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Leader is a role that characters can have in the game. Characters with this tag will also have a Leader Ability that can apply additional mechanics to the battle. To have a characters leader ability apply to the battle they must be placed in the Leader Slot on the Select Squad screen, which is the top left slot. In addition to the leader ability activating, if a Bounty Hunter is in the leader slot their leader contract will be activated for all ally Bounty Hunters in the battle.

To see a list of Leaders by faction go to that faction's page.


Name Ship Buffs Debuffs Other Status Locations
Status Effect-Advantage.pngAdvantage
Status Effect-Defense Up.pngDefense Up
Status Effect-Health Up.pngHealth Up
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Speed Up.pngSpeed Up
Status Effect-Stealth.pngStealth
Status Effect-Tenacity Up.pngTenacity Up
Status Effect-Protection Up.pngProtection Up
Status Effect-Defense Down.pngDefense Down
Status Effect-Speed Down.pngSpeed Down
Status Effect-Target Lock.pngTarget Lock
Status Effect-VIP.pngVIP
Dark Side Battles: 3-E (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Unit-Character-Aayla Secura-portrait.png
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Cantina Battles: 5-B Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png12 (2x)
Guild Activity Store Guild Token 450  (10x)
Unit-Character-Admiral Ackbar-portrait.png
Unit-Ship-Home One-portrait.png
Home One
Status Effect-Tactical Genius.pngTactical Genius
Fleet Arena Store Fleet Arena Token 400  (10x)
Galactic War Store
Guild Events Store Mk I Guild Event Token 400  (10x)
Squad Arena Store Squad Arena Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Admiral Piett-portrait.png
Tex.charui executor.png
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Stealth.pngStealth
Status Effect-The Emperor's Trap.pngThe Emperor's Trap
Status Effect-Daze.pngDaze
Status Effect-Fear.pngFear
Status Effect-Marked.pngMarked
Status Effect-Inevitable Failure.pngInevitable Failure
Light Side Battles: 6-B (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png16 (2x)
Unit-Character-Admiral Raddus-portrait.png
Status Effect-Taunt.pngTaunt
Status Effect-Protection Up.pngProtection Up
Status Effect-Spark of Rebellion.pngSpark of Rebellion
Dark Side Battles: 4-A (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Unit-Character-Admiral Trench-portrait.png
Status Effect-Shock.pngShock
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Status Effect-Stagger.pngStagger
Status Effect-Fear.pngFear
Unit-Character-Ahsoka Tano-portrait.png
Unit-Ship-Ahsoka Tano's Jedi Starfighter-portrait.png
Ahsoka Tano's Jedi Starfighter
Status Effect-Protection Up.pngProtection Up
Light Side Battles: 1-B (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Cantina Battles Store Cantina Battle Token 400  (10x)
Fleet Arena Store Fleet Arena Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Asajj Ventress-portrait.png
Status Effect-Defense Down.pngDefense Down
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Squad Arena Store Squad Arena Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Aurra Sing-portrait.png
Status Effect-Critical Chance Up.pngCritical Chance Up
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Cantina Battles: 7-C Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png16 (2x)
Unit-Character-Barriss Offee-portrait.png
Status Effect-Defense Up.pngDefense Up
Dark Side Battles: 5-C (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png16 (2x)
Guild Activity Store Guild Token 450  (10x)
Unit-Character-Bastila Shan-portrait.png
Status Effect-Critical Chance Up.pngCritical Chance Up
Status Effect-Defense Up.pngDefense Up
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Speed Up.pngSpeed Up
Status Effect-Legendary Battle Meditation.pngLegendary Battle Meditation
Status Effect-Accuracy Up.pngAccuracy Up
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Buff Immunity.pngBuff Immunity
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Dark Side Battles: 5-B (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png16 (2x)
Unit-Character-Bo-Katan (Mand'alor)-portrait.png
Status Effect-Speed Up.pngSpeed Up
35pxAncestral Resolve
Status Effect-Tenacity Up.pngTenacity Up
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Status Effect-Armor Shred.pngArmor Shred
Battle For Mandalore
Unit-Character-Bo-Katan Kryze-portrait.png
Status Effect-Daze.pngDaze
Status Effect-Vulnerable.pngVulnerable
Dark Side Battles: 6-D (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png16 (2x)
Unit-Character-Boba Fett-portrait.png
Unit-Ship-Slave I-portrait.png
Slave I
Status Effect-Bounty Hunter's Resolve.pngBounty Hunter's Resolve
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Damage Over Time.pngDamage Over Time
Status Effect-Healing Immunity.pngHealing Immunity
Dark Side Battles: 2-B (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Cantina Battles Store Cantina Battle Token 400  (10x)
Fleet Arena Store Fleet Arena Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Boba Fett, Scion of Jango-portrait.png
Status Effect-Tenacity Up.pngTenacity Up
Status Effect-Bounty Hunter's Resolve.pngBounty Hunter's Resolve
Status Effect-Damage Over Time.pngDamage Over Time
Status Effect-Tenacity Down.pngTenacity Down
Status Effect-Armor Shred.pngArmor Shred
Status Effect-Breach.pngBreach
Status Effect-Potency Down.pngPotency Down
Status Effect-Protection Disruption.pngProtection Disruption
Status Effect-Momentum.pngMomentum
Guild Events Store
Unit-Character-Boss Nass-portrait.png
Status Effect-Retribution.pngRetribution
Status Effect-Critical Damage Up.pngCritical Damage Up
Status Effect-Taunt.pngTaunt
Status Effect-Speed Up.pngSpeed Up
Status Effect-Offense Down.pngOffense Down
Status Effect-Vulnerable.pngVulnerable
Status Effect-Expose.pngExpose
Status Effect-Defense Down.pngDefense Down
Status Effect-Damage Over Time.pngDamage Over Time
Status Effect-Healing Immunity.pngHealing Immunity
Dark Side Battles: 8-D (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png20
Unit-Ship-Hound's Tooth-portrait.png
Hound's Tooth
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Taunt.pngTaunt
Status Effect-Frenzy.pngFrenzy
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Dark Side Battles: 9-B (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png20 (2x)
Unit-Character-Boushh (Leia Organa)-portrait.png
Status Effect-My Kind of Scum.pngMy Kind of Scum
Status Effect-Defense Down.pngDefense Down
Status Effect-Thermal Detonator.pngThermal Detonator
Status Effect-Deadly Bluff.pngDeadly Bluff
Dark Side Battles: 2-C (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Unit-Character-Cad Bane-portrait.png
Unit-Ship-Xanadu Blood-portrait.png
Xanadu Blood
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Status Effect-Accuracy Down.pngAccuracy Down
Galactic War Store Galactic War Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Captain Phasma-portrait.png
Unit-Ship-Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle-portrait.png
Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle
Status Effect-Advantage.pngAdvantage
Status Effect-Defense Down.pngDefense Down
Status Effect-Speed Down.pngSpeed Down
Galactic War Store Galactic War Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Carth Onasi-portrait.png
Unit-Ship-Ebon Hawk-portrait.png
Ebon Hawk
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Damage Over Time.pngDamage Over Time
Cantina Battles: 8-E Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png16 (2x)
Unit-Character-CC-2224 "Cody"-portrait.png
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Fleet Arena Store Fleet Arena Token 400  (10x)
Guild Activity Store Guild Token 450  (10x)
Unit-Character-Cere Junda-portrait.png
Status Effect-Tenacity Up.pngTenacity Up
Status Effect-Accuracy Up.pngAccuracy Up
Status Effect-Bonus Protection.pngBonus Protection
Status Effect-Defense Up.pngDefense Up
Status Effect-Damage Immunity.pngDamage Immunity
Status Effect-Defense Penetration Up.pngDefense Penetration Up
Light Side Battles: 3-A (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Unit-Character-Chief Chirpa-portrait.png
Status Effect-Heal Over Time.pngHeal Over Time
Status Effect-Retribution.pngRetribution
Status Effect-Speed Up.pngSpeed Up
Status Effect-Speed Down.pngSpeed Down
Cantina Battles: 5-D Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png12 (2x)
Unit-Character-Chief Nebit-portrait.png
Status Effect-Heal Over Time.pngHeal Over Time
Status Effect-Taunt.pngTaunt
Status Effect-Protection Up.pngProtection Up
Squad Arena Store Squad Arena Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Clone Wars Chewbacca-portrait.png
Status Effect-Defense Up.pngDefense Up
Status Effect-Health Up.pngHealth Up
Status Effect-Taunt.pngTaunt
Cantina Battles: 2-F Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png8 (2x)
Unit-Character-Commander Luke Skywalker-portrait.png
Status Effect-Call to Action.pngCall to Action
Status Effect-Buff Immunity.pngBuff Immunity
Status Effect-Defense Down.pngDefense Down
Status Effect-Speed Down.pngSpeed Down
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Status Effect-Tenacity Down.pngTenacity Down
Luke Skywalker Hero's Journey
Unit-Character-Count Dooku-portrait.png
Status Effect-Stealth.pngStealth
Status Effect-Critical Hit Immunity.pngCritical Hit Immunity
Status Effect-Riposte.pngRiposte
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Shock.pngShock
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Cantina Battles: 6-G Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png12 (2x)
Unit-Character-CT-5555 "Fives"-portrait.png
Unit-Ship-Umbaran Starfighter-portrait.png
Umbaran Starfighter
Status Effect-Taunt.pngTaunt
Status Effect-Speed Down.pngSpeed Down
Dark Side Battles: 2-D (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Cantina Battles Store Cantina Battle Token 400  (10x)
Fleet Arena Store Fleet Arena Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-CT-7567 "Rex"-portrait.png
Unit-Ship-Rex's ARC-170-portrait.png
Rex's ARC-170
Status Effect-Potency Up.pngPotency Up
Status Effect-Tenacity Up.pngTenacity Up
Fleet Arena Store Fleet Arena Token 400  (10x)
Guild Activity Store Guild Token 450  (10x)
Unit-Character-Dark Trooper Moff Gideon-portrait.png
Status Effect-Accuracy Up.pngAccuracy Up
Status Effect-Defense Up.pngDefense Up
Status Effect-Taunt.pngTaunt
Status Effect-Stealth.pngStealth
Status Effect-Retribution.pngRetribution
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Status Effect-Insight.pngInsight
Conquest Store
Unit-Character-Darth Bane-portrait.png
Status Effect-Defense Penetration Up.pngDefense Penetration Up
Status Effect-Health Steal Up.pngHealth Steal Up
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Speed Up.pngSpeed Up
Status Effect-Healing Immunity.pngHealing Immunity
Status Effect-Siphon.pngSiphon
Conquest Store
Unit-Character-Darth Malgus-portrait.png
Unit-Ship-Fury-class Interceptor-portrait.png
Fury-class Interceptor
Status Effect-Critical Damage Up.pngCritical Damage Up
Status Effect-Taunt.pngTaunt
Status Effect-Protection Up.pngProtection Up
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Shock.pngShock
Status Effect-Blind.pngBlind
Status Effect-Fear.pngFear
Status Effect-Doubt.pngDoubt
Unit-Character-Darth Maul-portrait.png
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Daze.pngDaze
Fleet Arena Store Fleet Arena Token 400  (10x)
Guild Activity Store Guild Token 450  (10x)
Unit-Character-Darth Nihilus-portrait.png
Status Effect-Damage Over Time.pngDamage Over Time
Status Effect-Health Down.pngHealth Down
Dark Side Battles: 9-A (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png20 (2x)
Unit-Character-Darth Revan-portrait.png
Status Effect-Buff Immunity.pngBuff Immunity
Status Effect-Shock.pngShock
Status Effect-Fear.pngFear
Status Effect-Ferocity.pngFerocity
Scourge of the Old Republic
Unit-Character-Darth Sidious-portrait.png
Status Effect-Damage Over Time.pngDamage Over Time
Status Effect-Expose.pngExpose
Status Effect-Healing Immunity.pngHealing Immunity
Squad Arena Store Squad Arena Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Darth Traya-portrait.png
Status Effect-Protection Up.pngProtection Up
Status Effect-Daze.pngDaze
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Healing Immunity.pngHealing Immunity
Status Effect-Tenacity Down.pngTenacity Down
Status Effect-Isolate.pngIsolate
Guild Activity Store
The Sith Triumvirate
Unit-Character-Darth Vader-portrait.png
Unit-Ship-TIE Advanced x1-portrait.png
TIE Advanced x1
Status Effect-Merciless.pngMerciless
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Damage Over Time.pngDamage Over Time
Status Effect-Merciless Target.pngMerciless Target
Fleet Arena Store Fleet Arena Token 400  (5x)
Unit-Character-Dash Rendar-portrait.png
Status Effect-Defense Down.pngDefense Down
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Status Effect-Critical Damage Down.pngCritical Damage Down
Cantina Battles: 7-E Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png16 (2x)
Status Effect-Stealth.pngStealth
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Light Side Battles: 3-F (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Galactic War Store Galactic War Token 400  (10x)
Status Effect-Stealth.pngStealth
Status Effect-Tenacity Up.pngTenacity Up
Status Effect-Damage Over Time.pngDamage Over Time
Status Effect-Speed Down.pngSpeed Down
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Status Effect-Tenacity Down.pngTenacity Down
Status Effect-Thermal Detonator.pngThermal Detonator
Guild Activity Store Guild Token 450  (10x)
Unit-Character-Director Krennic-portrait.png
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Buff Immunity.pngBuff Immunity
Status Effect-Speed Down.pngSpeed Down
Status Effect-Stagger.pngStagger
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Status Effect-Tenacity Down.pngTenacity Down
Light Side Battles: 9-D (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png20 (2x)
Guild Events Store Mk I Guild Event Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Doctor Aphra-portrait.png
Status Effect-Potency Up.pngPotency Up
Status Effect-Critical Damage Up.pngCritical Damage Up
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Protection Up.pngProtection Up
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Status Effect-Accuracy Down.pngAccuracy Down
Status Effect-Breach.pngBreach
Status Effect-Target Lock.pngTarget Lock
Status Effect-Doubt.pngDoubt
Status Effect-Siphon.pngSiphon
Rogue Archaeologist
Unit-Character-Eeth Koth-portrait.png
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Defense Down.pngDefense Down
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Squad Arena Store Squad Arena Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Eighth Brother-portrait.png
Status Effect-Potency Up.pngPotency Up
Status Effect-Stealth.pngStealth
Status Effect-Accuracy Up.pngAccuracy Up
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Buff Immunity.pngBuff Immunity
Status Effect-Burning.pngBurning
Status Effect-Healing Immunity.pngHealing Immunity
Status Effect-Speed Down.pngSpeed Down
Status Effect-Armor Shred.pngArmor Shred
Status Effect-Accuracy Down.pngAccuracy Down
Status Effect-Blind.pngBlind
Status Effect-Purge.pngPurge
Light Side Battles: 6-E (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png16 (2x)
Status Effect-Foresight.pngForesight
Cantina Battles Store
Unit-Character-Emperor Palpatine-portrait.png
Unit-Ship-Emperor's Shuttle-portrait.png
Emperor's Shuttle
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Health Steal Up.pngHealth Steal Up
Status Effect-Shock.pngShock
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Emperor's Demise
Unit-Character-Fennec Shand-portrait.png
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Bounty Hunter's Resolve.pngBounty Hunter's Resolve
Status Effect-Overconfident.pngOverconfident
Status Effect-Armor Shred.pngArmor Shred
Status Effect-Seasoned Veteran.pngSeasoned Veteran
Light Side Battles: 6-C (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png16 (2x)
Unit-Character-Fifth Brother-portrait.png
Status Effect-Damage Immunity.pngDamage Immunity
Status Effect-Potency Up.pngPotency Up
Status Effect-Protection Up.pngProtection Up
Status Effect-Defense Down.pngDefense Down
Status Effect-Expose.pngExpose
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Status Effect-Tenacity Down.pngTenacity Down
Status Effect-Fear.pngFear
Status Effect-Breach.pngBreach
Status Effect-Vulnerable.pngVulnerable
Status Effect-Purge.pngPurge
Status Effect-Provoked.pngProvoked
Cantina Battles: 4-A Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png10 (2x)
Unit-Ship-Rey's Millennium Falcon-portrait.png
Rey's Millennium Falcon
Status Effect-Advantage.pngAdvantage
Status Effect-Defense Up.pngDefense Up
Status Effect-Retribution.pngRetribution
Status Effect-Taunt.pngTaunt
Status Effect-Expose.pngExpose
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Status Effect-Determination.pngDetermination
Cantina Battles: 3-E Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png10 (2x)
Galactic War Store
Guild Activity Store Guild Token 450  (10x)
Unit-Character-Gar Saxon-portrait.png
Unit-Ship-Gauntlet Starfighter-portrait.png
Gauntlet Starfighter
Status Effect-Speed Down.pngSpeed Down
Cantina Battles: 2-E Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png8 (2x)
Guild Events Store Mk I Guild Event Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-General Grievous-portrait.png
Status Effect-Health Steal Up.pngHealth Steal Up
Status Effect-Healing Immunity.pngHealing Immunity
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Status Effect-Target Lock.pngTarget Lock
Status Effect-Marked.pngMarked
Fleet Arena Store Fleet Arena Token 400  (5x)
Shard Store Shard Token 2250  (5x)
Shard Token 4500  (10x)
Shard Token 13500  (30x)
Unit-Character-General Hux-portrait.png
Status Effect-Advantage.pngAdvantage
Status Effect-Dominance.pngDominance
Dark Side Battles: 6-A (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png16 (2x)
Unit-Character-General Kenobi-portrait.png
Status Effect-Foresight.pngForesight
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Retribution.pngRetribution
Status Effect-Taunt.pngTaunt
Status Effect-Critical Hit Immunity.pngCritical Hit Immunity
Guild Activity Store
Tank Takedown
Unit-Character-General Skywalker-portrait.png
Status Effect-Daze.pngDaze
Status Effect-Armor Shred.pngArmor Shred
Guild Activity Store
Guild Events Store Mk I Guild Event Token 1900  (5x)
Mk I Guild Event Token 3800  (10x)
Mk I Guild Event Token 5700  (15x)
Clash on Kamino
Unit-Character-General Veers-portrait.png
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Speed Up.pngSpeed Up
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Light Side Battles: 4-C (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Guild Events Store Mk I Guild Event Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Geonosian Brood Alpha-portrait.png
Status Effect-Expose.pngExpose
Status Effect-Hive Mind.pngHive Mind
Cantina Battles: 8-D Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png16 (2x)
Unit-Character-Grand Admiral Thrawn-portrait.png
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Defense Down.pngDefense Down
Status Effect-Fracture.pngFracture
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Artist of War
Unit-Character-Grand Inquisitor-portrait.png
Status Effect-Critical Damage Up.pngCritical Damage Up
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Speed Up.pngSpeed Up
Status Effect-Tenacity Up.pngTenacity Up
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Vulnerable.pngVulnerable
Status Effect-Purge.pngPurge
Status Effect-Torture.pngTorture
Dark Times
Unit-Character-Grand Master Yoda-portrait.png
Status Effect-Foresight.pngForesight
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Tenacity Up.pngTenacity Up
Status Effect-Defense Penetration Up.pngDefense Penetration Up
Status Effect-Protection Up.pngProtection Up
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Status Effect-Potency Down.pngPotency Down
Grand Master's Training
Unit-Character-Grand Moff Tarkin-portrait.png
Status Effect-Potency Up.pngPotency Up
Status Effect-Critical Chance Down.pngCritical Chance Down
Status Effect-Offense Down.pngOffense Down
Fleet Arena Store Fleet Arena Token 400  (10x)
Galactic War Store
Guild Events Store Mk I Guild Event Token 400  (10x)
Squad Arena Store Squad Arena Token 400  (10x)
Status Effect-Critical Chance Up.pngCritical Chance Up
Status Effect-Potency Up.pngPotency Up
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Status Effect-Thermal Detonator.pngThermal Detonator
Squad Arena Store Squad Arena Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Greef Karga-portrait.png
Status Effect-Critical Chance Up.pngCritical Chance Up
Status Effect-Critical Damage Up.pngCritical Damage Up
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Retribution.pngRetribution
Status Effect-Stealth.pngStealth
Status Effect-Tenacity Up.pngTenacity Up
Status Effect-Health Steal Up.pngHealth Steal Up
Status Effect-Defense Penetration Up.pngDefense Penetration Up
Status Effect-Daze.pngDaze
Fleet Battles: 4-C (Hard) Game-Icon-Ship Energy.png20 (2x)
Light Side Battles: 3-E (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Galactic War Store
Unit-Character-Hera Syndulla-portrait.png
Status Effect-Backup Plan.pngBackup Plan
Status Effect-Expose.pngExpose
Light Side Battles: 2-F (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Galactic War Store
Guild Events Store Mk I Guild Event Token 400  (10x)
