Journey Guide

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Wiki-Journey Guide Modern.png

The Journey Guide is a collection of events in the game that unlock exclusive units for those events. It shows information on what unit will be unlocked, brief examples of units that have good synergy with them, what requirements will be needed to access that event (Prerequisites), and easy tracking of your progress towards those requirements. The Journey Guide can be found by clicking OBJECTIVES from the main cantina screen and contains units from Galactic Ascension, Legendary Events, Legacy Events, Journey Events, Epic Confrontations, Raids, and Territory Battles.

The Journey Guide was created to help players keep track of all these event only units so they can easily create plans for getting the units they want and have easier access to them. With the exception of Galactic Ascension, Raids, and Territory Battles, most events that contain exclusive units run on a fixed schedule every 3 months with some appearing less frequently at 6 or even 8 months and with short notice of their return. The guide provides a permanent home for events that could be taken off this rotating schedule and give permanent access to all players. When a new unit comes to the game via one of these scheduled events, they will stay on that schedule for at least 1 year before being added permanently to the Journey Guide.

Current list of events found on the Journey Guide

Event-Scourge of the Old Republic.png
Event-Legend of the Old Republic.png
Event-Battle For Mandalore.png
Event-Clash on Kamino.png
Event-Star Forge Showdown.png
Event-Heir to the Dark Side.png
Event-Greetings, Exalted One.png
Event-Heir to the Light Side.png
Event-What Must Be Done.png
Event-The Journey's End.png
Event-Rebel with a cause.png
Event-Lord Vader Hero's Fall.png
Event-The Final Order.png
Event-The Mandalorian Hero's Journey.png
Event-Rey's Hero's Journey.png
Event-Luke Skywalker Hero's Journey.png
Event-Discarded Doctrine.png
Event-Dark Sovereign.png
Event-Stardust Transmission.png
Event-The Force Unleashed.png
Event-Rogue Archaeologist.png
Event-Flight of the Falcon.png
Event-One Famous Wookiee.png
Event-Grand Master's Training.png
Event-Artist of War.png
Event-Emperor's Demise.png
Event-Contact Protocol.png
Event-Daring Droid.png
Event-Pieces and Plans.png
Event-Aggressive Negotiations.png
Event-Imperial Chimaera.png
Event-Luke Skywalker The Journey Continues.png

List of events waiting to be added


Added to the game December 10, 2019.
