Grand Admiral Thrawn

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Grand Admiral Thrawn

Calculating Empire Leader who can halt enemies in their tracks, and grants Empire allies a new Special ability

Unit-Character-Grand Admiral Thrawn.png
Alignment Dark Side
Role SupportLeaderFleet Commander
Faction Empire
Lead Synergy Empire
Ship Chimaera
Release Date June 15, 2017
Shards to Activate 145
Accelerated Never Accelerated units have increased drop quantities. See Character Shards for more information.
Acquisition Artist of War
Debuffs Ability BlockDefense DownStunFracture
Battle Mechanics Turn Meter Reduction - Target (50%)
Dispel Buffs - Target
Attack - Can't Evade
Turn Meter Swap - Ally
Dispel Debuffs - Ally
Dispel Debuffs - Self
Heal Protection - Self
Heal Protection - Ally
Turn Meter Gain - Ally
Lead Mechanics Max Protection
Turn Meter Gain - Ally
Heal Protection - Ally
Granted Ability
Turn Meter Reduction - Target (50%)Dispel Buffs - TargetAttack - Can't EvadeTurn Meter Swap - AllyDispel Debuffs - AllyDispel Debuffs - SelfHeal Protection - SelfHeal Protection - AllyCounterTurn Meter Gain - AllyFractureFractureDefense Down


Stats displayed are for unit at max level with max stars. Mods are not included in calculations.

Physical Offense
Damage 5103
Critical Chance 46.75%
Armor Penetration 5
Health 60349
Protection 51670
Speed 170
Potency 35%
Tenacity 55%
Critical Damage 150%
Defense Penetration 0%
Relic 9
Unit-Character-Grand Admiral Thrawn-portrait.png
Grand Admiral Thrawn - Gear Relic 9
Materials Needed
Max Level
Special Offense
Damage 8372
Critical Chance 30.42%
Resistance Penetration 230
Armor 49.18%
Resistance 39.6%
Dodge Chance 2%
Deflection Chance 2%
Health Steal 15%
Accuracy 21%


Tex.ability thrawn basic.png Manipulate
Basic Ability Material Omega Level 8

Characters: Deal Special damage to target enemy, grant them Speed Up for 1 turn, or if they already had Ability Block, inflict Stun for 1 turn instead. When this Speed Up expires, inflict Ability Block for 1 turn. These effects can't be Resisted.

Raid Bosses: Deal Special damage to target enemy and inflict Defense Down for 2 turns, which can't be Resisted.
More Details

Tex.ability thrawn special01.png Fracture
Special Ability Material Omega Level 8
3 Turn Cooldown

Deal Special damage to target enemy 4 times, dispel all buffs on them, remove 50% Turn Meter, and inflict Fracture until the start of Thrawn's next turn or until Thrawn is defeated, which can't be copied or dispelled. This attack can't be evaded or resisted.

Fracture on characters: Speed set to 0, can't gain buffs, bonus attacks, or bonus Turn Meter.
Fracture on raid bosses and Galactic Legends: -50% Speed (doesn't stack with Speed Down), can't gain buffs, and -30% Counter Chance
More Details

Tex.ability thrawn special02.png Grand Admiral's Command
Special Ability Material Omega Level 8
3 Turn Cooldown

Swap Turn Meter with target other ally. Dispel all debuffs on Thrawn and that ally, and they recover 40% Protection.
More Details

Tex.abilityui passive empire.png Legendary Strategist
Leader Ability Material Zeta Level 8

Empire allies have +15% Max Protection, +25% Offense, and gain 20% Turn Meter whenever they Resist a detrimental effect or suffer a debuff. Whenever an Empire ally gains or loses a status effect, they recover 2% Protection. Empire allies gain a new Special ability, Maneuver: Dispel all debuffs on this character and gain 50% Turn Meter (Cooldown 3).
More Details
Legendary Strategist

Tex.abilityui passive extraturn.png Ebb and Flow
Unique Ability Material Zeta Level 8

Thrawn has +100% Counter Chance, +100% Tenacity, and -50% Speed while any enemies are Fractured. Whenever another Empire ally uses a Special ability while Thrawn is active, that ally gains 15% Turn Meter and, if any enemies are Fractured, Thrawn and Fractured enemies lose 15% Turn Meter.
More Details
Ebb and Flow



Omega and Zeta Rankings
Ability Name Ability Type Cost Get OPTIONS:Yes,No<br />This field is just a quick reference of whether an ability is worth the mats investment at all. Priority Number in order of most important, 1, to least important Best for OPTIONS:Raid, PVP, PVE, All<br />This field is used to specify abilities that may be really good to have but only for specific content. Reasons
Manipulate Basic
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Yes 5 PVP Although not the most important, this Omega can Stun enemies if they have Ability Block, making it especially ideal for PVP battles
Fracture Special
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Yes 1 All A very important Ability, becoming easier to use with his Omega reducing Fracture's cooldown by 1 and increasing its damage
Grand Admiral's Command Special
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Yes 3 PVP Adds tons another stack of Protection recovery, along with cooldown subtracted by 1, helping keep allies out of negative Status effects
Legendary Strategist Leader
Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Yes 4 All Adds more Protection to all your Empire allies in battle when a Status is added or removed, increasing the team's survivability rate
Ebb and Flow Unique
Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
Yes 2 All Causes Fracture to last longer on enemies due to enemy Speed Lowering and Turn Meter Loss, and is backed up by Thrawn's now 100% Counter Chance and Tenacity



<<<ADD INFO>>>Image or list of specific character synergy.
Paragraph for each faction this unit has synergy with.
Jedi - High Synergy
Light Side - Low Synergy
Any Faction - Very Low Synergy

Unit Strategy

<<<<ADD INFO>>> Information on any specifics that may be important to know such as ability order or when not to do an ability.

Team Strategy

Details of how to use and mod Grand Admiral Thrawn within specific teams can be found on the following pages:

  • <<<ADD INFO>>> Add links to internal or external guides in list format here.

Kit Counters

<<<ADD INFO>>> Information on abilities or mechanics that can counter the buffs, debuffs, and mechanics in this units kit

  • Manipulate -
  • Fracture -
  • Grand Admiral's Command -
  • Legendary Strategist -
  • Ebb and Flow -



At the height of his career, Grand Admiral Thrawn served as commanding officer of the 7th Fleet, the flagship of which was the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Chimaera. Deployed to the Lothal sector a few years after the start of the Galactic Civil War, Thrawn sought to defeat the rebels led by Captain Hera Syndulla. Following the Battle of Atollon, Thrawn's fleet worked with the First Legion led by the Sith Lord Darth Vader, whom Thrawn once knew as the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, during a mission that resulted in the rescue of Force-sensitive Chiss girls. Resuming his task to eliminate Syndulla's cell, Thrawn and his forces were confronted by the rebels who intended to liberate Lothal once and for all. During the battle, the purrgil came to the aid of Jedi Padawan Ezra Bridger and inflicted much damage to the Seventh Fleet. Thrawn himself was on the bridge of his command ship when the creatures surrounded the Chimaera and pulled it into hyperspace, taking both Thrawn and Bridger into the great unknown.

Learn more about Grand Admiral Thrawn at'raw'nuruodo.


  • Thrawn's more accurate Chiss birth name is Mitth'raw'nuruodo.
  • Thrawn's translator and best friend was Eli Vanto, an Imperial Cadet who would serve under Thrawn as a protégé.