Jawas ....
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Leader Abilities
Chief Nebit 
Lead Synergy: Jawas • Droid
Synergy: Jawas • Droid
Jawa and Droid allies gain 30% Critical Chance and inflict Critical Chance Down for 3 turns on a critical hit.
While in Territory Wars: When a Jawa ally deals damage to an enemy, they dispel all buffs on that enemy. For every buff dispelled, that enemy is inflicted with a Thermal Detonator for 2 turns, which can't be dispelled, prevented, or resisted.
When an enemy takes damage from a Thermal Detonator, Jawa allies recover 5% Health and Protection, gain 5% Turn Meter, and there is a 50% chance that enemy is inflicted with a Thermal Detonator for 2 turns, which can't be dispelled, prevented, or resisted.
Lead Synergy: All
Whenever an ally damages a Droid, they have an 80% chance to inflict Defense Down for 3 turns and a 25% chance to remove 25% Turn Meter.
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