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Tenacity Down.pngTenacity Down
Squad Arena Store Squad Arena Token 400  (10x)
Status Effect-Critical Chance Up.pngCritical Chance Up
Status Effect-Evasion Up.pngEvasion Up
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Stealth.pngStealth
Status Effect-Expose.pngExpose
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Light Side Battles: 5-B (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png16 (2x)
Unit-Character-Iden Versio-portrait.png
Unit-Ship-TIE Defender-portrait.png
TIE Defender
Status Effect-Protection Up.pngProtection Up
35pxWe Adapt
35pxOr Die
Status Effect-Healing Immunity.pngHealing Immunity
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Status Effect-Vulnerable.pngVulnerable
Light Side Battles: 4-D (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Defense Down.pngDefense Down
Status Effect-Healing Immunity.pngHealing Immunity
Status Effect-Target Lock.pngTarget Lock
Squad Arena Store Squad Arena Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Ima-Gun Di-portrait.png
Status Effect-Defense Up.pngDefense Up
Status Effect-Defense Down.pngDefense Down
Dark Side Battles: 5-C (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png16 (2x)
Guild Activity Store Guild Token 450  (10x)
Unit-Character-Jabba the Hutt-portrait.png
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Protection Up.pngProtection Up
Status Effect-Hired Muscle.pngHired Muscle
Status Effect-Buff Immunity.pngBuff Immunity
Status Effect-Speed Down.pngSpeed Down
Status Effect-Blind.pngBlind
Status Effect-Thermal Detonator.pngThermal Detonator
Greetings, Exalted One
Unit-Character-Jango Fett-portrait.png
Status Effect-Bounty Hunter's Resolve.pngBounty Hunter's Resolve
Status Effect-Burning.pngBurning
Status Effect-Healing Immunity.pngHealing Immunity
Status Effect-Stagger.pngStagger
Light Side Battles: 8-D (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png20 (2x)
Unit-Character-Jedi Knight Anakin-portrait.png
Unit-Ship-Anakin's Eta-2 Starfighter-portrait.png
Anakin's Eta-2 Starfighter
Status Effect-Critical Chance Up.pngCritical Chance Up
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Protection Up.pngProtection Up
Status Effect-Buff Immunity.pngBuff Immunity
Status Effect-Healing Immunity.pngHealing Immunity
Dark Side Battles: 1-B (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Unit-Character-Jedi Knight Cal Kestis-portrait.png
Status Effect-Advantage.pngAdvantage
Status Effect-Protection Up.pngProtection Up
Status Effect-Riposte.pngRiposte
Status Effect-Retribution.pngRetribution
Status Effect-Defense Penetration Up.pngDefense Penetration Up
Status Effect-Damage Immunity.pngDamage Immunity
Status Effect-Speed Down.pngSpeed Down
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Status Effect-Daze.pngDaze
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Stagger.pngStagger
Status Effect-Force Influence.pngForce Influence
Status Effect-Armor Shred.pngArmor Shred
35pxConfiguration - Double-Bladed
35pxConfiguration - Dual Wield
35pxConfiguration - Crossguard
Unit-Character-Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker-portrait.png
Status Effect-Jedi's Will.pngJedi's Will
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Status Effect-Blind.pngBlind
Status Effect-Vulnerable.pngVulnerable
Luke Skywalker The Journey Continues
Unit-Character-Jedi Knight Revan-portrait.png
Status Effect-Critical Damage Up.pngCritical Damage Up
Status Effect-Foresight.pngForesight
Status Effect-Buff Immunity.pngBuff Immunity
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Status Effect-Marked.pngMarked
Legend of the Old Republic
Unit-Character-Jedi Master Kenobi-portrait.png
Status Effect-Damage Immunity.pngDamage Immunity
Status Effect-Foresight.pngForesight
Status Effect-Tenacity Up.pngTenacity Up
Status Effect-Defense Penetration Up.pngDefense Penetration Up
Status Effect-Protection Up.pngProtection Up
Status Effect-High Ground.pngHigh Ground
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Healing Immunity.pngHealing Immunity
Status Effect-Vulnerable.pngVulnerable
What Must Be Done
Unit-Character-Jedi Master Luke Skywalker-portrait.png
Status Effect-Advantage.pngAdvantage
Status Effect-Critical Damage Up.pngCritical Damage Up
Status Effect-Critical Hit Immunity.pngCritical Hit Immunity
Status Effect-Jedi Lessons.pngJedi Lessons
Status Effect-Jedi Legacy.pngJedi Legacy
Status Effect-Daze.pngDaze
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Buff Immunity.pngBuff Immunity
Status Effect-Expose.pngExpose
Status Effect-Tenacity Down.pngTenacity Down
Status Effect-Breach.pngBreach
The Journey's End
Unit-Character-Jyn Erso-portrait.png
Unit-Ship-Cassian's U-wing-portrait.png
Cassian's U-wing
Status Effect-Advantage.pngAdvantage
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Guild Activity Store Guild Token 450  (10x)
Unit-Character-Kelleran Beq-portrait.png
Status Effect-Foresight.pngForesight
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Protection Up.pngProtection Up
Status Effect-Tenacity Up.pngTenacity Up
35pxPadawan Lessons
Dark Side Battles: 2-E (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12
Unit-Character-Kit Fisto-portrait.png
Status Effect-Potency Up.pngPotency Up
Cantina Battles Store
Guild Activity Store Guild Token 450  (10x)
Status Effect-Defense Up.pngDefense Up
Status Effect-Speed Up.pngSpeed Up
Status Effect-Taunt.pngTaunt
Status Effect-Protection Up.pngProtection Up
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Evasion Down.pngEvasion Down
Status Effect-Shock.pngShock
Status Effect-Potency Down.pngPotency Down
Status Effect-Disarm.pngDisarm
Cantina Battles: 7-A Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png16 (2x)
Unit-Character-Kylo Ren (Unmasked)-portrait.png
Unit-Ship-TIE Silencer-portrait.png
TIE Silencer
Status Effect-Advantage.pngAdvantage
Status Effect-Taunt.pngTaunt
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Status Effect-Tenacity Down.pngTenacity Down
Cantina Battles: 3-F Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png10 (2x)
Light Side Battles: 1-D (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Unit-Character-Lando Calrissian-portrait.png
Status Effect-Critical Chance Up.pngCritical Chance Up
Cantina Battles: 1-E Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png8 (2x)
Guild Events Store Mk I Guild Event Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Leia Organa-portrait.png
Status Effect-Retribution.pngRetribution
Status Effect-Call to Action.pngCall to Action
Status Effect-Stealth.pngStealth
Status Effect-Bonus Protection.pngBonus Protection
Status Effect-Foresight.pngForesight
Status Effect-Daze.pngDaze
Status Effect-Stagger.pngStagger
Status Effect-Buff Immunity.pngBuff Immunity
Status Effect-Critical Chance Down.pngCritical Chance Down
Status Effect-Critical Damage Down.pngCritical Damage Down
Status Effect-Potency Down.pngPotency Down
Status Effect-Tenacity Down.pngTenacity Down
Status Effect-Defense Down.pngDefense Down
Status Effect-Vulnerable.pngVulnerable
Rebel with a cause
Status Effect-Foresight.pngForesight
Status Effect-Defense Up.pngDefense Up
Status Effect-Speed Up.pngSpeed Up
Status Effect-Defense Down.pngDefense Down
Status Effect-Target Lock.pngTarget Lock
Status Effect-Speed Down.pngSpeed Down
Cantina Battles: 1-E Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png8 (2x)
Unit-Character-Lord Vader-portrait.png
Status Effect-Speed Up.pngSpeed Up
Status Effect-Stealth.pngStealth
Status Effect-Daze.pngDaze
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Buff Immunity.pngBuff Immunity
Status Effect-Damage Over Time.pngDamage Over Time
Status Effect-Healing Immunity.pngHealing Immunity
Status Effect-Underestimated.pngUnderestimated
Status Effect-Ashes of the Republic.pngAshes of the Republic
Lord Vader Hero's Fall
Unit-Character-Luke Skywalker (Farmboy)-portrait.png
Status Effect-Damage Over Time.pngDamage Over Time
Status Effect-Defense Down.pngDefense Down
Status Effect-Speed Down.pngSpeed Down
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Cantina Battles: 1-B Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png8 (2x)
Light Side Battles: 7-D (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png20 (2x)
Guild Activity Store Guild Token 450  (10x)
Guild Events Store Mk I Guild Event Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Luminara Unduli-portrait.png
Status Effect-Evasion Up.pngEvasion Up
Status Effect-Heal Over Time.pngHeal Over Time
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Galactic War Store Galactic War Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Mace Windu-portrait.png
Status Effect-Foresight.pngForesight
Status Effect-Resilient Defense.pngResilient Defense
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Speed Down.pngSpeed Down
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Status Effect-Shatterpoint.pngShatterpoint
Light Side Battles: 2-E (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Fleet Arena Store Fleet Arena Token 400  (10x)
Squad Arena Store Squad Arena Token 400  (10x)
Status Effect-Retribution.pngRetribution
Status Effect-Frenzy.pngFrenzy
Status Effect-Buff Immunity.pngBuff Immunity
Status Effect-Offense Down.pngOffense Down
Status Effect-Anguish.pngAnguish
Status Effect-Mand'alor.pngMand'alor
Guild Events Store
Unit-Character-Moff Gideon-portrait.png
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Taunt.pngTaunt
Status Effect-Protection Up.pngProtection Up
Status Effect-Daze.pngDaze
Status Effect-Demoralized.pngDemoralized
Status Effect-Armor Shred.pngArmor Shred
Status Effect-Insight.pngInsight
Cantina Battles: 4-E Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png10 (2x)
Light Side Battles: 2-D (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Unit-Character-Mon Mothma-portrait.png
Light Side Battles: 5-E (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png16 (2x)
Unit-Character-Mother Talzin-portrait.png
Status Effect-Plague.pngPlague
Light Side Battles: 8-A (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png20 (2x)
Unit-Character-Ninth Sister-portrait.png
Status Effect-Heal Over Time.pngHeal Over Time
Status Effect-Taunt.pngTaunt
Status Effect-Daze.pngDaze
Status Effect-Damage Over Time.pngDamage Over Time
Status Effect-Defense Down.pngDefense Down
Status Effect-Potency Down.pngPotency Down
Light Side Battles: 3-D (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Unit-Character-Nute Gunray-portrait.png
Status Effect-Stealth.pngStealth
Status Effect-Speed Down.pngSpeed Down
Status Effect-Extortion.pngExtortion
Status Effect-Profit.pngProfit
Squad Arena Store Squad Arena Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben)-portrait.png
Status Effect-Defense Up.pngDefense Up
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Potency Up.pngPotency Up
Status Effect-Speed Up.pngSpeed Up
Status Effect-Taunt.pngTaunt
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Evasion Down.pngEvasion Down
Status Effect-Offense Down.pngOffense Down
Cantina Battles: 1-C Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png8 (2x)
Guild Activity Store Guild Token 450  (10x)
Unit-Character-Old Daka-portrait.png
Status Effect-Defense Up.pngDefense Up
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Dark Side Battles: 4-B (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Cantina Battles Store Cantina Battle Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Padmé Amidala-portrait.png
Status Effect-Protection Up.pngProtection Up
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Aggressive Negotiations
Unit-Character-Plo Koon-portrait.png
Unit-Ship-Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter-portrait.png
Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter
Status Effect-Defense Up.pngDefense Up
Status Effect-Offense Down.pngOffense Down
Cantina Battles: 4-G Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png10 (2x)
Fleet Arena Store Fleet Arena Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Poe Dameron-portrait.png
Unit-Ship-Poe Dameron's X-wing-portrait.png
Poe Dameron's X-wing
Status Effect-Taunt.pngTaunt
Status Effect-Buff Immunity.pngBuff Immunity
Status Effect-Expose.pngExpose
Status Effect-Offense Down.pngOffense Down
Light Side Battles: 7-B (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png20 (2x)
Cantina Battles Store Cantina Battle Token 400  (10x)
Fleet Arena Store Fleet Arena Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Poggle the Lesser-portrait.png
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Hive Mind.pngHive Mind
Light Side Battles: 4-E (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Galactic War Store Galactic War Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Princess Leia-portrait.png
Status Effect-Critical Chance Up.pngCritical Chance Up
Status Effect-Critical Damage Up.pngCritical Damage Up
Status Effect-Foresight.pngForesight
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Stealth.pngStealth
Dark Side Battles: 1-C (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Guild Events Store Mk I Guild Event Token 400  (10x)
Squad Arena Store Squad Arena Token 400  (10x)
Status Effect-Health Steal Up.pngHealth Steal Up
Status Effect-Defense Penetration Up.pngDefense Penetration Up
Status Effect-Daze.pngDaze
Status Effect-Expose.pngExpose
Status Effect-Offense Down.pngOffense Down
Status Effect-Stagger.pngStagger
Status Effect-Prepared.pngPrepared
Cantina Battles: 3-B Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png10 (2x)
Unit-Character-Queen Amidala-portrait.png
Status Effect-Heal Over Time.pngHeal Over Time
Status Effect-Protection Over Time.pngProtection Over Time
Status Effect-Accuracy Up.pngAccuracy Up
Status Effect-Defense Penetration Up.pngDefense Penetration Up
Status Effect-Defense Up.pngDefense Up
Status Effect-Speed Up.pngSpeed Up
Status Effect-Tenacity Up.pngTenacity Up
Status Effect-Stealth.pngStealth
Status Effect-Taunt.pngTaunt
Status Effect-Damage Immunity.pngDamage Immunity
35pxQueen's Protection
Status Effect-Expose.pngExpose
Status Effect-Stagger.pngStagger
Status Effect-Doubt.pngDoubt
Conquest Store
Unit-Character-Qui-Gon Jinn-portrait.png
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Cantina Battles Store Cantina Battle Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Rebel Officer Leia Organa-portrait.png
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Buff Immunity.pngBuff Immunity
Guild Activity Store
Guild Events Store Mk II Guild Event Token 900  (5x)
Mk II Guild Event Token 1800  (10x)
Hoth Rebel Assault
Status Effect-Critical Hit Immunity.pngCritical Hit Immunity
Status Effect-Lifeblood.pngLifeblood
Status Effect-Inspired.pngInspired
Status Effect-Mastery Increased.pngMastery Increased
Heir to the Light Side
Unit-Character-Rey (Jedi Training)-portrait.png
Status Effect-Critical Damage Up.pngCritical Damage Up
Status Effect-Foresight.pngForesight
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Daze.pngDaze
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Healing Immunity.pngHealing Immunity
Status Effect-Offense Down.pngOffense Down
Status Effect-Speed Down.pngSpeed Down
Rey Hero's Journey
Unit-Character-Sana Starros-portrait.png
Status Effect-Critical Chance Up.pngCritical Chance Up
Status Effect-Stealth.pngStealth
Status Effect-Vulnerable.pngVulnerable
Status Effect-Tenacity Down.pngTenacity Down
Status Effect-Stagger.pngStagger
Cantina Battles: 2-C Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png8 (2x)
Unit-Character-Savage Opress-portrait.png
Status Effect-Critical Chance Up.pngCritical Chance Up
Status Effect-Critical Damage Up.pngCritical Damage Up
Status Effect-Defense Up.pngDefense Up
Status Effect-Heal Over Time.pngHeal Over Time
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Offense Down.pngOffense Down
Squad Arena Store Squad Arena Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Saw Gerrera-portrait.png
Status Effect-Heal Over Time.pngHeal Over Time
Status Effect-Stealth.pngStealth
Status Effect-Critical Hit Immunity.pngCritical Hit Immunity
Status Effect-Defense Down.pngDefense Down
Status Effect-Taunt.pngTaunt
Status Effect-Defense Down.pngDefense Down
Status Effect-Blind.pngBlind
Light Side Battles: 4-B (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Unit-Character-Second Sister-portrait.png
Unit-Ship-TIE-IN Interceptor Prototype-portrait.png
TIE/IN Interceptor Prototype
Status Effect-Critical Damage Up.pngCritical Damage Up
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Status Effect-Purge.pngPurge
Dark Side Battles: 4-C (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Unit-Character-Seventh Sister-portrait.png
Status Effect-Evasion Up.pngEvasion Up
Status Effect-Foresight.pngForesight
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Critical Hit Immunity.pngCritical Hit Immunity
Status Effect-Daze.pngDaze
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Healing Immunity.pngHealing Immunity
Status Effect-Offense Down.pngOffense Down
Status Effect-Speed Down.pngSpeed Down
Status Effect-Accuracy Down.pngAccuracy Down
Status Effect-Purge.pngPurge
Dark Side Battles: 4-E (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Unit-Character-Shaak Ti-portrait.png
Status Effect-Critical Chance Up.pngCritical Chance Up
Status Effect-Offense Up.pngOffense Up
Status Effect-Retribution.pngRetribution
Status Effect-Speed Up.pngSpeed Up
Status Effect-Stealth.pngStealth
Status Effect-Taunt.pngTaunt
Status Effect-Tenacity Up.pngTenacity Up
Status Effect-Critical Hit Immunity.pngCritical Hit Immunity
Fleet Battles: 5-A (Hard) Game-Icon-Ship Energy.png20 (2x)
Unit-Character-Sith Eternal Emperor-portrait.png
Status Effect-Retribution.pngRetribution
Status Effect-Speed Up.pngSpeed Up
Status Effect-Taunt.pngTaunt
Status Effect-Deceived.pngDeceived
Status Effect-Linked.pngLinked
The Final Order
Unit-Character-Stormtrooper Han-portrait.png
Status Effect-Taunt.pngTaunt
Cantina Battles: 2-A Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png8 (2x)
Cantina Battles Store
Guild Events Store Mk I Guild Event Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-Supreme Leader Kylo Ren-portrait.png
Status Effect-Advantage.pngAdvantage
Status Effect-Buff Immunity.pngBuff Immunity
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Status Effect-Siphon.pngSiphon
Status Effect-Mastery Increased.pngMastery Increased
Status Effect-Mastery Decreased.pngMastery Decreased
Heir to the Dark Side
Status Effect-Damage Over Time.pngDamage Over Time
Status Effect-Stagger.pngStagger
Cantina Battles: 1-G Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png8 (2x)
Dark Side Battles: 9-C (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png20 (2x)
Guild Activity Store Guild Token 450  (10x)
Status Effect-Defense Penetration Up.pngDefense Penetration Up
Status Effect-Defense Up.pngDefense Up
Status Effect-Protection Up.pngProtection Up
Status Effect-Critical Damage Up.pngCritical Damage Up
Status Effect-Speed Up.pngSpeed Up
Status Effect-Taunt.pngTaunt
Status Effect-Potency Up.pngPotency Up
Status Effect-Tenacity Up.pngTenacity Up
Status Effect-Advantage.pngAdvantage
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Status Effect-Provoked.pngProvoked
Status Effect-Damage Over Time.pngDamage Over Time
Dark Side Battles: 4-D (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Status Effect-Stealth.pngStealth
Dark Side Battles: 3-D (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Galactic War Store Galactic War Token 400  (10x)
Unit-Character-The Armorer-portrait.png
Status Effect-Beskar Armor.pngBeskar Armor
Status Effect-Armor Shred.pngArmor Shred
Status Effect-Beskar Ingot.pngBeskar Ingot
Light Side Battles: 9-C (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png20 (2x)
Unit-Character-The Mandalorian-portrait.png
Status Effect-Critical Chance Up.pngCritical Chance Up
Status Effect-Critical Damage Up.pngCritical Damage Up
Status Effect-Bounty Hunter's Resolve.pngBounty Hunter's Resolve
Dark Side Battles: 3-C (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Fleet Battles: 5-E (Hard) Game-Icon-Ship Energy.png20 (2x)
Galactic War Store
Unit-Character-The Mandalorian (Beskar Armor)-portrait.png
Unit-Ship-Razor Crest-portrait.png
Razor Crest
Status Effect-Damage Immunity.pngDamage Immunity
Status Effect-Tenacity Up.pngTenacity Up
Status Effect-Damage Over Time.pngDamage Over Time
Status Effect-Healing Immunity.pngHealing Immunity
Status Effect-Whistling Birds.pngWhistling Birds
The Mandalorian Hero's Journey
Unit-Character-Third Sister-portrait.png
Status Effect-Hatred.pngHatred
Status Effect-Taunt.pngTaunt
Status Effect-Purge.pngPurge
Status Effect-Ability Block.pngAbility Block
Status Effect-Defense Down.pngDefense Down
Status Effect-Healing Immunity.pngHealing Immunity
Status Effect-Armor Shred.pngArmor Shred
Rise of the Empire
Unit-Character-Tusken Chieftain-portrait.png
Status Effect-Protection Up.pngProtection Up
Status Effect-Damage Over Time.pngDamage Over Time
Status Effect-Momentum.pngMomentum
Dark Side Battles: 6-C (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png16 (2x)
Status Effect-Speed Up.pngSpeed Up
Status Effect-Stun.pngStun
Light Side Battles: 5-A (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png16 (2x)
Unit-Character-Wedge Antilles-portrait.png
Unit-Ship-Wedge Antilles's X-wing-portrait.png
Wedge Antilles's X-wing
Status Effect-Defense Down.pngDefense Down
Fleet Arena Store Fleet Arena Token 400  (10x)
Galactic War Store
Unit-Character-Zam Wesell-portrait.png
Status Effect-Speed Up.pngSpeed Up
Status Effect-Evasion Down.pngEvasion Down
Status Effect-Thermal Detonator.pngThermal Detonator
Fleet Arena Store Fleet Arena Token 400  (10x)
Guild Activity Store

