Jedi Knight Cal Kestis

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Jedi Knight Cal Kestis

Utilizing different lightsaber masteries, Jedi Knight Cal Kestis weaves between offensive and defensive stances to claim victory over his opponents

Alignment Light Side
Role AttackerLeader
Faction Jedi
Lead Synergy Jedi
Synergy AllJedi
Immune to Ability BlockFearStun
Release Date June 28, 2023
Shards to Activate 330
Accelerated Never Accelerated units have increased drop quantities. See Character Shards for more information.
Omicron Bonus Territory Battles
Buffs AdvantageProtection UpRiposteRetributionDefense Penetration UpDamage Immunity
Debuffs Speed DownStunDazeAbility BlockStaggerForce Influence
Other Status ImpetuousConfiguration - Double-BladedConfiguration - Dual WieldConfiguration - CrossguardArmor Shred
Battle Mechanics Dispel Buffs - Target
Bonus Turn
Ignore - Taunt
Dispel Debuffs - All Allies
Assist - Call Ally
Bonus Turn - Ally
Heal Health - Self
Cooldown Increase Immunity
Lead Mechanics Counter


Stats displayed are for unit at max level with max stars. Mods are not included in calculations.

Physical Offense
Damage 7198
Critical Chance 95.71%
Armor Penetration 13
Health 71063
Protection 63547
Speed 149
Potency 23%
Tenacity 129%
Critical Damage 171%
Defense Penetration 0%
Relic 9
Unit-Character-Jedi Knight Cal Kestis-portrait.png
Jedi Knight Cal Kestis - Gear Relic 9
Materials Needed
Max Level
Special Offense
Damage 7063
Critical Chance 33.5%
Resistance Penetration 0
Armor 52.55%
Resistance 34.04%
Dodge Chance 2%
Deflection Chance 2%
Health Steal 10%
Accuracy 0%


70px Less Civilized Age
Basic Ability Material Omega Level 8

Deal Physical damage to target enemy and dispel all buffs on them.

If it is Jedi Knight Cal Kestis' turn:

Unblock Whirlwind Slam, Windmill Defense, and Impetuous Assault for 1 turn, then Jedi Knight Cal Kestis gains a bonus turn.

During this bonus turn Jedi Knight Cal Kestis ignores taunt effects and may only use Whirlwind Slam, Windmill Defense, and Impetuous Assault.
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70px Whirlwind Slam
Special Ability Material Omicron Level 8

If Jedi Knight Cal Kestis doesn't have Configuration - Double-Bladed he loses his Configuration and gains Configuration - Double-Bladed for the rest of battle and 5 stacks of Impetuous (max 30) until the end of the encounter.

Deal Physical damage and inflict Speed Down for 2 turns on all enemies.

If Jedi Knight Cal Kestis didn't have Configuration - Double-Bladed at the start of his turn:

- All allies gain Advantage for 4 turns
- Stun target enemy for 1 turn and inflict them with Armor Shred for the rest of encounter
- Daze all other enemies for 2 turns

Configuration - Double-Bladed: +50% Offense and Tenacity; +2 Speed per stack of Impetuous

While in Territory Battles: The next time Jedi Knight Cal Kestis uses Windmill Defense, he recovers 50% Health and Protection and gives all allies Protection Up (20%, stacking) for 2 turns for each use of Whirlwind Slam since the last use of Windmill Defense.

If Jedi Knight Cal Kestis did not have Configuration - Double-Bladed at the start of his turn, instead:

- Stun all enemies for 1 turn and inflict them with Armor Shred for the rest of encounter
More Details
Whirlwind Slam

70px Windmill Defense
Special Ability Material Zeta Level 8

If Jedi Knight Cal Kestis doesn't have Configuration - Dual Wield at the start of the turn, he loses his Configuration and gains Configuration - Dual Wield for the rest of battle and 5 stacks of Impetuous (max 30) until the end of the encounter.

Dispel all debuffs on all allies and call target other ally to assist. Jedi Knight Cal Kestis gains Protection Up (50%, stacking) for 4 turns which can't be copied.

