Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben)

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Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben)

Durable Jedi Tank able to shut down enemy offense with multiple debuffs

Unit-Character-Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben).png
Alignment Light Side
Role TankLeader
Faction JediRebel
Lead Synergy All
Synergy JediRebel
Release Date November 24, 2015
Rework Date August 9, 2017
Shards to Activate 50
Accelerated Yes Accelerated units have increased drop quantities. See Character Shards for more information.
Acquisition Cantina Battles: 1-C Game-Icon-Cantina Energy.png8 (2x)
Guild Activity Store Guild Token 450  (10x)
Rebel Roundup
Buffs Potency UpTauntDefense UpOffense UpSpeed Up
Debuffs Evasion DownAbility BlockOffense Down
Battle Mechanics Attack - Can't Evade
Turn Meter Reduction - All Enemies (60%)
Turn Meter Gain - All Allies
Turn Meter Gain - Self
Heal Health - All Allies
Heal Protection - All Allies
Lead Mechanics Evasion
Turn Meter Gain - Ally
Attack - Can't EvadeTurn Meter Reduction - All Enemies (60%)Turn Meter Gain - All AlliesTurn Meter Gain - SelfHeal Health - All AlliesHeal Protection - All AlliesAbility BlockOffense Down


Stats displayed are for unit at max level with max stars. Mods are not included in calculations.

Physical Offense
Damage 4374
Critical Chance 49.88%
Armor Penetration 20
Health 70452
Protection 76778
Speed 138
Potency 45%
Tenacity 55%
Critical Damage 150%
Defense Penetration 0%
Relic 9
Unit-Character-Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben)-portrait.png
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben) - Gear Relic 9
Materials Needed
Max Level
Special Offense
Damage 5585
Critical Chance 12.5%
Resistance Penetration 5
Armor 65.64%
Resistance 52.55%
Dodge Chance 2%
Deflection Chance 2%
Health Steal 30.5%
Accuracy 0%


Tex.ability obiwankenobioldhermit basic.png Elegant Form
Basic Ability Material Omega Level 8

Deal Physical damage to target enemy, inflict Evasion Down for 2 turns, then gain Potency Up for 2 turns. This attack can't be Evaded.
More Details

Tex.ability obiwankenobioldhermit special01.png Mind Tricks
Special Ability Material Omega Level 8
5 Turn Cooldown

Inflict Ability Block on all enemies for 1 turn and Offense Down for 2 turns, with an 80% chance to remove 60% Turn Meter. Jedi and Rebel allies gain 3% Turn Meter for each effect Resisted. This attack can't be Evaded.
More Details

Tex.ability obiwankenobioldhermit event01.png Devoted Protector
Special Ability Material Zeta Level 8
4 Turn Cooldown

Old Ben gains Taunt for 2 turns. When this Taunt expires, Old Ben gains Taunt for 1 turn. All allies gain Defense Up for 2 turns.
More Details
Devoted Protector

Tex.abilityui passive dodge.png Old Jedi Knight
Leader Ability Material Omega Level 8

All allies gain 15% Evasion and gain 30% Turn Meter whenever they Evade an attack.
More Details

Tex.abilityui passive removeharmful.png If You Strike Me Down
Unique Ability Material Zeta Level 8

Whenever another Jedi or Rebel ally takes damage, Old Ben gains 5% Turn Meter. The first time Old Ben is defeated, all allies gain Offense Up and Speed Up for 2 turns, recover 50% Health and 50% Protection, and gain 25% Turn Meter.
More Details
If You Strike Me Down



Omega and Zeta Rankings
Ability Name Ability Type Cost Get OPTIONS:Yes,No<br />This field is just a quick reference of whether an ability is worth the mats investment at all. Priority Number in order of most important, 1, to least important Best for OPTIONS:Raid, PVP, PVE, All<br />This field is used to specify abilities that may be really good to have but only for specific content. Reasons
Elegant Form Basic
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
? ? ?
Mind Tricks Special
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
? ? ?
Devoted Protector Special
Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
? ? ?
Old Jedi Knight Leader
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
? ? ?
If You Strike Me Down Unique
Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
? ? ?



<<<ADD INFO>>>Image or list of specific character synergy.
Paragraph for each faction this unit has synergy with.
Jedi - High Synergy
Light Side - Low Synergy
Any Faction - Very Low Synergy

Unit Strategy

<<<<ADD INFO>>> Information on any specifics that may be important to know such as ability order or when not to do an ability.

Team Strategy

Details of how to use and mod Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben) within specific teams can be found on the following pages:

  • <<<ADD INFO>>> Add links to internal or external guides in list format here.

Kit Counters

<<<ADD INFO>>> Information on abilities or mechanics that can counter the buffs, debuffs, and mechanics in this units kit

  • Elegant Form -
  • Mind Tricks -
  • Devoted Protector -
  • Old Jedi Knight -
  • If You Strike Me Down -



<<<USER EDIT>>> Any lore you want to add or just include a link to this characters page.
E.G. Learn more about Revan at


  • His basic ability:Elegant form is a refrence to Episode 4 where Ben gives Luke his father's Lightsaber and says it's an elegant weapon.
  • His special ability:Mind tricks is a refrence to a scene where Obi-Wan persuaded by a mind trick a Magmatrooper to let him pass without showing him his identification.
  • His second special:ability Devoted Protector is a possible refrence to Ben watching over luke till the events of episode 4 and protecting him.
  • His leader ability:Old Jedi Knight could be a refrence to Ben being an exiled Jedi master,but he's a Jedi master,not a Jedi knight.
  • His Unique ability:If you strike me down,is a part of Ben's last words to Vader (If you strike me down i shall become more powerfull than you can ever possibly imagine).
  • His look in-game looks like an version of Obi-Wan from Show rebels.