Hermit Yoda

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Hermit Yoda

Jedi recluse who imparts sage wisdom in the ways of the Force

Unit-Character-Hermit Yoda.png
Alignment Light Side
Role Support
Faction Jedi
Synergy Jedi
Release Date August 28, 2017
Shards to Activate 145
Accelerated Never Accelerated units have increased drop quantities. See Character Shards for more information.
Acquisition Guild Activity Store
Guild Events Store Mk I Guild Event Token 1350  (5x)
Mk I Guild Event Token 2700  (10x)
Mk I Guild Event Token 4050  (15x)
Fanatical Devotion
Buffs StealthMaster's TrainingForesight
Battle Mechanics Turn Meter Gain - All Allies
Heal Health - All Allies
Heal Protection - All Allies
Assist - Call All Allies
Equalizing - Health
Heal Health - All Allies
Heal Protection - All Allies
Escape Battle
Turn Meter Gain - Self
Cooldown Reset - Self
Turn Meter Gain - All AlliesHeal Health - All AlliesHeal Protection - All AlliesAssist - Call All AlliesEqualizing - HealthHeal Health - All AlliesHeal Protection - All AlliesEscape BattleTurn Meter Gain - SelfCooldown Reset - Self


Stats displayed are for unit at max level with max stars. Mods are not included in calculations.

Physical Offense
Damage 4961
Critical Chance 45.71%
Armor Penetration 10
Health 73355
Protection 60532
Speed 180
Potency 43%
Tenacity 60%
Critical Damage 150%
Defense Penetration 0%
Relic 9
Unit-Character-Hermit Yoda-portrait.png
Hermit Yoda - Gear Relic 9
Materials Needed
Max Level
Special Offense
Damage 7693
Critical Chance 11.04%
Resistance Penetration 35
Armor 54.28%
Resistance 48.9%
Dodge Chance 2%
Deflection Chance 2%
Health Steal 5%
Accuracy 21%


Tex.ability hermityoda basic.png Master's Protection
Basic Ability Material Omega Level 8

All other allies recover 10% Health and 5% Protection. All other Jedi allies gain 5% Turn Meter.
More Details

Tex.ability hermityoda special01.png Master's Training
Special Ability Material Omega Level 8
3 Turn Cooldown

Yoda gains Stealth for 2 turns. Dispel all debuffs on target other ally and grant them the Master's Training unique buff until the end of the battle. Then, call all allies with Master's Training to Assist.

Master's Training: +25% (doubled on Jedi) Accuracy, Defense, Offense, Potency, and Tenacity. Can't be Dispelled or Prevented.
More Details

Tex.ability hermityoda special02.png Strength Flows From the Force
Special Ability Material Zeta Level 8
4 Turn Cooldown

All allies have their current Health percentages equalized. (Health equalizing effects ignore Healing Immunity.) Then, all allies recover 20% Health and Protection and Jedi allies gain Foresight for 2 turns.
More Details
Strength Flows From the Force

Tex.abilityui passive stealth.png In Exile
Unique Ability Material Omega Level 8

Yoda gains Stealth for 2 turns at the start of each encounter and has +100% Evasion while Stealthed. If there are no other allied combatants at the start of a turn, Yoda escapes from the battle.
More Details

Tex.abilityui passive extraturn.png Do or Do Not
Unique Ability Material Zeta Level 8

Whenever an ally with Master's Training is defeated, Yoda gains 100% Turn Meter and resets all of his cooldowns.
More Details
Do or Do Not



Omega and Zeta Rankings
Ability Name Ability Type Cost Get OPTIONS:Yes,No<br />This field is just a quick reference of whether an ability is worth the mats investment at all. Priority Number in order of most important, 1, to least important Best for OPTIONS:Raid, PVP, PVE, All<br />This field is used to specify abilities that may be really good to have but only for specific content. Reasons
Master's Protection Basic
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
? ? ?
Master's Training Special
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
? ? ?
Strength Flows From the Force Special
Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
? ? ?
In Exile Unique
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
? ? ?
Do or Do Not Unique
Game-Icon-Ability Material Mk III.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Omega.png
Game-Icon-Ability Material Zeta.png
? ? ?



<<<ADD INFO>>>Image or list of specific character synergy.
Paragraph for each faction this unit has synergy with.
Jedi - High Synergy
Light Side - Low Synergy
Any Faction - Very Low Synergy

Unit Strategy

<<<<ADD INFO>>> Information on any specifics that may be important to know such as ability order or when not to do an ability.

Team Strategy

Details of how to use and mod Hermit Yoda within specific teams can be found on the following pages:

  • <<<ADD INFO>>> Add links to internal or external guides in list format here.

Kit Counters

<<<ADD INFO>>> Information on abilities or mechanics that can counter the buffs, debuffs, and mechanics in this units kit

  • Master's Protection -
  • Master's Training -
  • Strength Flows From the Force -
  • In Exile -
  • Do or Do Not -



Yoda was a male of an unknown, small and green species born 896 BBY. For many years he was the Grand Master of the Jedi Council, training many other Jedi masters such as Mace Windu and Ki-Adi-Mundi. During the Clone Wars he remained as a director and negotiator, rarely venturing into the battlefields. During Order 66 he sensed the deaths of other Jedi and managed to escape his assassination attempt. He was later defeated by Emperor Palpatine and went into exile on Dagobah. In 4 ABY he trained Luke Skywalker and soon after died of old age and became a force ghost.
Learn more about Yoda at https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Yoda.


  • <<<USER EDIT>>>Any trivia you desire to add in list format.