Jedi Knight Anakin

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Jedi Knight Anakin

High-pressure Jedi attacker that punishes enemies for wounding his allies

Unit-Character-Jedi Knight Anakin.png
Alignment Light Side
Role AttackerLeader
Faction Galactic RepublicJedi
Lead Synergy JediClone Trooper
Synergy Galactic RepublicPadmé Amidala
Ship Anakin's Eta-2 Starfighter
Release Date November 24, 2015
Rework Date May 1, 2019
Shards to Activate 10
Accelerated Yes Accelerated units have increased drop quantities. See Character Shards for more information.
Acquisition Dark Side Battles: 1-B (Hard) Game-Icon-Energy.png12 (2x)
Buffs Offense UpCritical Chance UpProtection Up (10%)
Debuffs Healing ImmunityBuff Immunity
Battle Mechanics Dispel Buffs - All Enemies
Bonus Turn
Bonus Turn - Ally
Lead Mechanics Offense
Critical Damage
Dispel Buffs - All EnemiesBonus TurnBonus Turn - Ally


Stats displayed are for unit at max level with max stars. Mods are not included in calculations.

Physical Offense
Damage 7359
Critical Chance 73.33%
Armor Penetration 340
Health 64613
Protection 44207
Speed 164
Potency 56%
Tenacity 41%
Critical Damage 150%
Defense Penetration 0%
Relic 9
Unit-Character-Jedi Knight Anakin-portrait.png
Jedi Knight Anakin - Gear Relic 9
Materials Needed
Max Level
Special Offense
Damage 6799
Critical Chance 12.5%
Resistance Penetration 155
Armor 49.38%
Resistance 26.68%
Dodge Chance 2%
Deflection Chance 2%
Health Steal 10%
Accuracy 21%


Tex.ability anakinknight basic.png Deft Bladework
Basic Ability Material Omega Level 8

Deal Physical damage to target enemy with an 80% chance to inflict Healing Immunity and Buff Immunity for 2 turns.
More Details

Tex.ability anakinknight special01.png Overpowering Assault
Special Ability Material Omega Level 8
3 Turn Cooldown

Deal Physical damage to all enemies and grant all allies Offense Up and Critical Chance Up for 2 turns. For each enemy critically hit, grant Protection Up (10%, stacking) to each Galactic Republic ally for 1 turn. If Padmé Amidala is an ally, dispel all buffs on all enemies. This attack can't be evaded.
More Details

Tex.abilityui passive attack buff.png On the Offensive
Leader Ability Material Omega Level 8

Jedi and Clone allies have +30% Offense and +20% Critical Damage and other allies have half that amount. Whenever an ally is evaded, they gain Advantage for 2 turns.
More Details

Tex.abilityui passive speed.png Righteous Fury
Unique Ability Material Zeta Level 8

Whenever another ally falls below 50% Health or is defeated, Anakin takes a bonus turn, and his next attack deals 100% more damage if all allies were Galactic Republic at the start of battle. If Padmé Amidala is an ally, she takes a bonus turn after each of Anakin's bonus turns.
More Details
Righteous Fury



Omega and Zeta Rankings
Ability Name Ability Type Cost Get OPTIONS:Yes,No<br />This field is just a quick reference of whether an ability is worth the mats investment at all. Priority Number in order of most important, 1, to least important Best for OPTIONS:Raid, PVP, PVE, All<br />This field is used to specify abilities that may be really good to have but only for specific content. Reasons
Deft Bladework Basic
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
? ? ?
Overpowering Assault Special
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
? ? ?
On the Offensive Leader
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
? ? ?
Righteous Fury Unique
Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
? ? ?



<<<ADD INFO>>>Image or list of specific character synergy.
Paragraph for each faction this unit has synergy with.
Jedi - High Synergy
Light Side - Low Synergy
Any Faction - Very Low Synergy

Unit Strategy

Overpowering Assault is his strongest move, and can be used whenever but after righteous fury kicks in then is the best time to use it. also try using Deft Bladework can be used on Healers to get Healing Immunity on them to get them out early

Team Strategy

Details of how to use and mod Jedi Knight Anakin within specific teams can be found on the following pages:

Jedi Knight Anakin works best in Jedi teams, of course.Try teams with better max health to keep Jedi Knight Anakin alive. Qui Gon Jinn lead with an Omicron Is deadly when Overpowering Assault is used correctly

Kit Counters

<<<ADD INFO>>> Information on abilities or mechanics that can counter the buffs, debuffs, and mechanics in this units kit

  • Deft Bladework - Anti-Debuff characters like Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) or Grand Master Yoda
  • Overpowering Assault - Some Defensive Support Characters like Plo Koon to provide Defense to the enemy's offensive assault.
  • On the Offensive - You won't be seeing this one often, but if you do, bring in a tank to pair with a defensive Leader
  • Righteous Fury - Not much you can do to stop this. target Anakin before anyone else to deal with this great Unique



During the Clone Wars, Skywalker trained a Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, who ultimately left the Jedi Order after she was framed for the terrorist attack on the Jedi Temple. The loss of Tano affected Skywalker on a personal level, causing him to feel more isolated and bitter towards the Jedi High Council.
Learn more about Jedi Knight Anakin at


Defense, Max health or Speed Mods are the best for Anakin. Probably Max Health because the enemy targets Jedi Knight Anakin a lot. maybe bring in a taunter to deal with this like mace windu's resilient defense.

Jedi Knight Anakin is the first character you unlock in this game. He replaced Jedi Consular