Leader Abilities

Unit-Character-50R-T-portrait-tr.png 50R-T Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Droid
Synergy: Target LockDroid

Droid allies have +35% Defense and +35 Speed and gain Spare Parts until the end of battle, which can't be copied, dispelled or prevented. At the start of battle, if all allies are Droids, 50R-T gains 30% Max Health and +40 Speed.

Spare Parts: +30% Critical Chance and +30% Offense; if this character is defeated, they are revived with 100% Health, gain Foresight and Protection Up (50%) for 2 turns, and dispel this buff from all allies; this revive can't be prevented

While in Conquests, if all allies are non-Separatist Droids: The first time the first enemy to take a turn is defeated, if there are other active enemies (excluding summons), all allies are revived with 60% Health, and gain Damage Immunity and Instant Defeat Immunity for 2 turns, these buffs can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. This revive can't be prevented.

Unit-Character-Aayla Secura-portrait-tr.png Aayla Secura Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: Jedi
Synergy: Jedi

Jedi allies gain 40% Tenacity and recover 10% of their Max Health when they resist an effect.

Unit-Character-Admiral Ackbar-portrait-tr.png Admiral Ackbar Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Rebel

Rebel allies have +25 Speed and +10% Tenacity. In addition, whenever an ally uses an ability that isn't an attack, they call a random Rebel ally to assist.

While in Grand Arenas: At the start of battle, all allies gain Tenacity Up for 2 turns. If all allies are Rebel, whenever an ally's buff expires that ally gains 3% Turn Meter. Whenever an ally uses an ability that isn't an attack, all allies recover 5% Health, and, instead of a random ally, the 2 other weakest allies are called to assist. The allies who assisted have their cooldowns reduced by 1.

Unit-Character-Admiral Piett-portrait-tr.png Admiral Piett Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: Empire
Synergy: Empire

Empire allies have +30% Offense and Potency. Light Side enemies have -30% Tenacity and -15 Speed. When an ally with Inevitable Failure critically hits an enemy, they gain 1 stack of Inevitable Failure and Defense Up for 2 turns.

Unit-Character-Admiral Raddus-portrait-tr.png Admiral Raddus Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Rogue One
Synergy: Jyn ErsoExposeRebelRogue OneLight Side

For each Rogue One ally at the start of battle, Rogue One allies gain 10% Health, 12% Potency, 8 Speed, and 12% Tenacity. When an Empire enemy gains bonus Turn Meter, they are inflicted with Daze for 2 turns, which can't be resisted. If a Rogue One ally is critically hit by an enemy, that enemy gains Expose for 2 turns, which can't be resisted.

While in Grand Arenas: Rogue One allies gain 40% Max Protection. At the start of battle, all Rogue One allies gain Spark of Rebellion for 3 turns. When Spark of Rebellion is dispelled from an ally, they gain Critical Chance Up, Critical Damage Up, Defense Up, Health Up, Offense Up, Potency Up, and Protection Up (20%) for 2 turns.

Unit-Character-Admiral Trench-portrait-tr.png Admiral Trench Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Jango FettNute GunraySeparatistWat Tambor
Synergy: Separatist

Separatist allies have +30% Max Health, Max Protection, and Potency and they have +10% Speed (excludes Galactic Legend allies) for each ally with Tech and each enemy with Extortion.

Whenever a Separatist ally inflicts a debuff on an enemy, they gain 20% Offense for 3 turns (stacking, limit once per turn). While a Separatist ally has a Tech, they have +100% Potency. When a non-Geonosian Separatist ally gains Baktoid Shield Generator Tech, they dispel Stealth from themselves and while they have Baktoid Shield Generator Tech, they are immune to Stealth and gain 100% Critical Avoidance and Defense.

While a Separatist ally has a Heal Over Time, they have +30% Counter Chance, and while they have a Protection Over Time, they have +30% Defense Penetration. While an enemy has Burning, they can't assist, counter attack, or gain bonus Turn Meter.

While in Territory Wars: Non-Droid Separatist allies have +50% Mastery, and +75% Max Health and Max Protection. Separatist allies with Tech can't have their turn meter reduced. Enemies with Extortion will be critically hit if able.

Whenever an enemy dispels a debuff, Separatist allies gain 10% turn meter (limit once per turn). The first time each enemy is reduced below 100% Health (excluding summons), Separatist allies gain 20% Offense (stacking) and +5 Speed (stacking) until the end of the battle.

Unit-Character-Ahsoka Tano-portrait-tr.png Ahsoka Tano Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: JediNightsister
Synergy: Jedi Knight AnakinGalactic Republic501stGeneral Kenobi

Jedi and Nightsister allies have +14% Evasion, and gain 20% Turn Meter whenever they Evade.

Unit-Character-Asajj Ventress-portrait-tr.png Asajj Ventress Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Nightsister

Nightsister allies have +30 Speed, +30% Offense, gain 50% Turn Meter when they fall below 100% Health, and have a 50% chance to remove 20% Turn Meter when they damage an enemy. This Turn Meter removal can't be Resisted.