If Jedi Knight Cal Kestis didn't have Configuration - Dual Wield at the start of his turn:

- Jedi Knight Cal Kestis gains Riposte for 2 turns which can't be copied, dispelled, or prevented
- Jedi allies gain Protection Up (20%, stacking) and Retribution for 2 turns
- Target Jedi ally gains a bonus turn

Configuration - Dual Wield: +100% Counter Chance and +50% Defense; enemies have -2% Offense per stack of Impetuous; when another ally attacks out of turn, this character is called to assist, limit once per turn
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Windmill Defense

70px Impetuous Assault
Special Ability Material Omicron Level 8

If Jedi Knight Cal Kestis doesn't have Configuration - Crossguard at the start of the turn, he loses his Configuration and gains Configuration - Crossguard for the rest of battle and loses 5 stacks of Impetuous.

The first time Impetuous Assault is used this encounter, instantly defeat target enemy.

Deal Physical damage to target enemy. Inflict target enemy with Ability Block and Stagger for 1 turn and inflict all enemies with Force Influence for 4 turns. All other allies gain Defense Penetration Up for 2 turns.

Configuration - Crossguard: +50% Critical Damage and Defense Penetration, -25% Defense and Speed; deal an additional 25% of this character's Max Health as damage when attacking

While in Territory Battles: Impetuous Assault deals an additional 10% of the target's Maximum Health per Jedi Knight Cal Kestis' Relic Amplifier level. After Impetuous Assault is used, Jedi Knight Cal Kestis' attacks ignore Protection and all allies gain 300% of Jedi Knight Cal Kestis' base Offense for the rest of battle.

This ability can't be used unless Jedi Knight Cal Kestis has 30 stacks of Impetuous.
More Details
Impetuous Assault

Tex.abilityui passive jedi.png Weight of the Galaxy
Leader Ability Material Omicron Level 8

Jedi allies gain +50% counter chance, Defense, and Offense.

While in Territory Battles: At the start of battle, allies gain 100% Max Health and Max Protection and 300% of Jedi Knight Cal Kestis' Defense. At the start of each encounter, allies gain +25% Turn Meter and Frenzy for 2 turns. Defeated enemies can't be revived. Stacks of Impetuous persist across encounters.
More Details
Weight of the Galaxy

70px Jedi Survivor
Unique Ability Material Zeta Level 8

Jedi Knight Cal Kestis is immune to Ability Block, Fear, and Stun.

When another Jedi ally attacks out of turn, Jedi Knight Cal Kestis recovers 10% Health.

All Jedi allies are immune to cooldown manipulation from enemies.

When a Jedi ally is inflicted with Fear, they gain Damage Immunity for 1 turn and 60% Turn Meter.

Whenever Jedi Knight Cal Kestis gains a Configuration, he gains 5 stacks of Impetuous (max 30) until the end of the encounter.

Impetuous: +1% Offense, -1% Defense; abilities have additional effects
More Details
Jedi Survivor



Omega and Zeta Rankings
Ability Name Ability Type Cost Get OPTIONS:Yes,No<br />This field is just a quick reference of whether an ability is worth the mats investment at all. Priority Number in order of most important, 1, to least important Best for OPTIONS:Raid, PVP, PVE, All<br />This field is used to specify abilities that may be really good to have but only for specific content. Reasons
Less Civilized Age Basic
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
? ? ?
Whirlwind Slam Special
Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
? ? ?
Windmill Defense Special
Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
? ? ?
Impetuous Assault Special
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
? ? ?
Weight of the Galaxy Leader
Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omicron.png
? ? ?
Jedi Survivor Unique
Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
? ? ?


<<<ADD INFO>>>


<<<ADD INFO>>>Image or list of specific character synergy.
Paragraph for each faction this unit has synergy with.
Jedi - High Synergy
Light Side - Low Synergy
Any Faction - Very Low Synergy

Unit Strategy

<<<<ADD INFO>>> Information on any specifics that may be important to know such as ability order or when not to do an ability.

Team Strategy

Details of how to use and mod Jedi Knight Cal Kestis within specific teams can be found on the following pages:

  • <<<ADD INFO>>> Add links to internal or external guides in list format here.

Kit Counters

<<<ADD INFO>>> Information on abilities or mechanics that can counter the buffs, debuffs, and mechanics in this units kit

  • Less Civilized Age -
  • Whirlwind Slam -
  • Windmill Defense -
  • Impetuous Assault -
  • Weight of the Galaxy -
  • Jedi Survivor -



<<<USER EDIT>>> Any lore you want to add or just include a link to this characters page.
E.G. Learn more about Revan at


  • <<<USER EDIT>>>Any trivia you desire to add in list format.