Level 1:Grant the target ally Boon of Eilram until the end of battle, which cant't be dispelled.
Level 2: If an ally already has Boon of Eilram, grant Boon of Eilram and Boon of Miktrull until the end of battle, which can't be dispelled.
Level 3: If an ally alreaddy has boon of Miktrull, grant Boon of Eilram, Boon of Miktrull, and Boon of Kujet. If an ally already has Boon of Kujet, grant all allies all three Boons. All Boons last until the end of battle and can't be dispelled.
This mission can grant the following skills:
Boon of Eilram: Gain 10% Mastery each time an ally uses a Special Abilty.
(Maximum 100%)
Boon of Miktrull At the start of this character's turn, grant each ally every non-unique buff they have (excluding Stealth and Taunt) for 2 turns.
Boon of Kujet: At the start of this unit's turn, Stun all enemy units that are below 10% health for 1 turn. When uzsing a basic abilty, infliect Massive Damage if the target unit is Stunned.