Unit-Character-Aurra Sing-portrait-tr.png Aurra Sing Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Bounty HuntersScoundrel
Synergy: StealthBounty HuntersDebuffToppled

Bounty Hunter and Scoundrel allies have +30% Offense while Stealthed. At the start of battle, and whenever a Bounty Hunter ally defeats an enemy, all Bounty Hunter Attacker allies gain Stealth for 2 turns. When Aurra Sing is in the Leader slot, and not the Ally slot, the following Contract is active:

Contract: Use an ability while buffed 10 times. (Only Bounty Hunter allies can contribute to the Contract.)

Reward: All Bounty Hunter allies gain +50% Counter Chance and their Payouts are activated. Bounty Hunter allies recover 25% Protection and gain 25% Turn Meter whenever an enemy is defeated.

Unit-Character-Barriss Offee-portrait-tr.png Barriss Offee Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: AllJedi

Jedi allies gain 20% Max Health, and other allies gain half that amount. In addition, at the start of each of their turns, Jedi allies heal for 8% of Barriss Offee's Max Health, and other allies heal half that amount.

Unit-Character-Bastila Shan-portrait-tr.png Bastila Shan Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Jedi
Synergy: Jedi Knight RevanJedi

At the start of the battle, Jedi allies gain 15% Turn Meter and Protection Up (200%, can't be dispelled), and Jedi Tank allies Taunt for 1 turn. While Jedi allies have Protection Up, they have +150% Tenacity and deal 35% more damage.

Unit-Character-Bo-Katan (Mand'alor)-portrait-tr.png Bo-Katan (Mand'alor) Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Light Side Mandalorian
Synergy: Light Side Mandalorian

Light Side Mandalorian allies gain 40% Defense, Max Health and Offense. Light Side Mandalorian allies gain 5% Defense (stacking, max 30%) for each debuff on them. Whenever a Light Side Mandalorian ally deals True damage, dispels a debuff, or resists a debuff, all Light Side Mandalorian allies gain 1 stack of Ancestral Resolve (max 100) until the end of the encounter, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. Whenever an ally attacks an enemy inflicted with Armor Shred, all Light Side Mandalorian Tank allies Taunt for 1 turn (max 2 times per turn).

While in Grand Arenas: Light Side Mandalorian allies gain 50% Mastery, Max Health and 30 Speed. At the start of each encounter, Light Side Mandalorian Tank allies Taunt for 2 turns. If there are other active enemies (excluding summons), the first Light Side Mandalorian ally that is defeated each battle is revived and recovers 50% Health and Protection. All Light Side Mandalorian allies gain 1 additional stack of Ancestral Resolve whenever a Light Side Mandalorian ally deals True damage, dispels a debuff, or resists a debuff.

Unit-Character-Bo-Katan Kryze-portrait-tr.png Bo-Katan Kryze Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: Mandalorian
Synergy: Mandalorian

Whenever a Mandalorian ally uses a Basic ability during their turn, they call another random Mandalorian ally to assist, dealing 20% less damage (limit once per turn).

Whenever a Mandalorian ally attacks out of turn, they gain 25% Critical Damage (max 5 stacks) until the end of their next turn. At the start of encounter, all Mandalorian allies gain the granted ability Ancestral Armor.

Ancestral Armor: Dispel all debuffs on this character. Then, gain Defense Up, Taunt, and Tenacity Up for 2 turns. (Cooldown: 4)

Unit-Character-Boba Fett-portrait-tr.png Boba Fett Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: AllBounty Hunters

All allies gain 50% Critical Damage and 10% Critical Chance. Bounty Hunter allies gain 15 Speed for each debuffed enemy, gain Max Health equal to 50% of the total Potency of all Bounty Hunter allies, and gain 15% Turn Meter whenever a Thermal Detonator explodes. When Boba Fett is in the Leader slot, and not the Ally slot, the following Contract is active:

Contract: Defeat the first enemy that takes a turn in any encounter. (Only Bounty Hunter allies can contribute to the Contract.)

Reward: All Bounty Hunter allies have +25% Tenacity for the rest of the battle and their Payouts are activated.

Unit-Character-Boba Fett, Scion of Jango-portrait-tr.png Boba Fett, Scion of Jango Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Bounty HuntersScoundrel
Synergy: Bounty HuntersScoundrel

Bounty Hunter or Scoundrel allies have +50% Critical Avoidance while they have Tenacity Up. While debuffed, Bounty Hunter or Scoundrel allies gain 40% Critical Damage.

When Boba Fett, Scion of Jango is in the Leader slot, and not the Ally slot, the following Contract is active:

Contract: While buffed, damage a debuffed enemy 20 times. Enemies must be debuffed before the start of an attack to count progress. (Only Bounty Hunter or Scoundrel allies can contribute to the Contract.)

Reward: All Bounty Hunter allies have their payouts activated, and all Bounty Hunter or Scoundrel allies gain 25% Offense and Health Steal, and ignore Taunt.

While in Territory Wars: Bounty Hunter or Scoundrel allies have +30 Speed, +50% Mastery, +30% Potency, Max Health, and Max Protection and take 18% less damage.

Boba Fett, Scion of Jango gains an additional 60 Speed, and 100% Max Health, and Max Protection. Contract requirements and rewards are adjusted as follows:

Contract: While buffed, damage a debuffed enemy 10 times. Enemies must be debuffed before the start of an attack to count progress. (Only Bounty Hunter or Scoundrel allies can contribute to the Contract.)

Reward: All Bounty Hunter allies have their payouts activated, and all Bounty Hunter or Scoundrel allies gain 25% Offense and Health Steal, ignore Taunt and each time they deal damage with an ability, they deal damage an additional time as true damage.

Unit-Character-Boss Nass-portrait-tr.png Boss Nass Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Gungan
Synergy: Gungan

Gungan allies have +30% Max Protection, and Offense, and +30 Speed.

Whenever a Gungan ally attacks out of turn, they inflict Speed Down for 1 turn. The first time each Gungan ally drops below 50% Health, they gain 50% bonus Protection for 2 turns.

If there is an ally Shield Generator, whenever it loses a stack of Recharge, Gungan allies gain 1% Max Protection (max 50%) until the end of the encounter. If the Shield Generator is defeated, Gungan allies gain 50% Turn Meter. At the end of each Gungan ally's turn, they remove a stack of Recharge.

If all allies are Gungans at the start of battle: Summon a Shield Generator to battle if the ally slot is available.

While in Territory Wars: Gungans gain 50% Max Protection and 30 Speed.

At the start of each Gungan ally's turn, they recover 20% Protection and dispel all debuffs on themselves.

Whenever a Gungan ally is Dazed or Stunned, they dispel it and recover 75% Protection and gain 4 stacks of Protection Over Time (10%) for 2 turns.

Unit-Character-Bossk-portrait-tr.png Bossk Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Bounty Hunters
Synergy: Bounty Hunters

All Bounty Hunters gain +50% Max Protection and +50% Tenacity. All Bounty Hunter allies gain +100% Defense while at full Health. Whenever an enemy suffers a debuff or Resists, all Bounty Hunter allies recover 5% Health and Protection. When Bossk is in the Leader slot, and not the Ally slot, the following Contract is active:

Contract: Deal damage to the weakest enemy 10 times. (Only Bounty Hunter allies can contribute to the Contract.)

Reward: All Bounty Hunter allies gain +50 Speed for the rest of battle and their Payouts are activated.

Unit-Character-Boushh (Leia Organa)-portrait-tr.png Boushh (Leia Organa) Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: Bounty Hunters
Synergy: Bounty HuntersHutt CartelLight Side Smuggler

Bounty Hunter allies gain 25% Max Health and Max Protection, and enemies with Deadly Bluff lose 25% Tenacity. At the end of each turn, dispel all buffs on enemies with both Deadly Bluff and Thermal Detonator.

Contract: Defeat an enemy with damage from Thermal Detonators.

Reward: All Bounty Hunter allies have their Payouts activated and are immune to Stun. Additionally, enemies can't be revived.

Unit-Character-Cad Bane-portrait-tr.png Cad Bane Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: Bounty Hunters
Synergy: Debuff

Bounty Hunter allies have +100% Potency and gain Advantage for 2 turns when they inflict a debuff. When Cad Bane is in the Leader slot, and not the Ally slot, the following Contract is active:

Contract: Inflict 20 debuffs on enemies. (Only Bounty Hunter allies can contribute to the Contract.)

Reward: All enemies have -50% Tenacity for the rest of the battle. All Bounty Hunter allies have their Payouts activated.

Unit-Character-Captain Phasma-portrait-tr.png Captain Phasma Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: AllFirst Order
Synergy: Advantage

First Order allies have +20% Potency, gain Advantage for 2 turns at the start of each encounter, and can't be critically hit while they have Advantage. Whenever an ally attacks, they have a 20% chance to call a random ally to assist. This chance is tripled if the attacking ally is First Order. If that ally had Advantage, they regain it for 2 turns.

While in Territory Wars: Additional +10% chance to call a random ally to assist. Captain Phasma has +100 Speed. Whenever a First Order ally attacks out of turn, First Order allies recover 5% Health and Protection. Whenever a First Order ally gains Advantage, they also gain 10% Offense (stacking) for the rest of battle and all First Order allies gain 7.5% Turn Meter.

Unit-Character-Carth Onasi-portrait-tr.png Carth Onasi Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Old Republic
Synergy: Damage Over TimeOld Republic

Old Republic allies gain 30% Potency, Tenacity and Critical Avoidance. Whenever an enemy is inflicted with a Damage Over Time effect, all Old Republic allies recover 3% Health and Protection.

When an Old Republic ally uses their Basic ability during their turn, they have an 80% chance to call another Old Republic ally to assist, dealing 50% less damage (limit once per turn).

While in Territory Battles: Old Republic allies have +20% counter chance, Defense, and Max Health for each Old Republic ally. Whenever an Old Republic ally uses a Special ability, they inflict 4 Damage Over Time effects on the target enemy, which can't be evaded, and then Carth is called to assist. Whenever an Old Republic ally attacks out of turn, they recover 5% Health and Protection and gain 25% Offense (stacking) until the end of the encounter.

Unit-Character-CC-2224 "Cody"-portrait-tr.png CC-2224 "Cody" Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: AllClone Trooper
Synergy: Clone Trooper

Clone allies gain 30% Critical Chance, and other allies gain half that amount. Cody gains 60% Defense for each living Clone ally and other Clone allies gain half that amount. Clone allies recover 5% of their Max Protection whenever they use a Basic ability.

Unit-Character-Cere Junda-portrait-tr.png Cere Junda Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Unaligned Force User
Synergy: Unaligned Force User

All allies have +20% Defense, Max Health, and Max Protection, doubled for Unaligned Force User allies. At the start of each encounter, all Unaligned Force User and Jedi allies gain Protection Up (50%) and Tenacity Up for 2 turns.

If all allies are Dark Side or Light Side Unaligned Force Users and there are no Galactic Legend allies at the start of battle: Until an ally takes their first turn, whenever an enemy starts their turn, all Unaligned Force User allies gain 5% Critical Chance, Critical Damage, and Offense (stacking) until the end of battle. While allies have Accuracy Up, they have +50% Critical Damage. All other Unaligned Force User allies gain 5% Turn Meter whenever another Unaligned Force User ally takes damage from an enemy.

While in Grand Arenas, if all allies are Dark Side or Light Side Unaligned Force Users and there are no Galactic Legend allies at the start of battle: All allies gain 30% Max Health and Max Protection and are immune to Ability Block and Daze. At the start of each encounter, all Unaligned Force User and Jedi allies gain Protection Up (75%) instead. For each instance of damage any Unaligned Force User ally deals to an enemy, they gain 10% Offense (stacking) for 2 turns. Until an ally takes their first turn, whenever an enemy starts their turn all Unaligned Force User allies gain an additional 10% Critical Chance, Critical Damage, and Offense (stacking) until the end of battle. Whenever an ally dispels a debuff, they recover 15% Health and Protection and gain Advantage for 2 turns. Whenever an ally dispels a buff, they recover 15% Health and Protection and at the end of their turn, they gain Foresight for 2 turns.

Unit-Character-Chief Chirpa-portrait-tr.png Chief Chirpa Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Ewok
Synergy: Ewok

Ewok allies gain 20% Turn Meter and deal 10% more damage whenever they perform a Basic attack. These effects are halved for other allies. Whenever an Ewok ally uses a Special ability, 60% chance to call another random Ewok ally to Assist.

While in Grand Arenas: Ewok allies have +30 Speed. Ewok allies deal an additional 40% more damage with Basic abilities and have an additional 40% chance to call an Ewok ally to assist when using a Special ability.

Unit-Character-Chief Nebit-portrait-tr.png Chief Nebit Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: JawasDroid
Synergy: JawasDroid

Jawa and Droid allies gain 30% Critical Chance and inflict Critical Chance Down for 3 turns on a critical hit.

While in Territory Wars: When a Jawa ally deals damage to an enemy, they dispel all buffs on that enemy. For every buff dispelled, that enemy is inflicted with a Thermal Detonator for 2 turns, which can't be dispelled, prevented, or resisted.

When an enemy takes damage from a Thermal Detonator, Jawa allies recover 5% Health and Protection, gain 5% Turn Meter, and there is a 50% chance that enemy is inflicted with a Thermal Detonator for 2 turns, which can't be dispelled, prevented, or resisted.

Unit-Character-Clone Wars Chewbacca-portrait-tr.png Clone Wars Chewbacca Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: All

All allies have +50 Defense, and a 50% chance to gain Defense Up for 3 turns whenever they are damaged.

Unit-Character-Commander Luke Skywalker-portrait-tr.png Commander Luke Skywalker Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Rebel
Synergy: Rebel

Rebel allies have +50% Counter Chance, +50% Defense, and +15% Offense. Whenever an enemy Resists a detrimental effect, Rebel allies gain 5% Turn Meter.

Unit-Character-Count Dooku-portrait-tr.png Count Dooku Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: Separatist
Synergy: Separatist

Separatist allies have +35% counter chance and gain 50% Tenacity the first time they are Stunned or Dazed.

Whenever an enemy falls below 100% Health, they inflict Tenacity Down and Healing Immunity for 2 turns on themselves, which can't be evaded or resisted, and all Separatist allies gain 10% Offense (stacking, max 50%).

Unit-Character-CT-5555 "Fives"-portrait-tr.png CT-5555 "Fives" Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: AllClone Trooper501st
Synergy: Clone Trooper501st

Clone Trooper allies have +50% Defense, and other allies gain half that amount. 501st allies gain Protection Over Time (5%) for 2 turns whenever they are critically hit.

Unit-Character-CT-7567 "Rex"-portrait-tr.png CT-7567 "Rex" Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: AllClone Trooper501st
Synergy: Clone Trooper501st

Clone Trooper allies and 501st allies have +20% Max Health. This increase is doubled for 501st Clone Troopers and halved for other allies. In addition, whenever an ally suffers a critical hit, all Clone Trooper allies gain 15% Turn Meter and other allies gain half that amount.

Unit-Character-Dark Trooper Moff Gideon-portrait-tr.png Dark Trooper Moff Gideon Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Moff GideonImperial Remnant
Synergy: InsightImperial RemnantDark Side Mandalorian

Non-Droid Imperial Remnant allies have +75% Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Defense, and Offense.

If all allies were Imperial Remnant at the start of battle:
- Whenever an ally gains or loses Turn Meter or a bonus turn, they recover that much Health and Protection.
- Whenever an enemy gains bonus Turn Meter or a bonus turn, they lose 10% Defense, Offense, and Turn Meter until the end of their next turn.
- Whenever Dark Trooper Moff Gideon uses a Special ability, all allies gain 10% Defense and Offense (stacking) until the end of the encounter
- Whenever Dark Trooper Moff Gideon takes a turn, he and all allied Moff Gideons gain 1 stack of Insight until the end of the encounter
- The first time each other ally is defeated each encounter, Dark Trooper Moff Gideon gains 100% Turn Meter

Insight: Characters gain additional effects and abilities based on the number of stacks.

While in Territory Wars: Non-Droid Imperial Remnant allies have +75% Health and Mastery and +30 Speed. Whenever an Imperial Remnant ally Taunts, dispel all debuffs from all allies and all buffs from all enemies. Whenever an Imperial Remnant ally is revived, grant them a bonus turn.

