with substitutes
- Team Lineup # reinforcement slot 4 = defines the name of the ship in the reinforcement slot for this lineup along with substitutes
To see the generated table of all teams and counters go to Team Counter Lists.
Pages in category "Team Fleet"
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.