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Status Effect-Purge.png Description
Increased effects from enemies that utilize Purge which lasts until the end of the encounter and can't be copied or prevented.
Status Debuff
Exclusive to Characters
Dispellable Yes
Resistible Yes
Copyable Yes


Characters that can apply

Unit-Character-Eighth Brother-portrait.png
Eighth Brother
Unit-Character-Fifth Brother-portrait.png
Fifth Brother
Unit-Character-Grand Inquisitor-portrait.png
Grand Inquisitor
Unit-Character-Second Sister-portrait.png
Second Sister
Unit-Character-Seventh Sister-portrait.png
Seventh Sister
Unit-Character-Third Sister-portrait.png
Third Sister

Characters with Leader abilities that can apply

Unit-Character-Eighth Brother-portrait.png
Eighth Brother
Unit-Character-Fifth Brother-portrait.png
Fifth Brother
Unit-Character-Ninth Sister-portrait.png
Ninth Sister
Unit-Character-Second Sister-portrait.png
Second Sister

File:Status Effect-Purge.pngPurgePurge