Unit-Character-Darth Bane-portrait-tr.png Darth Bane Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Sith
Synergy: SithSith Eternal Emperor

Sith allies have +30% Offense and +30 Speed. Sith allies can't be revived. Light Side enemies have -10 Speed, doubled for Jedi.

At the start of battle, allies gain Defense Up, Evasion Up, and Health Up for 2 turns.

Whenever a Sith ally is defeated, Bane's cooldowns are reset, he recovers 50% Health and gains 50% Turn Meter.

While Bane is active: At the end of each of his turns, the weakest other Sith ally takes damage equal to 15% of Bane's Max Health and Bane gains 5% Max Health for each other Sith ally for the rest of the battle. The first time each other non-Galactic Legend Sith ally above 30% Health would be reduced to 30% or less Health, they are granted a bonus turn and defeated at the start of that bonus turn, then Bane gains 5% Max Health, Max Protection, and Offense, and 5 Speed, and an additional 5% Max Health, Max Protection, and Offense and 5 Speed for each Relic Amplifier level that the defeated Sith ally had.

Unit-Character-Darth Malgus-portrait-tr.png Darth Malgus Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Sith Empire
Synergy: SithSith Empire

Sith Empire allies are immune to Turn Meter reduction. For each Sith Empire ally at the start of battle (excluding summoned allies), Sith Empire allies have +10% Critical Chance and Max Health and +10 Speed.

The first time any other ally falls below 50% Health, at the end of that turn all enemies are inflicted with Fear for 1 turn, which can't be dispelled, evaded, or resisted.

Whenever Doubt expires from an enemy, Sith Empire allies gain a stack of We Have Returned for 4 turns, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. Darth Malgus is immune to Stun and Fear.

We Have Returned: +5% Critical Damage and Offense per stack

While in Grand Arenas: Sith Empire allies have +50% Mastery, +30 Speed, and +80% Critical Avoidance and damage they receive is decreased by 15%. Whenever a Sith Empire ally is inflicted with a debuff, they recover 10% Health and Protection. Whenever Doubt is dispelled on an enemy, that enemy is inflicted with Expose for 2 turns, which can't be resisted. While enemies are inflicted with Doubt, they have -20% Speed, -20% Tenacity, and -30% Critical Damage.

At the start of battle, if all allies are Sith, Darth Malgus gains an additional 50% Max Health and Max Protection and 60 Speed. At the start of battle, Darth Malgus recovers 100% Health and Protection.

Unit-Character-Darth Maul-portrait-tr.png Darth Maul Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Sith

All Sith allies gain 20% Evasion, gain 20% Turn Meter and Stealth for 1 turn at the start of each encounter and whenever they Evade or are Critically Hit, can't be Critically Hit while Stealthed, and gain Advantage for 2 turns whenever Stealth expires. The Stealth and Turn Meter from this ability ignores Taunting allies.

Unit-Character-Darth Nihilus-portrait-tr.png Darth Nihilus Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Sith
Synergy: Darth SionDarth Traya

Sith allies gain 60% Offense and 150% Health Steal. Sith allies lose all Protection and gain that much Max Health. Sith allies are immune to Healing effects that aren't Health Steal and can't score Critical Hits.

Unit-Character-Darth Revan-portrait-tr.png Darth Revan Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Sith Empire
Synergy: Sith Empire

Sith Empire allies are immune to Turn Meter reduction while they are debuffed, and gain 10% Critical Chance and 15 Speed for each of their own debuffs. At the start of each Sith Empire ally's turn, they gain 5 stacks of Ferocity for 2 turns.

If all allies are Sith Empire at the start of battle (excluding summoned allies), Sith Empire allies have +50% Critical Damage.

At the end of each turn, if an enemy fell below 50% Health during that turn, inflict Deathmark on the enemy leader for 1 turn if Darth Revan is in the leader slot and not the ally slot. This Deathmark can't be copied, dispelled, evaded, or resisted.

Unit-Character-Darth Sidious-portrait-tr.png Darth Sidious Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: AllSith
Synergy: Debuff

All allies gain 15% Critical Chance and 30% Critical Damage. Sith allies gain 2% Offense until the end of encounter when they score a Critical Hit.

Unit-Character-Darth Traya-portrait-tr.png Darth Traya Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Sith
Synergy: Darth NihilusDarth SionSith

Sith allies have +40% Critical Avoidance and +40% Potency. When a debuffed enemy takes damage, all Sith allies recover 10% Health. When an enemy uses an ability outside of their turn, they take damage equal to 35% of their Max Health. This damage can't defeat enemies. When an enemy gains a buff outside of their turn, they lose 50% Offense until the end of their next turn.

Unit-Character-Darth Vader-portrait-tr.png Darth Vader Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: EmpireSith
Synergy: Damage Over Time

Empire and Sith allies have +30% Offense and have a 50% chance to remove 20% Turn Meter when they damage an enemy. This Turn Meter removal can't be Resisted. While Darth Vader is alive, enemies immediately regain Damage Over Time for 2 turns whenever Damage Over Time expires on them.

Unit-Character-Dash Rendar-portrait-tr.png Dash Rendar Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Scoundrel
Synergy: PreparedScoundrel

Scoundrel allies enter the battle Prepared, and Prepared allies gain an additional bonus based on their Role, doubled for Light Side Scoundrels. Whenever a Scoundrel ally gains Prepared, they gain Critical Damage Up and Offense Up for 1 turn.

Attacker: +15% Critical Damage
Tank: +15% Max Health
Support or Healer: 10% Potency and +10 Speed

While in Grand Arenas: If an ally loses Prepared, they gain Prepared.

Unit-Character-Dathcha-portrait-tr.png Dathcha Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: All

Whenever an ally damages a Droid, they have an 80% chance to inflict Defense Down for 3 turns and a 25% chance to remove 25% Turn Meter.

Unit-Character-Dengar-portrait-tr.png Dengar Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: Bounty Hunters
Synergy: Debuff

Bounty Hunter allies have +50% Health Steal. In addition, all enemies have -50% Critical Damage. When Dengar is in the Leader slot, and not the Ally slot, the following Contract is active:

Contract: Damage the healthiest enemy 10 times. (Only Bounty Hunter allies can contribute to the Contract.)

Reward: All enemies have -20% Offense for the rest of the battle. All Bounty Hunter allies have their Payouts activated.

Unit-Character-Director Krennic-portrait-tr.png Director Krennic Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Empire
Synergy: Death TrooperDebuff

Empire allies gain 25% Critical Chance and 25% Potency. Debuffed enemies who are Critically Hit during an Empire ally's turn suffer Ability Block for 1 turn. This effect can't be Resisted. Empire allies recover 10% Protection whenever they score a Critical Hit.

Unit-Character-Doctor Aphra-portrait-tr.png Doctor Aphra Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Darth VaderDark Side DroidKrrsantan0-0-0BT-1
Synergy: Darth VaderScoundrelDark Side DroidKrrsantan0-0-0BT-1

At the start of battle, Doctor Aphra gains Max Health and Max Protection equal to 30% of her Potency, and if BT-1 or 0-0-0 are an ally, she gains 50% Turn Meter for each. Dark Side allies have +20% Offense. Allied Dark Side Droid, Darth Vader, and Krrsantan also have +20% Max Health.

Whenever a Dark Side ally inflicts a debuff, they gain 5% Offense for 1 turn and Aphra gains 5 Siphon until the end of the encounter. If the Dark Side ally is a Droid, Darth Vader, or Krrsantan, they instead gain 10% Offense for 1 turn and Aphra instead gains 10 Siphon until the end of the encounter. Whenever Doctor Aphra, BT-1, or 0-0-0 inflict a debuff or are critically hit, they gain 10% Turn Meter.

Whenever an enemy falls below 30% Health, they are inflicted with Expose and Speed Down for 2 turns, which can't be evaded or resisted.

While in 5v5 Grand Arenas: Dark Side Droid and Dark Side Scoundrel allies have +50% Critical Avoidance and +30 Speed. Aphra has +50% Potency. Whenever a Dark Side Droid or Scoundrel ally inflicts a debuff on an enemy, they gain 10% Turn Meter (limit once per turn). While enemies are debuffed, they have -20% Tenacity.

Unit-Character-Eeth Koth-portrait-tr.png Eeth Koth Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
Lead Synergy: Jedi

Jedi allies gain 60 Defense.

Unit-Character-Eighth Brother-portrait-tr.png Eighth Brother Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: EmpireInquisitorius
Synergy: Purge

Empire allies have +5% Accuracy and +5% Potency. Inquisitorius allies have an additional +30% Accuracy and +30% Potency. Jedi enemies that gain Foresight from Jedi Unique abilities also gain Blind for 2 turns which can't be evaded or resisted. Whenever other Inquisitorius allies use a Basic ability, they have a 30% chance to inflict a stack of Purge (max 6) until the end of the encounter, which can't be copied, evaded, or resisted.

While in Territory Wars: Whenever a Jedi enemy gains Taunt from Jedi Unique abilities, all enemies take damage equal to 20% of their max Health. This damage can't defeat enemies. Whenever a Jedi enemy gains Critical Hit Immunity from Jedi Unique abilities, they dispel Critical Hit Immunity and gain Vulnerable for one 1 turn, which can't be resisted.

Unit-Character-Embo-portrait-tr.png Embo Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Bounty Hunters

All Bounty Hunters gain +50% Counter Chance and +50% Health Steal. When a Bounty Hunter ally scores a Critical Hit during their turn, they gain Offense Up for 1 turn. When Embo is in the Leader slot, and not the Ally slot, the following Contract is active:

Contract: Damage an enemy without buffs 15 times (Only Bounty Hunter allies can contribute to the Contract.)

Reward: All Bounty Hunter allies gain +50% Offense. When a Bounty Hunter ally uses a basic ability, they deal bonus damage equal to 7% of the target's Max Protection.

Unit-Character-Emperor Palpatine-portrait-tr.png Emperor Palpatine Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: EmpireSith

Empire and Sith allies have +35% Potency and 35% Max Health. Jedi and Rebel enemies have -35% Potency and -35% Evasion. When an Empire ally inflicts a debuff during their turn, they gain 20% Turn Meter. When a Sith ally inflicts a debuff during their turn, they recover 20% Health. When a debuff on an enemy expires, Empire and Sith allies gain 5% Turn Meter.

Unit-Character-Fennec Shand-portrait-tr.png Fennec Shand Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: Bounty HuntersScoundrel
Synergy: ScoundrelThe Mandalorian (Beskar Armor)Boba FettScion of Jango

At the start of battle, Fennec Shand gains +100% Defense, Max Health, Max Protection, and Offense. These bonuses are reduced by 25% for each other ally present at the start of battle.

When Fennec Shand is in the Leader slot, and not the Ally slot, the following Contract is active:

Contract: 20 debuffs are dispelled or expire from Bounty Hunter or Scoundrel allies. (Only Bounty Hunter or Scoundrel allies can contribute to the Contract.)

Reward: All Bounty Hunter allies have their payouts activated, and all Bounty Hunter or Scoundrel allies gain 20% Defense and Overconfident until the end of battle, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented.

Unit-Character-Fifth Brother-portrait-tr.png Fifth Brother Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: EmpireInquisitorius
Synergy: Inquisitorius

Empire allies gain 5% Defense and Max Health. Inquisitorius allies gain an additional 30% Defense and Max Health. If the enemy leader is a Jedi, inflict a stack of Purge on the leader and all non-Jedi enemies at the start of battle (stacking, max 6), which can't be resisted, and whenever Purge is consumed or dispelled on non-Jedi enemies (excluding Galactic Legends) they lose 3% Speed (stacking, max 18%) for the rest of the encounter. Whenever an ally Inquisitor uses a Special ability, apply a stack of Purge on target enemy, which can't be evaded or resisted.

While in Territory Wars: If the enemy Leader is a Jedi (excluding Galactic Legends), Jedi Leader abilities that grant bonus Speed to non-Jedi allies additionally remove 70 Speed, and whenever a non-Jedi enemy gains Retribution, dispel Retribution and instead inflict Expose for 2 turns, which can't be resisted. Whenever an enemy gains bonus Turn Meter, Inquisitorius allies gain 15% Turn Meter (limit once per turn).

Unit-Character-Finn-portrait-tr.png Finn Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: AllResistance
Synergy: Resistance

Resistance allies have +60% Defense, Offense, and Potency, and other allies have half that amount. If an enemy is damaged by a Resistance ally, for each Expose on them: That enemy loses 5% Turn Meter for each Resistance ally, all Resistance allies gain 3% Turn Meter for each Resistance ally, and their cooldowns are reduced by 1.

While in Territory Battles and if there are no Galactic Legend allies: Resistance allies gain 60% Max Health and Protection. Enemies attacking out of turn deal 50% less damage. At the start of the encounter, revive all Resistance allies with 100% Health, recover 100% Protection, and gain Protection Up (100%) for 2 turns, which can't be dispelled or prevented, and Finn gains Determination for 2 turns. While Finn has Determination, Resistance allies are immune to critical hits, and have 100% counter chance. Whenever a Resistance ally uses a Special ability, dispel all buffs on target enemy, and inflict Expose for 2 turns, which can't be evaded or resisted. Whenever another Resistance ally is damaged by an enemy attack, Finn has a 20% chance to gain 100% Turn Meter once per turn. If an enemy is damaged by a Resistance ally, for each Expose on them, deal additional true damage to all other enemies, then Resistance allies recover 10% Health and gain 2 Speed (max 60) for the rest of the battle.

Unit-Character-Gar Saxon-portrait-tr.png Gar Saxon Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Empire
Synergy: Counter

Empire allies gain 50% Counter Chance and 40% Defense. Whenever an Empire ally uses a Basic attack, they recover 5% Health

Unit-Character-General Grievous-portrait-tr.png General Grievous Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: DroidSeparatist
Synergy: Target Lock

All enemies have -40% Critical Avoidance and -50% Defense. Whenever a Dark Side Droid ally is resisted, that Droid gains 10% Potency (stacking) for the rest of the encounter. Target Locked enemies can't counter attack.

When a Target Locked enemy is damaged, each Droid and each Separatist ally gains 2% Turn Meter, doubled for Grievous. When damaged by an attack, Dark Side enemies lose 5% Turn Meter, and Light Side enemies lose 2% Potency (stacking).

Unit-Character-General Hux-portrait-tr.png General Hux Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: First Order
Synergy: AdvantageFirst Order

Basic attacks of First Order allies deal 50% more damage.

If all allies are First Order at the start of battle (excluding summoned allies), General Hux gains Dominance at the start of each encounter and at the start of each of his turns if he didn't already have it.

Dominance can't be dispelled or prevented and expires at the end of the turn whenever General Hux is critically hit.

Dominance: Enemies can't counterattack; First Order allies have +100% counter chance and +50% Critical Damage

Unit-Character-General Kenobi-portrait-tr.png General Kenobi Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
Lead Synergy: Clone TrooperJedi
Synergy: Protection Up

Jedi and Clone allies have +30% Max Health and +70% Defense. After a Jedi ally uses a team healing Special ability, all other allies at full health are called to Assist, dealing 50% less damage. When a Clone ally uses a Special ability they gain a buff (Attacker: Advantage, Support: Stealth, Tank: Taunt) for 1 turn.

Unit-Character-General Skywalker-portrait-tr.png General Skywalker Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: 501st
Synergy: DazeArmor Shred

All units can't be revived.
All 501st allies have +50% Critical Damage.
When an enemy gains a buff, all 501st allies gain 2% Offense (stacking) until the end of the encounter.

While there are other active 501st allies, General Skywalker:
- Can't drop below 100% Health
- Advances if he has 100% Protection and takes Cover if he has 0% Protection at the end of every turn
- Removes all other status effects when he takes Cover
- Leaves Cover, recovers 100% Protection, and takes a bonus turn when all other 501st allies are defeated

- Taunt, which can't be dispelled or prevented
- Other 501st allies can't lose Health
- Can't be targeted
- Immune to damage and status effects
- Speed set to 0
- Recover 10% Protection and Turn Meter at the end of every turn, doubled for allied 501st turns, which can't be prevented

Unit-Character-General Veers-portrait-tr.png General Veers Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: EmpireImperial Trooper
Synergy: Imperial Trooper

Empire allies gain 30% Offense. Imperial Trooper allies gain 20 Speed and gain 10% Turn Meter whenever they gain a buff.

Unit-Character-Geonosian Brood Alpha-portrait-tr.png Geonosian Brood Alpha Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Geonosian
Synergy: GeonosianHive Mind

Geonosian allies have +15,000 Max Health and Max Protection, and +50% Health Steal. Geonosian allies recover 3% Protection when they use their Basic ability. Basic abilities of Geonosian allies deal 10% more damage for each buffed enemy.

Unit-Character-Grand Admiral Thrawn-portrait-tr.png Grand Admiral Thrawn Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Empire

Empire allies have +15% Max Protection, +25% Offense, and gain 20% Turn Meter whenever they Resist a detrimental effect or suffer a debuff. Whenever an Empire ally gains or loses a status effect, they recover 2% Protection. Empire allies gain a new Special ability, Maneuver: Dispel all debuffs on this character and gain 50% Turn Meter (Cooldown 3).

Unit-Character-Grand Inquisitor-portrait-tr.png Grand Inquisitor Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: EmpireInquisitorius
Synergy: Inquisitorius

Empire allies gain 20% Max Health and Max Protection and 10 Speed. If all allies are Inquisitorius at the start of battle, they gain an additional 46% Max Health and Max Protection and 15 Speed, and they are immune to Ability Block. Also, Grand Inquisitor gains Defense Penetration Up and Offense Up for 2 turns, which can't be dispelled or prevented.

Additionally, if all allies are Inquisitorius at the start of battle, whenever Purge is inflicted, Inquisitorius allies gain benefits based on their role for the rest of the encounter (stacking, max 200%):
- Attackers: +2% Critical Damage
- Healers and Supports: +2% Potency
- Tanks: +2% Defense

If the enemy Leader is Jedi, Inquisitorius allies start the battle with buffs based on their role for 1 turn:
- Attackers: Advantage
- Healers and Supports: Foresight
- Tanks: Taunt

While in Territory Wars: While Grand Inquisitor is active, whenever an enemy loses Purge, they regain it at the end of the turn. On their turn, Inquisitorius allies can ignore Taunt to target an enemy with 6 stacks of Purge.

Unit-Character-Grand Master Yoda-portrait-tr.png Grand Master Yoda Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Jedi
Synergy: Jedi

Jedi allies have +30% Tenacity. Whenever a Jedi ally Resists a debuff, they gain the following: 30% Turn Meter, Critical Chance Up for 2 turns, and Critical Damage Up for 2 turns. Whenever they suffer a debuff, they gain Tenacity Up for 1 turn at the end of that turn. Grand Master Yoda is immune to Shock.

Unit-Character-Grand Moff Tarkin-portrait-tr.png Grand Moff Tarkin Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Empire

Empire allies gain 30 Speed. Inflict Defense Down and Expose for 2 turns on enemies that fall below 100% Health during Empire allies' turn. This effect can't be Resisted.

Unit-Character-Greedo-portrait-tr.png Greedo Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
Lead Synergy: Scoundrel

Scoundrel allies gain 50% Critical Damage. When Greedo is in the Leader slot, and not the Ally slot, the following Contract is active:

Contract: Damage an enemy with less than 50% Turn Meter 10 times with a Basic Ability. (Only Bounty Hunter allies can contribute to the Contract.)

Reward: All Bounty Hunter allies have +50% Critical Damage for the rest of the battle and their Payouts are activated.

Unit-Character-Greef Karga-portrait-tr.png Greef Karga Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: Bounty Hunters
Synergy: Bounty Hunters

Allied Bounty Hunters gain 30% Max Protection. Whenever an allied Bounty Hunter gains a buff, they recover 5% Protection. When Greef is in the Leader slot, and not the Ally slot, the following Contract is active:

Contract: Attack out of turn 20 times. (Only Bounty Hunter allies can contribute to the Contract.)

Reward: All Bounty Hunter allies have their Payouts activated and gain 20% Critical Chance and Offense.

Unit-Character-Hera Syndulla-portrait-tr.png Hera Syndulla Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Phoenix

Each active Phoenix ally grants their Unique ability to other Phoenix allies. In addition, whenever a Phoenix ally uses a Special ability, they gain 20% Turn Meter if Hera is active. This effect is doubled for Phoenix allies with less than full Health.

While in Territory Wars: Phoenix allies have +30% counter chance, +50% Max Health, and +30 Speed. When Hera uses Backup Plan, all Phoenix allies gain the Backup Plan buff for 3 turns. The first time each other Phoenix ally falls below 50% Health, Hera gains 80% Turn Meter. Whenever a Phoenix ally uses a Special ability, all Phoenix allies gain 10% Offense (stacking) until they're defeated.

Unit-Character-HK-47-portrait-tr.png HK-47 Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: Droid
Synergy: DeathmarkDarth RevanFearDebuff

Droid allies have +30% Critical Chance, +20% Critical Damage, and gain 10% Turn Meter on a critical hit.

Unit-Character-Hunter-portrait-tr.png Hunter Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Bad Batch
Synergy: Clone TrooperBad Batch

Bad Batch allies have +35% Max Health, +35% Max Protection, and +50% Potency.

When Bad Batch allies use an ability while they have Defense Up, they deal true damage to all enemies.

While Bad Batch allies have Evasion Up, they have +50% Critical Avoidance. When using an ability against a Target Locked enemy, Bad Batch allies can't be countered.

When damaging an enemy with Expose, Bad Batch allies remove 50% Turn Meter from that enemy, doubled for Droid and Separatist enemies (excludes raid bosses and Galactic Legends), which can't be evaded or resisted.

Unit-Character-Iden Versio-portrait-tr.png Iden Versio Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Imperial Trooper
Synergy: Imperial TrooperNon-Leader

Imperial Trooper allies have +35% Critical Chance, +35% Offense, and +35 Speed.

At the start of battle, if no other allies have the Leader tag, whenever a non-Droid Imperial Trooper ally attacks out of turn, they gain 2% Offense (stacking) until the end of the encounter, Critical Damage Up for 2 turns at the start of each encounter, have +100% counter chance, and while enemies are Vulnerable, they have -25% Speed.

While in Grand Arenas: At the start of battle, if no other allies have the Leader tag, Imperial Trooper allies also gain 35% Max Health and Max Protection, and whenever an enemy attacks out of turn, Imperial Trooper allies recover 20% Health and Protection and gain 10% Turn Meter.

Unit-Character-IG-88-portrait-tr.png IG-88 Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: AllBounty Hunters
Synergy: Target Lock

All allies have +20% Critical Chance and inflict a Damage Over Time effect whenever they score a Critical Hit. When IG-88 is in the Leader slot, and not the Ally slot, the following Contract is active:

Contract: Score Critical Hits against debuffed enemies 10 times. Enemies must be debuffed before the start of an attack to count progress. (Only Bounty Hunter allies can contribute to the Contract.)

Reward: All Bounty Hunter allies gain +25% Offense and Potency for the rest of the battle and their Payouts are activated.

Unit-Character-Ima-Gun Di-portrait-tr.png Ima-Gun Di Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: AllJedi

All allies gain 30 Defense and Jedi allies gain 35% Counter Chance and 25% Counter Damage.

Unit-Character-Jabba the Hutt-portrait-tr.png Jabba the Hutt Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Bounty HuntersSmugglerHutt Cartel
Synergy: Bounty HuntersSmugglerHutt Cartel

Bounty Hunter, Hutt Cartel, and Smuggler allies have +30 Speed, +30% Mastery, and +30% Max Health. Damage Hutt Cartel allies receive is decreased by 30%

At the start of battle, other Hutt Cartel allies gain a stack of My Kind of Scum for each Bounty Hunter, Hutt Cartel, and Smuggler ally until the end of the battle, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. Jabba the Hutt is immune to taunt effects and can't be targeted during enemy turns while an ally with My Kind of Scum is present.

Jabba the Hutt gains 3% Ultimate Charge whenever an ally with My Kind of Scum starts their turn or uses a Special ability. If an ally with My Kind of Scum defeats an enemy, Jabba the Hutt gains 6% Ultimate Charge.

While enemies are inflicted with Thermal Detonator, their Health and Protection recovery effects are reduced by 50%.

At the start of each encounter after the first, Bounty Hunter, Hutt Cartel, and Smuggler allies gain Critical Damage Up, Damage Immunity, and Offense Up for 2 turns, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented.

When Jabba the Hutt is in the Leader slot, the following Contract is active:

Contract: While buffed with My Kind of Scum, deal damage with an attack to enemies with Thermal Detonators 20 times. Enemies must be debuffed with Thermal Detonators before the start of an attack to count progress. (Only Bounty Hunter, Hutt Cartel, and Smuggler allies can contribute to the Contract.)

During raids, this contract is fulfilled immediately at the start of battle.

Reward: All Bounty Hunter allies have their payouts activated, and all Bounty Hunter, Hutt Cartel, and Smuggler allies gain 25% Defense Penetration, Offense, and Potency. Allies with My Kind of Scum have +55% Mastery for each stack and recover 20% Protection at the start of their turn.

Unit-Character-Jango Fett-portrait-tr.png Jango Fett Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Bounty HuntersScoundrel
Synergy: SeparatistDebuff

Scoundrel allies have +30 Speed. Enemies have -20% Potency for each debuff on all Bounty Hunter allies and -40% Tenacity. Enemies that are Burning can't gain bonus Turn Meter. Bounty Hunters have +35% Offense while they have Bounty Hunter's Resolve. When Jango Fett is in the Leader slot, and not the Ally slot, the following Contract is active:

Contract: Damage a debuffed enemy 20 times. Enemies must be debuffed before the start of an attack to count progress. (Only Bounty Hunter allies can contribute to the Contract.)

Reward: All Bounty Hunters gain Bounty Hunter's Resolve at the start of their next turn and +25% Critical Chance. All Bounty Hunters have their Payouts activated.

Unit-Character-Jedi Knight Anakin-portrait-tr.png Jedi Knight Anakin Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: Clone TrooperJedi
Synergy: Padmé AmidalaGalactic Republic

Jedi and Clone allies have +30% Offense and +20% Critical Damage and other allies have half that amount. Whenever an ally is evaded, they gain Advantage for 2 turns.

58px Jedi Knight Cal Kestis Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Jedi
Synergy: AllJedi

Jedi allies gain +50% counter chance, Defense, and Offense.

While in Territory Battles: At the start of battle, allies gain 100% Max Health and Max Protection and 300% of Jedi Knight Cal Kestis' Defense. At the start of each encounter, allies gain +25% Turn Meter and Frenzy for 2 turns. Defeated enemies can't be revived. Stacks of Impetuous persist across encounters.

Unit-Character-Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker-portrait-tr.png Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: JediLight Side
Synergy: Jedi

All Light Side allies have +15% Critical Chance and Critical Damage, doubled for Jedi allies.

At the start of each of Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker's turns, all enemies are reduced to his base Speed until the end of the encounter, and their base Speed can't be increased after their Speed is limited this way (his base value is recorded at the start of the encounter before any buffs or debuffs are applied). This Speed limitation does not affect raid bosses, and it does not activate if Luke has less than 40 Stamina in a Conquest battle or the enemy side has a Speed limiting ability or a Galactic Legend.

At the start of encounter, all Jedi allies (excluding Old Republic Jedi) gain the granted ability Heroes Arise.

Heroes Arise: Dispel all debuffs on all allies, then call all Jedi allies to assist, dealing 20% less damage. All Jedi allies (excluding Old Republic Jedi) recover 25% Health and Protection and gain Jedi's Will for 2 turns. Then Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker is granted 100% Turn Meter.

This ability is on a shared cooldown between allies who have Heroes Arise and is immune to cooldown manipulation (Cooldown: 10).

Unit-Character-Jedi Knight Revan-portrait-tr.png Jedi Knight Revan Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: JediOld Republic
Synergy: JediOld RepublicMarked

For each Jedi and each Old Republic ally at the start of battle (excluding summoned allies), Jedi and Old Republic allies gain +5 Speed, +5% Crit Chance and +5% Offense. At the start of battle, Jedi allies gain Tenacity Up for 1 turn. While Revan is in the leader slot and not the ally slot, units are immune to bonus Turn Meter effects from Leader abilities until the start of the first turn of battle.

Whenever a Jedi ally attacks out of turn, they recover 20% of their Max Protection and deal 35% more damage. When a Jedi ally uses a Basic ability on an enemy with Bonus Protection, reduce the target enemy's Max Health by 10% (stacking, doesn't work against Raid Bosses). At the start of each Jedi ally's turn, they gain Strategic Advantage if no ally has Strategic Advantage. A Jedi ally with Strategic Advantage can't be countered.

Strategic Advantage: Dispel all debuffs on target other Jedi ally. They gain Strategic Advantage and assist, using their Basic ability. This character uses their Basic ability and loses Strategic Advantage.

Unit-Character-Jedi Master Kenobi-portrait-tr.png Jedi Master Kenobi Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Galactic RepublicLight SideUnaligned Force User
Synergy: Galactic RepublicLight SideUnaligned Force User

All Light Side allies have +25% Mastery, +30 Speed, and +25% Max Health. Galactic Republic allies gain Protection Up (75%, can't be dispelled) for 4 turns.

While Jedi Master Kenobi has the High Ground, Light Side allies take 20% less damage, ignore Taunt, resist all debuffs, and Jedi Master Kenobi is called to assist when a Galactic Republic ally uses an ability during their turn.

At the start of battle if all allies are Light Side, Galactic Republic allies can't be Critically Hit while they have Protection Up, Galactic Republic Tanks gain Taunt for 2 turns at the start of each encounter if they did not have it, and when they lose Taunt they gain it for 2 turns if they have Protection but did not have Taunt. At the start of battle if all allies are Galactic Republic or Light Side Unaligned Force Users, the first time another ally reaches 1% Health, they dispel all debuffs on themself, recover 50% Health and Protection, and gain Protection Up (50%) for 2 turns.

Whenever another Light Side ally uses a Basic ability, Jedi Master Kenobi gains 3% Ultimate Charge, doubled if it was during their turn.

Jedi allies' Armor Penetration is doubled when targeting a Sith enemy. Enemies and allies are immune to Turn Meter manipulation (excludes raid bosses).

Unit-Character-Jedi Master Luke Skywalker-portrait-tr.png Jedi Master Luke Skywalker Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: JediLight Side
Synergy: JediLight Side

All Light Side allies have +10% Max Health and Max Protection, doubled for Jedi allies. All Jedi allies have +30% Offense and +40 Speed.

If all allies are Jedi at the start of battle (excluding summoned allies), Jedi Master Luke Skywalker Taunts while he has Protection.

The first time each other Jedi ally falls below 100% Health, they dispel all debuffs on themselves and gain Critical Hit Immunity, Defense Up, and Tenacity Up for 2 turns. Then, Luke Taunts for 2 turns, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented.

At the start of battle, Jedi allies gain the granted ability Inherited Teachings.

Inherited Teachings: Gain Jedi Lessons for 3 turns and call target other Light Side ally to assist, dealing 90% less damage. Then, they deal true damage to the target enemy based on 60% of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker's base Max Protection, which can't be evaded.

If that ally is a Jedi, they gain Jedi Lessons for 3 turns and 15% Turn Meter, recover Protection equal to 5% of Luke's base Max Protection, and reduce the cooldown of their Inherited Teachings ability by 1.

This ability can't be used if there are no other Jedi allies. (Cooldown: 2)

Unit-Character-Jyn Erso-portrait-tr.png Jyn Erso Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Rebel

Rebel allies have +35% Potency and recover 5% Protection whenever they gain a buff. Enemies that suffer debuffs during Rebel allies' turns have a 50% chance to also become Exposed for 2 turns. This Expose can't be Resisted.

Unit-Character-Kelleran Beq-portrait-tr.png Kelleran Beq Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: JediGalactic Republic Jedi
Synergy: Galactic Republic Jedi

Galactic Republic Jedi allies have +50% Defense and Tenacity and +30 Speed.

At the start of battle, all other Galactic Republic Jedi allies gain stacks of Padawan Lessons equal to the number of stacks on Kelleran Beq for the rest of battle.

All Jedi allies gain Foresight for 2 turns at the start of each encounter.

While in Territory Wars and there are no Galactic Legends and all allies are Galactic Republic Jedi: At the start of battle allies gain additional 5% Offense for each stack of Padawan Lessons on them, doubled while they have Foresight.

Whenever an ally with Protection uses an ability on their turn, call another random ally to assist.

The first time each ally loses all Protection, they recover 50% Turn Meter, gain 150% Bonus Protection for 3 turns, and gain 10% Critical Chance, Critical Damage, and Offense plus an additional +2% for each stack of Padawan Lessons on them.

While Kelleran is active, allies have +500% Defense. While another ally has Protection, Kelleran can't be defeated.

Unit-Character-Kit Fisto-portrait-tr.png Kit Fisto Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: AllJedi

All allies gain 25% Tenacity and Jedi allies gain 45 Defense.

Unit-Character-Krrsantan-portrait-tr.png Krrsantan Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: Bounty HuntersScoundrelHutt Cartel
Synergy: Hutt Cartel

Scoundrel allies have +30% Health Steal, Max Health, and Max Protection.

Whenever a Hutt Cartel ally is critically hit, they gain 5% Offense (stacking) for 2 turns.

When Krrsantan is in the Leader slot, and not the Ally slot, the following Contract is active:

Contract: Defeat the enemy Leader (only Scoundrel allies can contribute to the Contract.)

Reward: All Bounty Hunter allies have their Payouts activated, and all Bounty Hunter or Scoundrel allies gain 25% Health Steal and Max Health.

Unit-Character-Kylo Ren (Unmasked)-portrait-tr.png Kylo Ren (Unmasked) Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: First Order
Synergy: First OrderDebuff

First Order allies have +40% Critical Damage and +30 Speed. When a First Order ally scores a Critical Hit, they gain 20% Turn Meter. When a First Order ally gains a status effect, they recover 5% Health and 5% Protection.

Unit-Character-Lando Calrissian-portrait-tr.png Lando Calrissian Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
Lead Synergy: RebelScoundrel

Scoundrel and Rebel allies gain 15 Speed and 29% Critical Damage.

58px Leia Organa Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: RebelNon-Scoundrel Rebel
Synergy: R2-D2RebelNon-Scoundrel Rebel

All Rebel allies have +40 Speed. Non-Scoundrel Rebel Attackers gain 25% Mastery and 50% Max Health and Max Protection. Jedi Rebel Tanks gain 100% Defense for 2 turns at the start of each encounter, Protection Up (50%) for 1 turn whenever they gain Taunt, and deal bonus True damage equal to 20% of their Max Health whenever using a Basic ability against an enemy with Protection Up.

Rebel allies take 25% reduced damage from out of turn attacks and are immune to Max Health reduction and Plague. Whenever enemies attack out of turn, non-Scoundrel Rebel allies gain 1% Mastery (stacking) until the end of the encounter. At the start of each Rebel ally's turn, dispel Foresight and Stealth from all enemies.

Whenever enemies with less than 100% Turn Meter gain bonus Turn Meter, Rebel allies gain 100% Critical Avoidance (stacking) and Empire enemies can't gain bonus Turn Meter for 1 turn. Whenever a Rebel ally has their Turn Meter reduced, they can’t have their Turn Meter reduced again for 1 turn. Whenever an enemy is revived, all Rebel allies gain 10% Turn Meter.

Enemies inflicted with Burning from a Rebel ally can't recover Health and if Burning is dispelled on an enemy they take 20% of their Max Health as damage. Whenever a Rebel ally inflicts an enemy with Burning they gain Damage Immunity for 1 turn. The first time a non-Scoundrel Rebel ally loses all of their Protection, they gain Second Wind for 3 turns, which can't be copied.

Allies and enemies are immune to cooldown manipulation.

Second Wind: The first time this character would be reduced to 1% Health, dispel this buff and recover 50% Health and Protection instead

Unit-Character-Lobot-portrait-tr.png Lobot Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
Lead Synergy: Droid
Synergy: Target LockLight Side Droid

Droid allies gain 10% Potency and 25 Speed.

Unit-Character-Lord Vader-portrait-tr.png Lord Vader Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: EmpireDark SideUnaligned Force User
Synergy: EmpireDark SideUnaligned Force User

Dark Side allies have +20 Speed, +20% Mastery, and +15% Max Health, doubled for Empire or Dark Side Unaligned Force User allies.

At the start of battle, other Empire and Dark Side Unaligned Force User allies lose all Protection and gain that much Max Health. If a Dark Side Unaligned Force User ally was present at the start of battle, for the rest of the battle all Empire or Dark Side Unaligned Force User allies take 30% reduced damage from enemy Light Side Unaligned Force User attacks. If all allies are Dark Side at the start of battle, Empire and Dark Side Unaligned Force User allies are immune to Fear, Empire Tanks gain Taunt for 2 turns, and when an Empire ally loses Taunt, they are inflicted with Marked for 1 turn, which can't be dispelled, prevented, or resisted.

Whenever a Dark Side ally loses a buff, Empire and Dark Side Unaligned Force User allies gain 1% Mastery (stacking) until the end of encounter. Whenever a debuffed Dark Side ally takes damage, Lord Vader gains 2% Ultimate Charge, increased to 3% if that ally was an Unaligned Force User.

Empire and Dark Side Unaligned Force User allies have +35% Critical Chance and Critical Damage when targeting a Galactic Republic enemy. Whenever an enemy critically hits an Empire or Dark Side Unaligned Force User ally, that enemy has -30% Critical Damage (stacking) for 3 turns.

While Empire and Dark Side Unaligned Force User allies are at certain Health thresholds, they gain different benefits.

- While above 35% Health: During an enemy's attack they are immune to Max Health reduction and other damage that is based on Max Health
- While above 50% Health: They are immune to Damage Over Time and Thermal Detonator effects
- While below 80% Health: Can't be critically hit

Unit-Character-Luke Skywalker (Farmboy)-portrait-tr.png Luke Skywalker (Farmboy) Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: All

All allies gain 50% Tenacity. Whenever an ally Resists a detrimental effect they gain Advantage for 2 turns.

Unit-Character-Luminara Unduli-portrait-tr.png Luminara Unduli Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: AllJedi

Jedi allies gain 15% Evasion and recover Health equal to 8% of Luminara's Max Health at the start of each of their turns. Non-Jedi allies receive half of the Evasion bonus and Heal effect. Whenever any ally gains a buff they do not have, they gain a Heal Over Time effect for 2 turns.

Unit-Character-Mace Windu-portrait-tr.png Mace Windu Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: Jedi
Synergy: JediGalactic Republic

Jedi allies gain 20% Max Health and Offense, and recover 10% of their Health when they score a critical hit.

Unit-Character-Maul-portrait-tr.png Maul Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: Mandalorian

Mandalorian allies have +5% Max Health for each Mandalorian ally at the start of battle and +25% Offense.

At the start of battle if Maul is in the Leader slot and not the ally slot, Mandalorians in the Leader slot gain 1 stack of Mand'alor (stacking, max 2) until they are defeated, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented. When a character with Mand'alor is defeated, the character that defeated them gains Mand'alor until they're defeated. There can't be more than two Mand'alor effects in battle.

Mandalorian allies deal 20% more damage when they target an enemy with Mand'alor. While there are two Mand'alor buffs on allied characters, all Mandalorian allies deal 50% more damage during their turn.

Mand'alor: Mandalorian allies assist dealing 50% less damage when this character uses an ability during their turn; at the start of every turn, dispel all debuffs on the healthiest Mandalorian ally without Mand'alor and that ally gains Taunt and +100% Defense until the end of that turn; defeating this character will grant Mand'alor to the character that defeated them; if this character is defeated by a status effect, Mand'alor will not be granted to anyone

Unit-Character-Moff Gideon-portrait-tr.png Moff Gideon Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Dark SideImperial Trooper
Synergy: Imperial Remnant

Dark Side allies have +30% Max Health and Max Protection, and Imperial Trooper allies have +15% Offense.

At the start of battle, if all allies are Imperial Troopers and Moff Gideon has exactly one Tank ally, two Attacker allies, and one additional Support ally, excluding summoned allies (in 3v3 Galactic Challenges or Grand Arenas, if all allies are Imperial Troopers and Moff Gideon has any combination where the team includes no more than one Tank, two Attackers, and/or an additional Support ally the conditions of this ability will be met):

- Whenever an enemy with the Leader tag uses an ability, Imperial Trooper allies gain 10% Offense (stacking) until the end of the encounter
- Whenever an enemy with the Leader tag takes a turn, Moff Gideon gains 1 stack of Insight
- Imperial Trooper allies have an additional +25% Offense and revive with 50% Health and Protection the first time they are defeated each encounter

Unit-Character-Mon Mothma-portrait-tr.png Mon Mothma Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Rebel Fighter
Synergy: RebelRebel Fighter

At the start of battle, if Mon Mothma is in the Leader slot, she and all Rebel Fighter allies gain 8% of their combined base Max Health, Max Protection, Offense, Defense, Potency, and Tenacity.

Mon Mothma and Rebel Fighter allies have a 100% chance to assist each other whenever they use an ability during their turn, dealing 90% less damage (limit once per turn per ally). If that ability dealt no damage, the damage penalty is reduced to 45% less damage and that ally dispels all debuffs on the healthiest Rebel ally.

Unit-Character-Mother Talzin-portrait-tr.png Mother Talzin Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Nightsister

Nightsister allies have +50% Potency and +30 Speed. When a Nightsister ally uses a Special ability, they inflict Plague on the selected target for 3 turns, which can't be Evaded. When an enemy Resists a detrimental effect, Nightsister allies gain 5% Turn Meter. When a Nightsister ally uses a Basic ability during their turn, a random defeated Nightsister ally is Revived with 50% Health and called to Assist, then the Revived ally is immediately defeated unless an enemy was defeated (the Revived ally can't be Revived by this effect again until the end of the next turn).

Unit-Character-Ninth Sister-portrait-tr.png Ninth Sister Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: AllInquisitorius
Synergy: EmpirePurge

Allies are immune to Speed limiting effects. Whenever an enemy gains bonus Turn Meter, all Inquisitorius allies gain 2% Potency and 2% Tenacity (stacking) for the rest of the encounter. If that enemy is a Jedi, they have a 50% chance to gain a stack of Purge (max 6) until the end of the encounter.

While in Territory Wars: All Empire allies gain 20% Defense and all Inquisitorius allies are immune to Ability Block and Stun.

Unit-Character-Nute Gunray-portrait-tr.png Nute Gunray Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: Separatist
Synergy: Separatist

Separatist allies have +15% Speed and Potency for each enemy with Extortion. While Nute Gunray is alive, each enemy that ends their turn with Extortion dispels their own buffs and grants Extortion to another random enemy that doesn't have it.

Unit-Character-Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben)-portrait-tr.png Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben) Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: All
Synergy: JediRebel

All allies gain 15% Evasion and gain 30% Turn Meter whenever they Evade an attack.

Unit-Character-Old Daka-portrait-tr.png Old Daka Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: Nightsister

Nightsister allies have +50% Health and +50% Defense.

Unit-Character-Padmé Amidala-portrait-tr.png Padmé Amidala Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Galactic RepublicLight Side
Synergy: Jedi Knight AnakinGalactic RepublicLight SideProtection Up

Light Side allies have +50% Max Health, and while they have Protection Up they resist all debuffs and can't be critically hit.

At the start of their turn, Galactic Republic allies dispel Protection Up buffs on themselves and gain 1 stack of Courage for each 5% Protection Up dispelled this way. Courage can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented.

Courage: When damaging the target enemy with an ability, for each 5 stacks of Courage, dispel 5 stacks and deal bonus damage equal to 40% of the target's Max Health

Unit-Character-Plo Koon-portrait-tr.png Plo Koon Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
Lead Synergy: All
Synergy: Clone TrooperJedi

Each ally has a 55% chance to remove Stealth from each enemy at the start of their turn. If they dispel any enemies, they gain Offense Up for 1 turn.

Unit-Character-Poe Dameron-portrait-tr.png Poe Dameron Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: Resistance
Synergy: Finn

Resistance allies gain 30% Offense and 15% Potency.

Unit-Character-Poggle the Lesser-portrait-tr.png Poggle the Lesser Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: DroidSeparatist
Synergy: GeonosianSeparatistHive Mind

Separatist allies have +30% Offense. Droid allies recover 10% Health whenever they attack out of turn or damage a Target Locked enemy.

Unit-Character-Princess Leia-portrait-tr.png Princess Leia Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: Rebel

Rebel allies gain 20% Critical Chance.

Unit-Character-Qi'ra-portrait-tr.png Qi'ra Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: Scoundrel
Synergy: PreparedScoundrel

Scoundrel allies have +20% Critical Chance. In addition, whenever they score a Critical Hit, they recover 10% Protection and gain an additional bonus based on their Role for the rest of the battle.

Attacker: +10% Offense (stacking, max 3 stacks)
Tank: +20% Critical Avoidance (stacking, max 3 stacks)
Support or Healer: +20 Speed (stacking, max 3 stacks)

58px Queen Amidala Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Galactic Republic
Synergy: Galactic Republic

All allies have +20% Defense and +15% Max Health and Max Protection.

At the start of battle, if all allies are Galactic Republic and there are no Galactic Legend allies:

- Whenever an enemy attacks out of turn, they are inflicted with Damage Over Time for 1 turn, which can't be evaded or resisted and remove 10% Turn Meter from all enemies, which can't be resisted.
- At the start of each ally's turn, they gain 3% Critical Damage (stacking) for each stack of Heal Over Time they have and +3% Offense (stacking) for each stack of Protection Over Time they have, until the end of their turn.
- Whenever an enemy critically hits an ally, that enemy has -5% Critical Damage, Defense, and Offense (stacking, max -50%), until the end of the encounter, which can't be resisted.

While in Grand Arenas and if there are no Galactic Legend allies and all allies are Galactic Republic: Whenever an ally uses a Special ability, they gain bonuses based on their role:

- Attackers: Gain Offense Up for 2 turns and call another random ally to assist, dealing 20% more damage
- Healers and Supports: Gain Protection Up (50%, stacking) and Speed Up for 3 turns
- Tanks: Recover 25% Health and Protection

Unit-Character-Qui-Gon Jinn-portrait-tr.png Qui-Gon Jinn Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Jedi

Jedi allies have +30 Speed, gain Offense equal to 3 times their Speed, and gain Foresight for 2 turns at the start of each encounter and whenever any unit is defeated.

While in Grand Arenas: At the start of battle if there are no Galactic Legends and all allies are Jedi, all other allies instead gain Offense equal to 30 times their Speed, doubled while they have Foresight, and can't be defeated while Qui-Gon Jinn is active. Qui-Gon Jinn can't gain Damage Immunity or Stealth and he can't be revived. When Qui-Gon Jinn is defeated, all allies recover 100% Health and Protection and gain 400% of Qui-Gon Jinn's Offense for 2 turns.

Unit-Character-Rebel Officer Leia Organa-portrait-tr.png Rebel Officer Leia Organa Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Rebel

Rebel allies have +20% Tenacity and 20% Critical Chance. Whenever a Rebel ally takes damage from an Empire enemy they have a 50% chance to gain Foresight for 2 turns. The first time each turn a Rebel ally resists a detrimental effect or suffers a debuff, they gain 30% Turn Meter.

While in Territory Battles: Rebel allies have +35% Speed. Rebel allies recover 100% Health and Protection at the start of each encounter and whenever another Rebel ally is defeated. When a Rebel ally critically hits an enemy, all Rebel allies gain 5% Turn Meter, doubled if it's their turn. When a Rebel ally is defeated, all Rebel allies gain 100% of that ally's Offense (stacking) until they're defeated.

Unit-Character-Rey-portrait-tr.png Rey Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Light Side
Synergy: Light Side

Light Side allies have +40% Mastery, +30 Speed, and +30% Max Health. Whenever an enemy gains bonus Turn Meter, Inspired Light Side allies gain 5% Mastery (stacking) until the end of the encounter.

The first time each Light Side ally falls below 50% Health, they gain Damage Immunity for 1 turn, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented, and recover 50% Health when it expires.

Unit-Character-Rey (Jedi Training)-portrait-tr.png Rey (Jedi Training) Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Resistance
Synergy: ExposeResistanceSecret Intel

Resistance allies have +30% Critical Chance and +30% Critical Damage. When they score a Critical Hit, they have a 70% chance to inflict Expose for 2 turns (this effect can't be Resisted). Resistance allies gain 10% Turn Meter when an enemy is Exposed.

When a Resistance ally uses a Special ability:
- All Exposed enemies lose 5% Turn Meter (this effect can't be Resisted)
- If the Resistance ally has no debuffs, reduce their Cooldowns by 1

Unit-Character-Sana Starros-portrait-tr.png Sana Starros Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Target LockRebelRebel Scoundrel
Synergy: Target LockRebelRebel Scoundrel

Rebel Scoundrel Tanks have +30% Defense, Max Health, and Max Protection and gain 15% Turn Meter whenever a non-Tank Rebel ally or Sana is damaged by an attack. Rebel allies and Sana have +30% Offense and Potency. At the start of battle, Rebel allies and Sana gain Protection Up (100%) until they use an ability.

Whenever a Rebel ally or Sana has less than 100% Turn Meter and gains bonus Turn Meter, they gain 25% Critical Damage (stacking) until they critically hit an enemy. If a Rebel Scoundrel removes Turn Meter from an enemy, that enemy also takes damage equal to 20% of their Max Health, which can't be evaded. This damage can't defeat enemies. The first time each turn Rebel allies or Sana deal damage more than once, they gain 25% Max Health (stacking, max 200%) for the rest of the encounter. Whenever Rebel allies or Sana critically hit an enemy, they inflict Target Lock for 1 turn, which can't be evaded. Whenever an enemy is inflicted with Target Lock, reduce Rebel Scoundrel Tanks' cooldowns by 1.

While in Territory Wars: Rebel Scoundrels and Sana are immune to Daze. At the start of battle, Rebel Scoundrel Tanks Taunt for 1 turn and Rebel Scoundrels and Sana start with Tenacity Up for 1 turn. Target Lock can't be resisted from this ability. The first time each turn Rebel allies and Sana deal damage more than once, dispel all buffs on all enemies and inflict Healing Immunity for 1 turn.

Unit-Character-Savage Opress-portrait-tr.png Savage Opress Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: AllSith

Sith allies gain 75% Defense and 30% Tenacity. Other allies gain half those amounts.

Unit-Character-Saw Gerrera-portrait-tr.png Saw Gerrera Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Rebel Fighter
Synergy: Rebel Fighter

Saw Gerrera gains 30% Max Health. If all allies are Rebel Fighter at the start of the battle, allies have +30% Critical Damage while they have full Health, +30% Defense and +10 Speed while they don't have full Health, and +5 Speed (stacking, max 50) for each stack of Heal Over Time on them, and Saw gains the Granted ability Set Explosive Trap.

At the start of the encounter, Saw gains Speed Up for 1 turn and all allies above 10% Health lose 10% Health, gain Critical Damage Up for 1 turn, and gain 2 stacks of Heal Over Time for 1 turn. At the end of Saw's turn, all allies above 15% Health lose 15% Health and gain 2 stacks of Heal Over Time for 1 turn. Whenever a buff expires on an ally, they gain Tenacity Up for 1 turn and an additional bonus depending on their role (while Saw is alive, limit once per ally until the start of Saw's next turn, excludes other revived allies). Whenever an ally recovers Health, all allies gain 1% Max Health and Offense (stacking, max 100%) for the rest of the encounter.

- Attacker: Gain Offense Up for 2 turns
- Tank: Taunt for 2 turns
- Support or Healer: Reduce cooldowns by 1 and gain 25% Turn Meter

Set Explosive Trap: Limit one use per battle.

Inflict 15 stacks of Explosive Trap on all enemies for the rest of the encounter, which can't be copied, dispelled, evaded, or resisted, and Critical Damage Down for 2 turns, which can't be evaded or resisted. When Explosive Trap detonates, remove it from all enemies. If there is only 1 active enemy, Explosive Trap detonates at the end of Saw's turn.

Explosive Trap: Lose 1 stack whenever another ally takes a turn or uses a Special ability; at 0 stacks or when removed, explodes at the end of the turn; allies that detonate it are Stunned for 1 turn, which can't be evaded or resisted; when exploding, take damage equal to 30% of the enemy Saw Gerrera's Max Health, which can't be evaded and can't defeat this character, and gain Burning and Stagger for 4 turns, which can't be dispelled, evaded, or resisted

While in Grand Arenas and all allies are Rebel Fighter at the start of battle: Saw gains 30% Max Health. Whenever Saw uses Set Explosive Trap, he takes a bonus turn and increases the cooldowns of all enemies by 1. At the start of each ally's turn, inflict Defense Down on the weakest enemy until the end of that turn, which can't be resisted, and if an enemy has a taunt effect and Explosive Trap has detonated, inflict Marked on the weakest enemy until the end of that turn, which can't be evaded or resisted. Whenever an ally uses a Special ability during their turn, they call themselves to assist. Whenever a buff expires, gain 3 stacks of Heal Over Time for 1 turn (while Saw is alive, limit once per ally until the start of Saw's next turn, excludes other revived allies).

Unit-Character-Second Sister-portrait-tr.png Second Sister Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: EmpireInquisitorius
Synergy: Purge

At the start of battle, Empire allies gain 5% Offense and Inquisitorius allies gain an additional 30% Offense. Other Inquisitorius allies have a 30% chance to inflict a stack of Purge when using a Basic ability, which can't be copied or resisted. Whenever an ally is Marked, Mark all other allies (excluding Stealthed allies) who don't have it for 2 turns, which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented.

While in Territory Wars: Enemies start the battle with two stacks of Purge. Jedi enemies can't recover Health or Protection from Jedi Unique abilities (excludes Galactic Legends).

Unit-Character-Seventh Sister-portrait-tr.png Seventh Sister Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: EmpireInquisitorius
Synergy: InquisitoriusPurge

Empire allies gain 16% Evasion. Whenever Inquisitorius allies evade, they recover 5% Health and Protection and gain Advantage for 2 turns.

While in Territory Wars: Whenever a Jedi enemy gains Foresight, all Inquisitorius allies gain Foresight for 2 turns; at the end of each turn, dispel all buffs on Jedi enemies who have Foresight. Additionally, whenever an enemy gains a buff, Seventh Sister has a 10% chance to inflict 1 stack of Purge (max 6) on that enemy until the end of the encounter, increased to 20% if that enemy is Jedi.

Unit-Character-Shaak Ti-portrait-tr.png Shaak Ti Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Clone TrooperGalactic Republic
Synergy: Clone TrooperGalactic Republic

Clone Trooper allies have +35 Speed. Clone Trooper allies recover 5% Health and Protection when they attack out of turn.

For each Clone Trooper ally at the start of battle (excluding summoned allies), Galactic Republic allies have +15% Max Health, +5% Max Protection, and +15% Offense.

Unit-Character-Sith Eternal Emperor-portrait-tr.png Sith Eternal Emperor Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: SithDark Side
Synergy: SithDark Side

Dark Side allies have +25% Mastery, +30% Potency, and +20 Speed, doubled for Sith allies.

Whenever a Deceived or Linked enemy uses an ability, Sith Eternal Emperor gains 10% Mastery (stacking) until the end of encounter and other Sith allies gain half that amount. Whenever a Linked enemy uses an ability, Sith Eternal Emperor gains 8% Ultimate Charge.

After the start of each encounter, whenever an enemy gains a buff that can't be dispelled, Sith allies gain 5% Turn Meter.

Whenever a Sith ally is defeated, dispel all debuffs on other Sith allies and they recover 100% Health and Protection. Sith allies can't be revived, and they ignore defense when targeting a Jedi enemy.

Unit-Character-Stormtrooper Han-portrait-tr.png Stormtrooper Han Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
Lead Synergy: All

All allies gain 40% Defense while above 50% Health and 35% Offense while below 50% Health.

Unit-Character-Supreme Leader Kylo Ren-portrait-tr.png Supreme Leader Kylo Ren Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Dark Side
Synergy: Dark Side

Dark Side allies have +30 Speed, +40% Mastery, and +50% Critical Damage, and they can't be critically hit while they have Advantage.

Whenever a Dark Side ally loses Advantage without scoring a critical hit, they gain Advantage for 1 turn at the end of the turn.

Whenever a Dark Side ally gains Advantage, if they didn't already have it, they gain a bonus based on their role:
- Tanks Taunt for 2 turns
- Attackers gain Critical Damage Up for 2 turns
- Supports and Healers gain 20% Turn Meter

Unit-Character-Talia-portrait-tr.png Talia Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
Lead Synergy: AllNightsister

Nightsister allies gain 16% Evasion and other allies gain half that amount. When an ally evades they have a 50% chance to recover 5% of their Max Health.

Unit-Character-Tarfful-portrait-tr.png Tarfful Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Wookiee
Synergy: Veteran Smuggler ChewbaccaVeteran Smuggler Han SoloWookiee

At the start of battle, all Wookiee ally Tanks Taunt for 1 turn. All allies gain 20% Defense and Max Health, doubled for Wookiee allies.

Whenever a Wookiee ally Taunts, all Wookiee allies gain 10% Defense (stacking), for the rest of the encounter.

Whenever Taunt expires, all Wookiees recover 25% Health.

At the start of each allied Wookiee's turn, they gain Offense equal to 200% of their Defense until the end of their turn.

At the start of battle, if there were no Galactic Legend enemies, whenever an allied Wookiee is critically hit, they reflect 50% of the damage dealt back onto the attacker (this damage can't defeat enemies).

While in Territory Wars: At the start of battle, all allies gain 25% Defense, Protection Up (50%), and Tenacity Up for 2 turns.

Whenever an allied Wookiee is critically hit, Wookiee allies gain Foresight for 1 turn and +5% Defense (stacking) until the end of the encounter.

Whenever an allied Wookiee gains Retribution, all allies gain Retribution for 2 turns.

The first time each Wookiee ally is defeated, all Wookiee allies have their cooldowns refreshed, and they recover 100% of their Health, and gain 25% Offense (stacking) until the end of the encounter.

Unit-Character-Teebo-portrait-tr.png Teebo Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: All

Allies have a 55% chance to gain Stealth for 1 turn at the beginning of their turns and a 50% chance to gain 25% Turn Meter at the end of their turns.

Unit-Character-The Armorer-portrait-tr.png The Armorer Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: Mandalorian
Synergy: Mandalorian

At the start of battle, Mandalorian allies gain Protection Up (200%), which can't be dispelled or prevented, and Critical Hit Immunity for 2 turns.

Unit-Character-The Mandalorian-portrait-tr.png The Mandalorian Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Bounty HuntersScoundrel
Synergy: Bounty Hunters

All Scoundrel allies have +20 Speed, +35% Tenacity, and +30% Critical Chance. When the Mandalorian is in the Leader slot, and not the Ally slot, the following Contract is active:

Contract: While buffed, score critical hits against enemies 20 times. (Only Bounty Hunter abilities can contribute to this Contract)

Reward: For the rest of the battle, all Bounty Hunter allies have their Payouts activated and gain the following: while a Bounty Hunter ally is attacking, they have +20% Offense and Health Steal for each buffed ally.

Unit-Character-The Mandalorian (Beskar Armor)-portrait-tr.png The Mandalorian (Beskar Armor) Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Lead Synergy: Scoundrel
Synergy: Scoundrel

For each Scoundrel ally at the start of battle (excluding summoned allies), Scoundrel allies gain 5% Max Health, Max Protection, and Offense.

Whenever an enemy takes damage, Scoundrel allies gain 2% Turn Meter.

Unit-Character-Third Sister-portrait-tr.png Third Sister Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: InquisitoriusPurge
Synergy: InquisitoriusPurge

Inquisitorius allies gain 40% Max Health, 20% Offense, 30 Speed, and are immune to Stun. At the start of the encounter and whenever an Inquisitorius ally is defeated or defeats an enemy, all enemies are inflicted with 5 stacks of Purge (max 6) for the rest of the encounter, which can't be resisted. Inquisitorius ally attacks always score a critical hit if able against enemies with at least 5 stacks of Purge. Whenever an enemy recovers Protection or gains Protection Up, all enemies lose 2% Defense (stacking, max 50%) for the rest of the encounter.

While in Grand Arenas: Whenever an ally or enemy is defeated, all Inquisitorius allies gain Defense Penetration Up for 2 turns. Whenever Purge is dispelled during an enemy's turn, that character (excluding Galactic Legends) gains Deathmark for 2 turns which can't be dispelled or resisted.

Unit-Character-Tusken Chieftain-portrait-tr.png Tusken Chieftain Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
Lead Synergy: Tusken
Synergy: Tusken

Whenever an enemy gains bonus Turn Meter, grant Tusken allies 1 stack of Momentum for 3 turns. At the end of each turn, Tusken allies gain 20% Defense and Tenacity for each stack of Momentum on them until the end of the next turn.

Whenever a Tusken ally is targeted by an enemy and they have at least 10 stacks of Momentum, remove all stacks of Momentum, Stun all attacking enemies for 1 turn, which can't be resisted, and the targeted Tusken ally takes a bonus turn. For each stack of Momentum removed this way, there is a 20% chance (+5% per Relic Amplifier level, max 50% total) to inflict a stack of Damage Over Time on each attacking enemy for 2 turns.

While in 3v3 Grand Arenas: Boba Fett, Scion of Jango counts as a Tusken ally if there is no character that summons at the start of battle. Boba Fett, Scion of Jango's Payout is active and he can't lose Momentum stacks except through expiration.

Unit-Character-URoRRuR'R'R-portrait-tr.png URoRRuR'R'R Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
Lead Synergy: AllTusken
Synergy: Tusken

Tusken allies gain 55 Defense, and other allies gain half that amount.

Unit-Character-Wedge Antilles-portrait-tr.png Wedge Antilles Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
Lead Synergy: Rebel
Synergy: Biggs Darklighter

Rebel allies have +30% Offense, recover 15% of their Max Health and 10% Turn Meter on a Critical Hit, and recover 25% of their Max Health whenever they defeat an enemy.

Unit-Character-Zam Wesell-portrait-tr.png Zam Wesell Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Lead Synergy: Bounty Hunters
Synergy: Scoundrel

Bounty Hunter allies gain +25% Potency and recover 4% Health and Protection whenever an enemy is dealt damage by a Thermal Detonator. When a Bounty Hunter ally uses a Special ability, they inflict a Thermal Detonator on the selected target for 2 turns, which can't be Evaded. When Zam Wesell is in the Leader slot, and not the Ally slot, the following Contract is active:

Contract: Inflict 20 Thermal Detonators on enemies. (Only Bounty Hunter allies can contribute to the Contract.)

Reward: All Bounty Hunter inflict Thermal Detonators on all enemies whenever they die, which can't be Evaded. All Bounty Hunter allies have their Payouts activated.